That dude isn’t new he’s been in aew for over a year now he’s just a no body lol
Again, I don't wanna be this dude, but I told y'all so.
I was called a "e-drone" but sadly I ended up being right. AEW was great the first two years, but ever since CM Punk and the whole ex-WWE bunch came in the picture, the quality of the show started to tank. The booking is utterly trash and get trasher week after week.
He was supposed to be the hottest rookie ever, now he's in an angle with a former real-tv star.
I loved Kip Sabian, what happened with him ??
Miro is lost in the shuffle too.
What about Santana and Ortiz ??? It's a crime they won a tag team belt (especially when they were in the Inner Circle). If they would been crowned Tag Team champions with Jericho as a champion, it would have made the whole faction even more legit and elevate further more Santana & Ortiz.
This show which used to be wonderful (to me) is turning into a complete shit show, to the point even the most rabid fans are starting to turn away from the company.
What about MJF ?? His shoot angle is now dead and forgotten.
Malakai Black isn't used better in AEW, same with Buddy Murphy.
Now with Triple H being creatively in charge in WWE, those who left because of "creative control" issues, might consider going back...
Don't get me wrong, there are still some good matches, upsets (Daniel Garcia against Danielson) but in general the overall quality of the show isn't what it used to be.