Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

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When I see stuff like this, this is why I believe Mandingo is 10 inches long. How could the hand argument be used to say his dick is 8.7 there?

That's a girl's hand again brother. I only base hand size estimations when he grabs his own cock with 2 hands. Women's hands are way smaller and there is too much variation even among smaller women's hand sizes for that to be of too much use. Its only really useful in videos that he also has his hands on his cock. Check it on yourself even. If you have at least 7 inches in length you can easily fit 2 full hands side by side as a guy and STILL have the full head left over plus some shaft. A woman can fit 2 whole hands on the same sized penis and have plenty of head and shaft left over. Mandingo's penis fills about 3 full hands of a smaller handed female (or just smaller females in general. 3 hand widths each 2.9 inches wide, all set side by side with ZERO overlapping of the ends of the hands comes out to almost exactly 8.75 inches, literally within the millimeter. Draw it out on paper if you like in order to see for yourself. But keep in mind when anyone grabs a cock there is always some overlapping, especially in porn.
Also keep in mind that is only assuming the girl actually has an average width hand, which I highly doubt the women in 90% of mainstream porn do. Yes he measures maybe a tad longer than 3 petite women's hands maybe a little shorter sometimes. But his cock has been seen to consistently be close to the 8.75 mark. Judging by many hand grabbing videos of him and many women. Horizontally, he does not measure 10, pointed slightly down however, sure he can.

But you seem to think he measures 10 inches when fully horizontal with his body. That is where we disagree at least currently.
alright fellas, water bottle comparison at 2:16. GO!!!! :)

Check out my post brother a few pages back. I posted a ton of photos to analyze from the same video right after the water bottle comparison. If that bottle is indeed the Walmart bottle of 7.7 inches that would put his penis at about the 8.75 mark bone pressed yet again. Non bone pressed closer to 8.25 so 8.5 would be a reasonable estimate for this particular video. His penis looks way smaller right afterward when he grabs it with his won hand. Check out the photos.
i think in his young years he was much bigger than now if you watch older videos before he was fat and old his dick looks much bigger.
i think he is 9 inches today with a good erection and 9,5 inches in his peak years. sdp what do you think about it , do you think he lost size?
Do we know whether this is a 750ml or 500ml bottle? They can have a very similar shape but vary in height by as much as an inch.

Just a few observations...she seems to press the water bottle against his body, so I have no reason to believe that we can add length to his dick at the shaft. Also, based on the size of my own "head" I can assure you that Mandingo's penis extends a minimum of 1.5" beyond the cap of that bottle. If it is a 750ml bottle then I am comfortable saying he is at LEAST 9.5" long. However, if that is a 500ml bottle, then he could be a full inch shorter. Lastly, I notice that he is clearly much less girthy than the bottle, so we can probably make an assessment on his maximum possible girth as well. According to my online searching, the bottles are about 8" around. Now it makes sense why he looks less girthy lol.
Yes your probably right, maybe 1 inch is possible. But even this is not supported by scientific evidence. If you look at the journals no scientific evidence has yet supported PE. Maybe sdp knows of some scientific papers I don't. But i see no evidence in its favor.
There are several studies in urological journals that support the opinion that PE works. I linked them a dozen times in the PE section.
lol now he is under 6 in girth. He looks thicker than sdp who claims to be 6 in girth.
6,25 seems right for his girth
I have no idea about SDPs size - and I'm not going to check his gallery.

As mentioned he might get be 6" (or a tad more) right at the base. But I simply can't see how you can place him only 0.25" thinner than Shane Diesel.

I know Dingo's cock is more than an inch longer which influences the look and feel - but 0.25 of an inch???

IMHO he's 6" at best for most of his length. And it's not to downplay him - 6" is f.cking massive IRL.
I have no idea about SDPs size - and I'm not going to check his gallery.

As mentioned he might get be 6" (or a tad more) right at the base. But I simply can't see how you can place him only 0.25" thinner than Shane Diesel.

I know Dingo's cock is more than an inch longer which influences the look and feel - but 0.25 of an inch???

IMHO he's 6" at best for most of his length. And it's not to downplay him - 6" is f.cking massive IRL.
here is sdp http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/9-NBPEL-18776082
do you think he is as thick as Mandingo? To me it is clear that Mandingo is longer and thicker than sdp
I think it's about this big..