Have you tried a Penis Pump?

Have you tried a Penis Pump?

  • Yes and I use it regularly!

    Votes: 323 11.0%
  • Yes. I've tried it but not regularly.

    Votes: 822 28.1%
  • Never Tried it but want to!

    Votes: 1,040 35.6%
  • Never Tried it and don't want to.

    Votes: 714 24.4%
  • I'm Penisless

    Votes: 25 0.9%

  • Total voters
1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?
I used one years ago out of curiosity and insecurity. I thought it was an uncomfortable novelty. Startled to discover afterwards that I could leave a hand print on my cock like it was made of clay.
2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?
The only benefit was I found was the satisfying of my curiosity, my insecurity took longer.
3. What is the best penis pump you've used?
Being unable to find one big enough should have been a clue I didn't need one. I built a couple myself because I got a donut ring between the head and circumcision scar with the first one. It filled the tube and nothing else got bigger because it also cut off blood flow to the head. The next one allowed room for my curve and head to expand.
Definitely recommend offering one with a pressure gauge!

I remember looking at myself in the bathroom a couple hours after pumping as I discovered the pump had turned my knob into a wide-angle spray nozzle and thinking, "Any woman who sees this is gonna be thinking 'What the hell is wrong with your dick?'" o_O
I'm sorry for laughing but that's definitely a valid thought!
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Pumping is fucking awesome. Used it alot over the years and seen positive gains that stayed. If you dont stay at it regularly you wont see permanent gains. You will see awesome temp gains. Also if you arent doing it right thats when theres issues. Time pressure , build up of the workout. Utilize cock rings directly after and during under the head. Condom pumping is great to for not bloating. Massage and rest proper, pumping is trult awesome and should be main steam and accepted. I was always big and didnt " need it" but god i would never not do it now. Why not be bigger ? It feels great and wife loves it . She loved when she met me that i was big and used to say she didnt like the pump or i didnt need it when i did start using it. Now she has zero objections even encourages it. Its a must have and it feels great.


Pumping is fucking awesome. Used it alot over the years and seen positive gains that stayed. If you dont stay at it regularly you wont see permanent gains. You will see awesome temp gains. Also if you arent doing it right thats when theres issues. Time pressure , build up of the workout. Utilize cock rings directly after and during under the head. Condom pumping is great to for not bloating. Massage and rest proper, pumping is trult awesome and should be main steam and accepted. I was always big and didnt " need it" but god i would never not do it now. Why not be bigger ? It feels great and wife loves it . She loved when she met me that i was big and used to say she didnt like the pump or i didnt need it when i did start using it. Now she has zero objections even encourages it. Its a must have and it feels great.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?
I started pumping 13 years ago right after my prostate surgery. I read that many guys lose some length because they remove about an inch of the urethra but I believe that the pumping helped me maintain my presurgery length. And since erections were difficult or impossible, it was good for maintaining the blood flow. Plus, I loved the feeling of having a really meaty penis.

2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?
I'm naturally 6" length by 4.75 girth. In the tube my cocks stretches out to 7"+ but that doesn't last more than a minute or so after I release the vacuum. Girth is where I really see a difference. I've gotten up to 7" out of the tube and I'm now almost 5.25" all the time. I've had to get new cockrings as my old ones don't fit any more.

3. What is the best penis pump you've used?
I've only owned cheap pumps and cylinders. Eventually the pumps stop working. Right now I use a cheap cylinder with a 18" long rubber hose. Instead of a pump, I sucked the air out with my mouth and put a metal binder clip on the hose to seal it. Works great! I found that if I put an inch or two of water in the cylinder, it evens out the pressure and my cock swells more evenly and stays it's natural color rather than turning purple during a long session.
I've used only one which I bought a year ago. However I've only used it like 5-10 times. I'm 7.1" x 5.1" and the pumping did nothing for the length but the thickness grew, however I never measured how much. The results last for an hour or two. I bought the pump just to see what it would do. It was nice to jerk off with a slightly fatter cock but since it's obviously extremely time consuming and dangerous to even try to get any permanent results it's just not worth it to me.

I'd say you definitely need one with a quick release valve and a pressure gauge. I wouldn't have had any idea how hard to pump without instructions from other users using the same model on how to use it safely. It's very easy to pump too long, and ever a few minutes makes a difference. I usually pumped for 10 minutes but the two times I did it for 15 I got noticeable fluid retention in my foreskin, and the latter time lasted for two days, which was one of the last times I've used the pump. I can tell you it's not nice to go take a leak and have your foreskin hang out like it's somehow suddenly mutated.

I also hate to shave down there which unfortunately seems to be the only way for me to get the pressure to build up. There can be some short hair but not much.

My dick is also curved enough to make the pumping painful quite easily. The head is pressed so forcefully against the side that without enough lubrication it truly hurts.

There was always a mixed feeling of pleasure and pain while pumping. You have to pump hard enough to see anything happen but that tends to cause pain in the dick while doing it. And since there's always some risk of permanent damage the whole experience isn't really that awesome. However I must say I'll probably do it again one of these days, as safely as possible obviously, but the last time was like 6 months ago which says how little I want to do it.
Never tried but always wanted to see how big I could get my cock
Hi Everyone!

I'm researching Penis Pumps as part of one of the products we want to offer you.

I need your help! Any and all feedback is welcome.

1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?

2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?

3. What is the best penis pump you've used?

4. If you haven't used a penis pump would you consider using one?

Any other thoughts, suggestions or advice let us know :)
1) Love it. Use regularly
2) Temporary growth, great for showing off
3) Best value is Magnum pump and tubes which are also well built, favourite tube is bullmaster
Am tempted but sceptical of anything like that and I’m pretty big anyway so wouldn’t want to risk it in case of any adverse effects I guess
Have not used one, and never will. They are primarily of use for men with erectile disfunction; there's no clinical evidence that they lead to meaningful permanent gains in penile size. There are a handful of not-trivial risks associated with pumping, as well.

See Penis pump - Mayo Clinic for a good primer.
Ive had gains...started 8 inches. now 9.5
When I was a young adult I experimented with pumps. Not for growth, but to see what the experience was like.

For reference, I'm a grower (blood cock, not meat cock).

I enjoyed how my dick felt, the vacuum forcing me to get harder, the way the veins stood out.

I didn't enjoy the donut, the misshapen appearance once out of the tube, the petechiae on the head.

The last time, I noticed a pronounced localized great swelling of a specific blood vessel near the base. Not wanting to risk damaging my perfectly good dick, I threw out the pump and never looked back.
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Ive had gains...started 8 inches. now 9.5
Pretending to be a one-man rebuttal to science would be more plausible had you not posted a dick pic to the site less than a year ago.
I've used the hydromax. It was nice, but a hassle to have to be in the shower/ bath for an extra 20 minutes since it's a water type pump.

I can't say I saw immediate results. I used it for a month but didn't really notice much.

FYI I am selling the pump. Lol. PM me for photos.
I would like to try a penis pump just to see how much bigger I could be. However, I'm on blood thinners for the rest of my life due to a medical condition and don't want to take the chance of causing some sort of problem for myself.
I only tried one many years ago. It was a really cheap one, just a sliding cylinder, no actual pump. It worked a little bit, but not very well. I never made any attempt at enlargement, just wanted to try out the suction to see what it was like. I got the basic idea, but never much of an experience due to the cheap cylinder I was using.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to throw my two cents into the pool & sorry if I tread over previously posted ground.

"1. Have you used a penis pump? If so what did you think of it?" A: So I've been pumping on and off for about 8 years mainly because of time to get solid pump sessions in. I personally love using it, but it was something that took a long time to learn to use since over pumping can be very dangerous.

"2. What benefits have you experienced by using it?" A: Well for one better blood flow & stronger erections that is a given, but for me personally and I do feel cause I wasn't consistent about pumping I didn't get many noticeable permanent* gains. However when I have the time I'd love to use information gathered to create a pump up schedule to see if it is possible to get permanent enhancement.

"3. What is the best penis pump you've used?"
A: When I first started out I was using a run of the mill Adam & Eve pump ball pump I think they renamed it to the "XL Extender", and for beginners it's fine. However I learned a lot about design failures that inform my picks for best pumps. 1. Cylinder needs to be clear to check for any abnormalities. 2. The coupler at the top of the pump where the hose meets the cylinder needs to be solid to avoid air leakage. 3. The actual needs a PSI Gauge metal is preferred. With all that being said my vote for best pumps are LA Pumps & Pump Toys for meeting that criteria.

"4. If you haven't used a penis pump would you consider using one?" A: I highly recommend any penis owner try one nothing really compares to the feeling. Just be carful using it. You have to approach it with the mind set of "Rome wasn't built in a day" start slow 15 minute pump sessions on low PSI & build up.

5: Just reading through some of the posts totally in favor for a customizable option because that would be great for pics :p
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I've tried that, no doubt that increse my blood flow and hardness, but i never try to use that to really make me bigger... not yet!