Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

he had that surgery where they cut the tendon that holds the dick up right?

he has that "balls hanging off the dick instead of the body" look that usually indicates that.
I will resume the analysis when I have more free time, though it's unlikely that the average of the results is going to change much.

I still believe prime Mandingo is 9,and he is the biggest to do porn lengthwise,so everyone else falls under him.
I will resume the analysis when I have more free time, though it's unlikely that the average of the results is going to change much.

I suspect Mandingo has lost a small amount of visible penis length over a long career. He was longer in his old videos. So the average of the results might change slightly if old videos are examined rather than the new ones.

I would like to see some old scenes examined and compared to his modern ones.
dickerdick might be able to help.

Separate issue, i am only going to do an analysis on Peter North and how his dick has not only changed length but shape, something odd happened there. I will create a thread at some point.
I suspect Mandingo has lost a small amount of visible penis length over a long career. He was longer in his old videos. So the average of the results might change slightly if old videos are examined rather than the new ones.

I would like to see some old scenes examined and compared to his modern ones.
dickerdick might be able to help.

Separate issue, i am only going to do an analysis on Peter North and how his dick has not only changed length but shape, something odd happened there. I will create a thread at some point.

Yes, with aging he's become known as
'Peter South'
he had that surgery where they cut the tendon that holds the dick up right?

he has that "balls hanging off the dick instead of the body" look that usually indicates that.
Doubt it. He had similar length when he appeared in Houston 500 or whatever the flick was called.
It doesn't need to be surgery. Some people just have different pelvis anatomy.

There's a lot of inner penis with every man and it's often much thicker than the outside dick. Mandingos dick looks for the first 1-3 inches very thick as if it's more of the inner penis out than with other people. Then it drops off very visibly.
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This is true. I went to a leading internist about some abdominal pain i was once having and he examined my hips and told me i should have been a pro athlete based on the tilt and position of my hips. sadly he didnt say anything about being a porn star :(

It doesn't need to be surgery. Some people just have different pelvis anatomy.

There's a lot of inner penis with every man and it's often much thicker than the outside dick. Mandingos dick looks for the first 1-3 inches very thick as if it's more of the inner penis out than with other people. Then it drops off very visibly.
Yes he's atleast 8.5 hes so mmm big

That's an American XL McDonalds cup. I don't have the exact measurement details. We must be able to work it out but it is obviously not under 7.5 inches, it could well be 8, this debunks sdp's claims. The cup does not even come to his glans, so you have the cup, part of his shaft left and his entire glans to count. His dick is not under 9 inches in the above photograph.

Sdp says Jack Napier is clearly not 8.5 inches long or seems to be saying Jack would struggle to hit 8.5 in a legit measurement. I say wrong. And this picture alone debunks sdp's entire methodology and thread postings. Because see photographs above. Mandingo is clearly an inch longer than Jack and Jack is not under 8.5 inches in the above photo.

In short, Jack Napier is over 8.5 inches, he is most likely 9. Therefore Mandingo cannot be 8.7. Simple maths, simple observations from photographs. None of this subjective hand stuff sdp is doing. :)

Now before I am abused or insulted by the Mandingo downplayers. How about you find the length of that McDonalds cup? It would disprove the 8.6 claim for Mandingo considering you are not agreeing with me on anything else. Take care.
sdp based on these what do you think Mandingo's size is? This is Mandingo with Keisha Grey.

That's a solid three hands from a standing position. I don't see how that can be under 9 inches. It defiinately not over 10 but 8.71 looks a bit short to me.

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He is atleast 10" of BBC love it! And shes hot as fuck!
Well I'm 7 inches just know he's bigger than me by a few

Yes maybe two inches,Dredd was just measured and came out to be 8.5,and I guarantee you would’ve thought he was way bigger if not for the measurement.
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