Photos & Videos Hook (aew)

No one except easily hyped fans said Hook was going to be the greatest rookie ever.

Kip Sabían should be doing something by now but he’s just hot without much else going for him. A midcard act at best.

Miro I agree on. Santana and Ortiz also deserved better.

Malakai has been a victim of both bad booking and unfortunate timing. The Cody feud was weird, they awkwardly stalled on the Death Triangle feud while Fenix was injured, and now he’s been the injured one.
Again, I don't wanna be this dude, but I told y'all so.

I was called a "e-drone" but sadly I ended up being right. AEW was great the first two years, but ever since CM Punk and the whole ex-WWE bunch came in the picture, the quality of the show started to tank. The booking is utterly trash and get trasher week after week.

He was supposed to be the hottest rookie ever, now he's in an angle with a former real-tv star.

I loved Kip Sabian, what happened with him ??
Miro is lost in the shuffle too.
What about Santana and Ortiz ??? It's a crime they won a tag team belt (especially when they were in the Inner Circle). If they would been crowned Tag Team champions with Jericho as a champion, it would have made the whole faction even more legit and elevate further more Santana & Ortiz.
This show which used to be wonderful (to me) is turning into a complete shit show, to the point even the most rabid fans are starting to turn away from the company.
What about MJF ?? His shoot angle is now dead and forgotten.
Malakai Black isn't used better in AEW, same with Buddy Murphy.

Now with Triple H being creatively in charge in WWE, those who left because of "creative control" issues, might consider going back...

Don't get me wrong, there are still some good matches, upsets (Daniel Garcia against Danielson) but in general the overall quality of the show isn't what it used to be.
Hook has potential, but he's young and still a bit green, hardly the hottest rookie of the year.

I think AEW may hit the reset button on a number of things post All Out with a fair few returns. It does feel like Tony is stretching himself a little too much with AEW, ROH, Fulham FC and the Jacksonville Jaguars (I think he also has an analytics company?). He needs to get Kenny and the Young Bucks back on board with some of the creative as when they were pushed out it started to go a little downhill. With a number of contracts expiring I think it's a bit of a transitional time.

Signing CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole were smart moves as they were the hottest free agents. However, some did not need signing I think, not denying their talent, but I feel like a few haven't brought anything to the promotion and as you say, the homegrown talent feels a little pushed to the side.

Kip Sabian has not been missed let's be honest, he was a vehicle for Miro whom I can see going on a tearing streak towards the AEW title, possibly when Wardlow wins it from MJF (who I wouldn't be surprised if he returned tomorrow).

Santana is injured at the moment, he twisted his knee at Blood & Guts. There's talk also that Santana and Ortiz don't get along so I wouldn't be surprised if they split unless they can reconcile their differences.

House of Black doesn't fit really in AEW, the spooky bollocks is more WWE or Impact I think. They're definitely lost in the shuffle and also, why Julia Hart?
Hook has potential, but he's young and still a bit green, hardly the hottest rookie of the year.

I think AEW may hit the reset button on a number of things post All Out with a fair few returns. It does feel like Tony is stretching himself a little too much with AEW, ROH, Fulham FC and the Jacksonville Jaguars (I think he also has an analytics company?). He needs to get Kenny and the Young Bucks back on board with some of the creative as when they were pushed out it started to go a little downhill. With a number of contracts expiring I think it's a bit of a transitional time.

Signing CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole were smart moves as they were the hottest free agents. However, some did not need signing I think, not denying their talent, but I feel like a few haven't brought anything to the promotion and as you say, the homegrown talent feels a little pushed to the side.

Kip Sabian has not been missed let's be honest, he was a vehicle for Miro whom I can see going on a tearing streak towards the AEW title, possibly when Wardlow wins it from MJF (who I wouldn't be surprised if he returned tomorrow).

Santana is injured at the moment, he twisted his knee at Blood & Guts. There's talk also that Santana and Ortiz don't get along so I wouldn't be surprised if they split unless they can reconcile their differences.

House of Black doesn't fit really in AEW, the spooky bollocks is more WWE or Impact I think. They're definitely lost in the shuffle and also, why Julia Hart?
To give her credit, Julia has done pretty well with what she's been given so far. The change in her presentation/wrestling is a noticeable improvement on what she was doing prior.
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Hook has potential, but he's young and still a bit green, hardly the hottest rookie of the year.

I think AEW may hit the reset button on a number of things post All Out with a fair few returns. It does feel like Tony is stretching himself a little too much with AEW, ROH, Fulham FC and the Jacksonville Jaguars (I think he also has an analytics company?). He needs to get Kenny and the Young Bucks back on board with some of the creative as when they were pushed out it started to go a little downhill. With a number of contracts expiring I think it's a bit of a transitional time.

Signing CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole were smart moves as they were the hottest free agents. However, some did not need signing I think, not denying their talent, but I feel like a few haven't brought anything to the promotion and as you say, the homegrown talent feels a little pushed to the side.

Kip Sabian has not been missed let's be honest, he was a vehicle for Miro whom I can see going on a tearing streak towards the AEW title, possibly when Wardlow wins it from MJF (who I wouldn't be surprised if he returned tomorrow).

Santana is injured at the moment, he twisted his knee at Blood & Guts. There's talk also that Santana and Ortiz don't get along so I wouldn't be surprised if they split unless they can reconcile their differences.

House of Black doesn't fit really in AEW, the spooky bollocks is more WWE or Impact I think. They're definitely lost in the shuffle and also, why Julia Hart?
Tony’s expanded the talent relations department at AEW, a sure sign that he won’t be trying to do everything himself much longer.
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To give her credit, Julia has done pretty well with what she's been given so far. The change in her presentation/wrestling is a noticeable improvement on what she was doing prior.
Not denying her ring skills, she works the gimmick she has really well, I just never understood the whole House of Black corrupting her thing. Mind you that's more about the story (or like thereof).
Tony’s expanded the talent relations department at AEW, a sure sign that he won’t be trying to do everything himself much longer.
That is a good sign and let's hope it pays dividends. The lack of communication to the roster has been shocking in some cases.
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Hook has potential, but he's young and still a bit green, hardly the hottest rookie of the year.

I think AEW may hit the reset button on a number of things post All Out with a fair few returns. It does feel like Tony is stretching himself a little too much with AEW, ROH, Fulham FC and the Jacksonville Jaguars (I think he also has an analytics company?). He needs to get Kenny and the Young Bucks back on board with some of the creative as when they were pushed out it started to go a little downhill. With a number of contracts expiring I think it's a bit of a transitional time.

Signing CM Punk, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole were smart moves as they were the hottest free agents. However, some did not need signing I think, not denying their talent, but I feel like a few haven't brought anything to the promotion and as you say, the homegrown talent feels a little pushed to the side.

Kip Sabian has not been missed let's be honest, he was a vehicle for Miro whom I can see going on a tearing streak towards the AEW title, possibly when Wardlow wins it from MJF (who I wouldn't be surprised if he returned tomorrow).

Santana is injured at the moment, he twisted his knee at Blood & Guts. There's talk also that Santana and Ortiz don't get along so I wouldn't be surprised if they split unless they can reconcile their differences.

House of Black doesn't fit really in AEW, the spooky bollocks is more WWE or Impact I think. They're definitely lost in the shuffle and also, why Julia Hart?

You're right, Hook has a ton of potential and natural athletic ability but he's still learning but they seem to be easing him into a bigger role recently.

It looks like Santana will be out for a while because I read that he tore his ACL at Blood and Guts.

Kip Sabian has been in the crowd at every show wearing a box on his head. I was at a show in June and he was taking pictures with the fans before the show.

I believe Malakai Black is dealing with a back injury currently.
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Again, I don't wanna be this dude, but I told y'all so.

I was called a "e-drone" but sadly I ended up being right. AEW was great the first two years, but ever since CM Punk and the whole ex-WWE bunch came in the picture, the quality of the show started to tank. The booking is utterly trash and get trasher week after week.

He was supposed to be the hottest rookie ever, now he's in an angle with a former real-tv star.

I loved Kip Sabian, what happened with him ??
Miro is lost in the shuffle too.
What about Santana and Ortiz ??? It's a crime they won a tag team belt (especially when they were in the Inner Circle). If they would been crowned Tag Team champions with Jericho as a champion, it would have made the whole faction even more legit and elevate further more Santana & Ortiz.
This show which used to be wonderful (to me) is turning into a complete shit show, to the point even the most rabid fans are starting to turn away from the company.
What about MJF ?? His shoot angle is now dead and forgotten.
Malakai Black isn't used better in AEW, same with Buddy Murphy.

Now with Triple H being creatively in charge in WWE, those who left because of "creative control" issues, might consider going back...

Don't get me wrong, there are still some good matches, upsets (Daniel Garcia against Danielson) but in general the overall quality of the show isn't what it used to be.
Honestly I agree with much of what your saying I think aew is just going threw some growing pains they need more time on tv three hours a week isn’t enough to feature ppl. I love punk I think he’s added alot to the products. Kipp got hurt and should be back soon from what I’ve herd. MJF is gonna be back soon too from what anyone has herd it’s all been a work so I’d hold off judgment
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Again, I don't wanna be this dude, but I told y'all so.

I was called a "e-drone" but sadly I ended up being right. AEW was great the first two years, but ever since CM Punk and the whole ex-WWE bunch came in the picture, the quality of the show started to tank. The booking is utterly trash and get trasher week after week.

He was supposed to be the hottest rookie ever, now he's in an angle with a former real-tv star.

I loved Kip Sabian, what happened with him ??
Miro is lost in the shuffle too.
What about Santana and Ortiz ??? It's a crime they won a tag team belt (especially when they were in the Inner Circle). If they would been crowned Tag Team champions with Jericho as a champion, it would have made the whole faction even more legit and elevate further more Santana & Ortiz.
This show which used to be wonderful (to me) is turning into a complete shit show, to the point even the most rabid fans are starting to turn away from the company.
What about MJF ?? His shoot angle is now dead and forgotten.
Malakai Black isn't used better in AEW, same with Buddy Murphy.

Now with Triple H being creatively in charge in WWE, those who left because of "creative control" issues, might consider going back...

Don't get me wrong, there are still some good matches, upsets (Daniel Garcia against Danielson) but in general the overall quality of the show isn't what it used to be.
Ortiz is our hurt. Sabian has been out hurt as well. As far Miro, Black, Danielson, Mox, Athena, Toni, Lee, Swerve, etc go...imo they're all being used damn near the same as they were in WWE. Quite literally only Jericho and Cesaro are in very different positions in terms of where they were before AEW (and I only say Jericho bc of the faction leader thing, otherwise he's always been a main eventer).
“A company isn’t doing exactly what I—someone who has nothing to do with its core or ancillary functions—thinks it should be doing so therefore it is doomed.” This melodrama is amusing but ultimately unnecessary. If this is too much for you to handle you wouldn’t have survived the eighties and nineties.

It’s been three years and AEW is a huge company with a gigantic roster. It’ll never be one big happy family where everyone gets exactly what they want when they want it. Organizations have never and will never function that way, because humans. Adjustments will be made, talent will come and go as they choose because they have the right to do so. That’s how the wrestling business works.
Honestly I agree with much of what your saying I think aew is just going threw some growing pains they need more time on tv three hours a week isn’t enough to feature ppl. I love punk I think he’s added alot to the products. Kipp got hurt and should be back soon from what I’ve herd. MJF is gonna be back soon too from what anyone has herd it’s all been a work so I’d hold off judgment

Three hours is plenty if they use it right. They don't need more TV time they need to use what they have better. Some of the people they showcase should not be on TV yet. Others don't need to be on for as long as they are. They often have matches that go over 20 minutes that could be easily shortened to about 13 minutes to fit nicely in a single quarter, lose nothing of note and free up space to get more people on the card.
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Glad he cut his hair. He was starting to look like he was paying homage to There's Something About Mary if that featured a gang bang with 16 guys all shooting their load in his hair.
Oh to be one of those guys, mind you I wouldn't aim for his hair...