Photos & Videos Hook (aew)

Heard we get amazing thigh views and borderline cheek during his match tonight, unless they edit it out.
AEW’s not big on those kinds of edits, especially not for some ass. Look at every match Sammy Guevara’s ever had.
I'm not tech savvy enough to take a screen shot but during his match against Ari Davari on Rampage last night there was a moment during the match where Davari's butler distracted Hook and Davari grabbed Hook by the trunks to roll him up and you could see Hook's backside in a pair black briefs or whatever he wears under his boxing trunks for a couple of seconds.
Remember when everyone gave me flack when I said the Danhausen thing wasn't going to be a one off and that it would be a program that would kill Hook's momentum. Wish I wasn't right. Remember Hook?

Hoping they give him one more shot... they had something great going at the start. Now tonight there have been birthday cake to the face skits.

All that said, hello Cole Karter.

Remember Hook? Sigh. Such a great build to his launch. And here we are.
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