Has your cock ever been too "big"?

Yes, some girls I have been with could not take my 7+ inch girth. Even trying to go in semi-hard and get hard inside did not work, The pussy simply pushed me away... One of them even bleed a Little when I tried to force The entry. But not gonna lie, I like The feeling of being too big ;)
For vaginal sex, I guess you can't usually use more than 2/3 of your length without bashing the girl's cervix, and because of the insane girth, i guess taking as much as 1/2 of it (even being able to take it IN) is already quite a challenge for most women, especially because of your rock hard erection. How does oral go for you? Have ever someone been able to take you anally?
Well, it's been a nice fit for many guys (including a little Salvadoran who was a regular FB fora couple of years--I nicknamed him "Fun-Size"), but then last winter when my wank-buddy said he wanted me to fuck him, he got scared at the last minute. We had gone to his massage buddy's house, and we had an audience; we had exchanged BJs so he had seen it up close, but he ultimately decided he couldn't take it. I've wanted this for 7 years now!
Yessir, a handful over the years. All were Asians including one from HK, one Chinese and the rest Vietnamese. All prostitutes, bargirls or freelancers of some type. And but one were bareback.

The HK one was the tightest by far, never had that tight since and wouldn’t want to either. Like having my cock in a vice. Came early.

One Viet in KL was also tight but still felt good and When we fucked the next morning again I jizzed just after four or five thrusts. Fastest ever.

A Chinese hooker here in Sydney was tight too. Never seen someone cry so many tears taking me balls deep.

My cock’s not even that big so I can’t imagine these girls taking something like an 8x7. Must be life changing lol.
Yessir, a handful over the years. All were Asians including one from HK, one Chinese and the rest Vietnamese. All prostitutes, bargirls or freelancers of some type. And but one were bareback.

The HK one was the tightest by far, never had that tight since and wouldn’t want to either. Like having my cock in a vice. Came early.

One Viet in KL was also tight but still felt good and When we fucked the next morning again I jizzed just after four or five thrusts. Fastest ever.

A Chinese hooker here in Sydney was tight too. Never seen someone cry so many tears taking me balls deep.

My cock’s not even that big so I can’t imagine these girls taking something like an 8x7. Must be life changing lol.
Awesome sharing. Please keep us posted on your ongoing adventures. ASIANLICIOUS!!....
DAAAAMN!! Boiinngggg!!!!!
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When I was younger, I received many "That's not going in me!" or some iteration of that sentiment. I can't recall if there was a time when I couldn't get it in. Passion + Lube and you can accomplish anything.
Most women can accommodate me with enough foreplay. If even after all of that extra time spent getting them ready, they are still too anxious, then it’s simply a time for oral sex. Problems can be solved…

Yeah Ive had 2 probably virgin guys who were so tight that it just couldnt go in no matter what we tried, lots of lube, fingering, rimming and still. And a few who asked me to stop before I wanted to (I always stop if im asked to)

And honestly I dont like guys who are too tight, it just feels more like a struggle to move freely, but if they are loose and I can just impale them like butter, ooooffff, looove it
For my first couple of sexual experiences I had a lot of trouble with penetration (they ended with a wank/suck instead), but really that was because of the inexperience of both myself and the girls involved, before I learned that a pussy needs warming up to take me comfortably. I have been denied anal sex by women because of my girth, but men seem more keen to take it!
I have been told flat out no a few times then a couple of "only put some in". I think the worse one was when we had been busy for a while she was all wet and I thought ready but when I dropped my shorts she was like Oh no you're not putting that in me so I say then suck it she says if I didn't fuck it I'm not sucking it so I jerked off and became a pig LOL