Guess who's back... back again... daley's back... tell your friends

Trying to be the gay version of the Beckham's but oblivious a lot of their target market can't stand them as individuals.

What's even funnier about this is in Tom's latest interview with Attitude he's now saying he doesn't want to known for his body - thing is he doesn't really have anything else to offer.

It's been pretty funny to see these stories break and it's literally been teenage girls defending him. Mind you, he is a YouTuber now so I suppose that's appropriate.
What's even funnier about this is in Tom's latest interview with Attitude he's now saying he doesn't want to known for his body - thing is he doesn't really have anything else to offer.

It's been pretty funny to see these stories break and it's literally been teenage girls defending him. Mind you, he is a YouTuber now so I suppose that's appropriate.
You're kidding, right. Nothing else to offer? He is an Olympic medalist in diving and has not retired from competition.
You're kidding, right. Nothing else to offer? He is an Olympic medalist in diving and has not retired from competition.
the only thing people care regarding is career is the fact he wears speedos. aside from that, even before he was 18, people paid attention to him for his body, not his diving.
he wouldn't get half the magazine covers he has if it wasn't for his looks
the only thing people care regarding is career is the fact he wears speedos. aside from that, even before he was 18, people paid attention to him for his body, not his diving.
he wouldn't get half the magazine covers he has if it wasn't for his looks
No, he wouldn't get half the magazine covers if he wasn't an Olympic medalist. He doesn't exist for the sexual pleasure of this group.
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Yeah saying Tom is only famous for his body is a bit of a stretch to say the least. However, he would lose a lot of his appeal if he covered up for the rest of his life and did his diving in a wetsuit.

Also Dustin Black's sex tape was the most disappointing thing I've seen. Tom Daley looks like he has as small a dick as his husband.

That's classed as a small dick? Yikes!
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Trying to be the gay version of the Beckham's but oblivious a lot of their target market can't stand them as individuals.

Also Dustin Black's sex tape was the most disappointing thing I've seen. Tom Daley looks like he has as small a dick as his husband.
If you have Dustin's vid, please send to me. Thanks
I have some sympathy for him. He never got to do the normal stuff most of us did. From 16 or whatever he was doing diving at a high level with lots of media attention. I'm not surprised he's having identity issues or confused. He seems to spend loads of time doing interviews/profile pieces and on social media which to me always strikes me as a bit unhealthy. He basically sacrificed his youth for his diving, who is he when it's all over?
He's definitely more "looked after" by the media than any other divers... I always think of him as a reality TV level celeb, rather than an athlete! Same as Louis Smith...

BTW while I'm on. Could someone pretty please DM me the link to the Drive We Do Not Speak Of? All the treads disappeared! :(
chris mears and jack laugher won gold in the olympics, their media coverage is almost non existent compared to tom's, who didn't even classify for the finals.
his success or lack thereof as an olympic diver clearly doesn't change the level of attention he gets from the media. which is why i'm of the belief he gets the attention from the public and the media because of his looks and not because of his diving
His look does nothing for me, I just don't find him attractive, I know I must be in the minority here.
chris mears and jack laugher won gold in the olympics, their media coverage is almost non existent compared to tom's, who didn't even classify for the finals.
his success or lack thereof as an olympic diver clearly doesn't change the level of attention he gets from the media. which is why i'm of the belief he gets the attention from the public and the media because of his looks and not because of his diving
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You're kidding, right. Nothing else to offer? He is an Olympic medalist in diving and has not retired from competition.

He's clearly trying to pivot to a media career though, and with this talk of not wanting to be known for just his body - what else does he have to offer for a new post-diving career other than looks? If he had even a scintilla of personality, ITV would've given him his own show after Splash - but no.

No, he wouldn't get half the magazine covers if he wasn't an Olympic medalist. He doesn't exist for the sexual pleasure of this group.

Of course, because people of merit and talent are ALWAYS being put on magazine covers instead of beautiful and hot people. That always happens. In Bizarro World. As others have said, other more successful divers have not received even half the media attention Tom has.
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Yeah at this point he's pretty clearly trying to pivot towards a post-diving career as a health/fitness guru/TV personality/actor/god knows what else. As long as he doesn't start writing music, I guess, lol
Met Tom at a book signing Birmingham.Before the Skype scandal, found him warm friendly down to earth guy.As a gay actor who came out in the 80s and was part of the Hollyoaks First Male Rape Storyline. Gary Lucy in2000 .Even though there was a lot of people waiting .We chatted for about 5mins about gay role model coming out in 80s .Before Sophie took a photo. I don't know if everyone got same attention as I did.But could imagine if you met him on a train he would have chatted for the journey. He seemed to like People. A rare quality these days .
Thanks for sharing that. He does seem like a genuinely sweet guy to me, and I've never quite understood why people project such a high degree of Machiavellian cynicism onto him.

I think a large part of it is jealousy. He's got a lot to envy.
chris mears and jack laugher won gold in the olympics, their media coverage is almost non existent compared to tom's, who didn't even classify for the finals.
his success or lack thereof as an olympic diver clearly doesn't change the level of attention he gets from the media. which is why i'm of the belief he gets the attention from the public and the media because of his looks and not because of his diving

Chris Mears is three thousand times more attractive than both Tom and Jack. Appreciate it's personal taste. But Chris has the look of a model. He's near enough perfection.
As you said, it is relative, but I think the difference is that while Chris has a better model-type look, Tom does and has always looked like a teen idol. Cute, great smile, non-threatening, etc. It's very, very marketable.

Tbh, I think Jack is the dark horse of the bunch, but that's a whole other discussion.