Hello! A Brief Introduction

May 22, 2024
United States
Hi there to anyone who stumbles upon this post haha. I'm just a lonely and confused guy in my early-ish 20s looking to get some clarity about this world and my place in it. I'll probably make a seperate post about it in a bit. Anyways...I've been browsing this site for a while and really liked some of the discussions you've been having, so I wanna join in and have some too. Maybe I'll learn to be more accepting of myself that way. Uhm...that being said, I also just like the hot guys here too!
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Hi there to anyone who stumbles upon this post haha. I'm just a lonely and confused guy in my early-ish 20s looking to get some clarity about this world and my place in it. I'll probably make a seperate post about it in a bit. Anyways...I've been browsing this site for a while and really liked some of the discussions you've been having, so I wanna join in and have some too. Maybe I'll learn to be more accepting of myself that way. Uhm...that being said, I also just like the hot guys here too!
Glad to hear that you joined! There are lots of interesting threads here amongst all the hot pics and videos. Have fun!
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