HOTTEST MAN IN AMERICA (Fake reality tv show)


You know the drill. It's now up to you to vote for your favourite(s) contestant(s)! ;)

And it is time for a special double eviction. Six contestants are in danger. You can save up to FOUR of them.

You can vote right here on LPSG by posting a message on this thread with your vote.

You can only vote once but you can vote from one to four contestants.

Each vote on this thread = 5 points for the contestant.

To have access to bonus content and to have more say in future challenges and in the voting, you can join my Patreon.

The vote on LPSG ends next Friday night.

Who will stay in the show and be part of the top 8 ? It's up to you to decide!

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Jin, Jared, Carlos, and Bastian
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I'm actually really happy hunter got saved he's got personality and I like that he's over Andrew dumb behaviour.

I'm saving

Hunter, because I think he's going to be interesting he's going to call out peoples BS.

Bastian, he's going be naked all the time and possibly would interact with a guy.

Jin, we cant get rid of jin hes already showing how valuable he is to the show. He's going cheat he's already eyeing carlos and now andrew.

And Marc, simply because of Darrell. Darrell is a bit jealous of kyle and Mitchell the dynamics might change now because remember marc and darrell apparently know each other.

P.s I have a feeling Andrew might not be as dumb as he makes out also watch out for Kyle he's playing a good game

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You know the drill. It's now up to you to vote for your favourite(s) contestant(s)! ;)

And it is time for a special double eviction. Six contestants are in danger. You can save up to FOUR of them.

You can vote right here on LPSG by posting a message on this thread with your vote.

You can only vote once but you can vote from one to four contestants.

Each vote on this thread = 5 points for the contestant.

To have access to bonus content and to have more say in future challenges and in the voting, you can join my Patreon.

The vote on LPSG ends next Friday night.

Who will stay in the show and be part of the top 8 ? It's up to you to decide!

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Twelve hunky guys, avid of fame and fortune, enrol in a brand-new reality tv-show to elect the HOTTEST MAN IN AMERICA and win the highly coveted ONE MILLION DOLLARS prize. How far will they be willing to go to earn your votes? See them going further and further as the show advances! You will decide who will be kicked out each episode and I will have to adapt the story accordingly.

As always
this is a pure work of fiction. All characters featured are above 18. Enjoy!

More illustrations and bonus content for this story + more says in the votes and future challenges + tons of other erotic stories are available on my Patreon. Thanks for the support!




Here I am again, spending a Saturday night alone, watching crappy reality-tv shows to entertain myself with dumb hunks, ready to do anything for a few minutes of fame.

And tonight, Channel 22 is really making us work for it.

They have postponed the start of the show for about one hour. At first, I was upset but I read online that moving the show further in the evening was the only way for the producers to include racier content in the episode.

Racier than the full frontal in the middle of the stage that we got last time? That certainly got me intrigued! Finally, the opening credits start to play and the "Hottest Man in America" logo appears on my HD television screen.

"A few weeks ago, there were twelve hunks in competition, battling for the one-million-dollars prize and the title of Hottest Man in America. Ten of them are still living in the house behind me. But before the end of the night, two contestants will get evicted! Welcome to the double-eviction special episode of the hottest show in America!" David Harrison announces.


Live from inside the house, a camera shot shows the six contestants in danger of elimination standing side by side, waiting for the audience to decide of their fate.

"Tonight, Kyle, Mitchell, Andy and Darrell are safe from eviction. The six other houseguests, Carlos, Jared, Jin, Hunter, Bastian and Marc have been submitted to YOUR votes! Throughout the evening, we will reveal the results."

Bastian and Marc have opted for the shirtless option to attend tonight's show, which is not really surprising given that the two of them seem allergic to wearing a top, while Jin is sporting the tiniest jeans' short ever.

If you did not know that Jin is gay, now you know!

The other three are wearing more casual clothes. That is a bit disappointing. I wished that Carlos would have shown-up naked, he apparently loves to wander fully nude inside the villa.


Before announcing the name of the first person saved by America, the host catches up with the four contestants sitting in the couch, who are certain to remain in the house tonight.

"Mitchell, Kyle, it's been two weeks since you've been living inside the house. How is it going?"

"It's been a blast, David! Everyone is chill and we're having a lot of fun. The only thing we're missing inside the villa is you!" Kyle says with his usual smile. What a smooth talker!

"I wish I were there with you sometimes!"

"Of course, it has been tough being away from our families, but I think that we can say that we're buidling one of our owns, right here." Kyle continues.

He looks at his housemates, not everyone seems convinced.

"Is that right, Mitchell?" David Harrison asks the Christian boy, still wearing his catholic cross around his neck.


"Yeah, for sure. I mean, I miss my grandparents and the farm very much. I hope that my family is proud of me. But I feel like I have found a big brother here. I'm learning a lot from him." Mitch says, winking at Kyle.

Ain't that sweet? I hope that he teaches his "little brother" to remove his clothes off!

Damn, I realize that this show makes me become more cynical than I already am. At least, the both of them look handsome tonight.

"And what about you, Darrell, Andy? How does it feel coming in an house which was already occupied by five houseguests? Was the integreation easy?"

Darrell who is, just like Kyle, totally comfortable with appearing on TV and knows exactly what he is supposed to say, replies:

"The others were very welcoming when we came in. It sure reminds me of my college days, living in a frat house, just surrounded by guys but I can confirm, we're having a hell lot of fun!"

Kyle puts his arm around his friend's shoulder. Those two definitely have a connection from before the show.

Overall, the segment is rather boring until the host focuses his attention on Andy, the dumb jock.

"This is the best experience ever, Sir!" He says enthusiastically. "I mean. I'm not too sure to understand how everything works sometimes, why I’m safe from eviction and why the others are nominated tonight, but the others contestants are helping me out. I want to do everything so that my family and girlfriend Louise can be proud of me!"

Aside from losing his clothes, I feel like Andy is losing more brain cells every day he is staying in that house. I would be bored with him if he was not smelling like sex every time the camera switches on his pecs.

"I am sure they are all very proud of you, Andy." The host says in a voice, very similar to the one we would use to congratulate a dog. "We did notice in particular that Jin really took you under his wing this past week."

"Oh yes! He is giving me a lot of advice. He has chosen my outfit for tonight."

"Can you show it off to us?"

I should have guessed that Jin was the mastermind behind Andy's look.

If the football jock had shown his chest during the first episode, and was wearing even less clothes last week, Andy has really gone the extra mile tonight!

His unique piece of clothing is a very tight leggings in a shade of light pink, practically glued to his body and probably borrowed from Jin as the pair of pants is way too small for his large thighs.

In a word, it looks scandalous... But Andy does not seem to be aware!

As soon as the host asks for a closer look, Andy stands up and walks bare-foot to flaunt his "outfit", but mostly his chiselled body, to the cameras and his housemates.

Under a certain lighting, the fabric is almost translucent. It is especially the case from behind, I swear that I can see some ginger hair in his ass crack!


See, this is what I want from this show! Hot studs showing off the goods live on air, to earn our votes. The rest is just filler for me.

When the camera goes back on David Harrison on the main stage, he seems very satisfied with the segment.

Andy is always a safe bet when it comes to eye candy. Screenshots of his ass in his see-through pants are already being shared online. I admit, I may have saved one or two pictures on my phone. The host, as always, reminds everyone to use the #HMIA hashtag to comment the evening.

On the last tweet that I have seen, a guy is cumming on pictures of both Andy and Bastian shirtless. Classy!

David Harrison does take a more formal tone as it is already time to announce the name of the first contestant saved tonight.

"Carlos, Jared, Jin, Hunter, Bastian and Marc, America has made its choice, and as you know, in this show, the audience's decision is finale."

The annoying suspenseful music starts playing again.

They really need to go all dramatic about it... I roll my eyes but I am fully committed to this bullshit.

I do wonder who is the most popular among this crew: the discreet but handsome pianist, Jared; the energetic with the best fat ass of the competition (in my humble opinion), Hunter; or the dirty Daddy, Bastian...

"And the first one to join the safe houseguests tonight is...


Jin!" David Harrison annouces.

I did not think that Jin was that popular but I guess that the multiple times where he was shown naked in last week episode has helped!

Also, he definitely brings the action with the other guys.


To be honest, I do not care much about Jin but I do want him to stay in that damn house just to see how long it will take him to cheat on his "fiancé" and turn one of the other guys.

Maybe Marc would be a good fit as he has described himself as a pansexual? But if Jin could get Andy to cheat on his precious girlfriend Louise, that would certainly be fun too! Carlos with whom is seemed the closest last week is a good option too.

Jin thanks America "from the bottom of his heart", and goes to take a seat.

I note that he chooses Andy to sit next to. I would have probably done the same, especially when he is wearing those outrageous leggings!

"Congratulations, Jin!"


David Harrison launches the first recorded segment of the night.

"You witnessed it last week, five new houseguests have entered the house, live. Get to see how they the first few hours in a household, now filled with ten hot hunks, went in these exclusive clips!"

The segment starts right after the end of last week show with some footage of the group getting to know each other. Kyle is proposing to cook for everyone. I had forgotten how much he looked stunning in the previous episode, wearing some tight black pants and a widely opened white shirt.

I gotta say, I have trouble following them all talking and getting to know each other as my attention is mostly drawn to Bastian's hairy thighs.

The daddy chose to stay in his revealing blue swimsuit all night. The young Mitchell seems intimated by the new houseguest's style. Why? He should embrace it!

For the most part, the dinner scene that follows is rather uninteresting.

The guys talk about guys' stuff: cars, sports, their following on social media before getting in the house. Marc is flaunting his "massive audience" on Tiktok although none of the other guy recognizes him.

Except maybe from Jin who, I bet, is no stranger from watching thirst traps on social media...

As often, Jared spends a good amount of his time on the piano. Thankfully, he is quite good at it or that would quickly become annoying.


The following segment is even more dull, showing Jared and Hunter playing chess.

I get it, those are probably the only two (well, maybe with Kyle) with an IQ higher than a fish, but please, more shirtless guys and less serious talks!

It is like the show can read my mind. As while Hunter talks about his life as a kindergarten teacher, a banner at the bottom of the screen says:


I guess I won't switch to another channel then.


The finale scene of this segment is certainly the most interesting one so far.

It is a follow-up on the discussions that Mitchell and Kyle had last week regarding Mitchell's insecurities and his fear about losing his Christian values inside the house. The poor guy, he is so afraid of disappointing his family and most of all, his Lord and Saviour.

Well, it looks like Mitchell has decided to put his trust in Kyle and to give to the public what they want. He has finally gotten rid of his broad shorts to flaunt a black speedos around the pool!

My apologizes for blaspheming but: JESUS CHRIST, the farm boy is HOT AS HELL!

Just like during his introduction when he took his top off, Mitchell is really delivering when he gets outside of his comfort zone.

The body of the 18 years-old is stunning, he probably has the best chest within the group, and the bulge he is sporting in his speedos looks very promising! A guy like that should be naked 24/7 if you want my opinion!

God could not seriously be mad at that. Right?

The segment shows Kyle (wearing some navy-blue skimpy speedos) hugging his "little bro" and congratulating him on "this big step" he is taking in getting more comfortable inside the villa.

"Look at you, Mitch, I bet America is going to love this!"

I do not know about America but I am certainly enjoying Mitchell more and more.

The two of them jump together in the pool to exercise and have fun.

I guess I can say hello to the growing erection in my pants. Thank God that the both of them are safe tonight, I want more scenes like that.

My dick throbbed like crazy when the camera zoomed in on their bulges touching each other while they were hugging or splashing each other in the pool. This is great television!


As always, the clip stops when it becomes really interesting, but eh, we have been promised way more *intimate* moments later on so I will not complain.

In the meantime, we are back live in the house and David Harrison says that it is time to announce the name of the second contestant saved by the public.

"Five of you are still waiting for the results, but only three spots are left! Who will follow Jin and re-join the others? Who will stay in the race for winning the one-million-dollars grand prize?!"

As the night progresses, you can tell that behind their fake smiles, the pressure is getting to the contestants still in danger.

"And the hunk who got the second most votes this week is...


being announced right after the break!"

Is the host freaking serious?

"Stay here, the steamiest moments of our favourite hunks are being revealed right after this! You will get so see EVERYTHING you've been dying to see!"


Of course, he is serious!

And those fuckers know that I will be right back after the break now that they have teased a freaking shower scene. Besides, I really want to know who will leave this damn ridiculous game.

Let me check Twitter so I can at least save up some more screenshots or leaked stuff for future wanks!

As the weeks go by, I have come to love the #HMIA hashtag. They've got the best thirst traps from Marc and the best sextapes from Bastian down there. Although, those are getting quite repetitive: Bastian always fucks the same kind of women. Maybe we'll get to see him working his magic on a man at some point?

Yesterday, I also found the pictures of the underwear shooting done by Darrell and Kyle a couple years back. Those two are yummy as fuck!



More illustrations and bonus content for this story + more says in the votes and future challenges + tons of other erotic stories are available on my Patreon. Thanks for the support!



EPISODE 4 (Part 2)

A few minutes later, the five nervous contestants are back on my TV screen. They do not even pretend to smile anymore.


"Welcome back to the Hottest Man in America, the show where YOU decide who will stay in the competition to earn a one-million-dollars prize and who will keep watching the show, from the comfort of their own home!"

Just go to the point, Harrison!

"We have left you while we were about to announce the results of your votes."

We know that! Who is freaking staying?

"The contestant who has been saved from the public is..."

For fuck's sake, this suspenseful music is unbearable! Can they just say his name already?

"It is...


Oh yes! Great! It is Hunter! Hunter, you remain in the house!"

The host exclaims, not able to hide his excitement.

Talk about being unbiased and impartial! Hunter is happy but does not show it off too much, probably not to upset his opponents. But he is still here, and the second most supported this week.

Hopefully, he will show that he is worth the support he is getting because him being safe means that Carlos, Bastian and Marc will not come back in the house together and those three have been delivering solid sexy content!


Talking about solid content, the host announces it is time for the "first" steamy segment of the night. The "first"? Yeah! I like to hear that.

"As the houseguests are learning to live with each other, intimacy can get challenging inside the house. As you will see in the next segment, sharing a bedroom with nine other men is something to get used to! Please, note that the next clip might include images unfit for people under the age of 18. Viewer discretion is advised."

My dick wakes up at those words. The show has been postponed for one hour but it is still prime time and we are on national television! What can they really show?!

Apparently, a lot! As the next segment starts with quite the sight of Carlos fully nude in the common bedroom.

His fat peachy brown ass is being showcased, front and centre of the screen. Damn, I am really falling for this guy's back, he better not get evicted later tonight!

Jin is in the room with him, they are addressing the topic of Carlos being naked around the house. That seems to be a problem for some of the contestants. Certainly not for me!


"I'm totally fine with that, Carlos, you know it." Jin explains. I bet he is! "It's just the others, they're talking about you, and about Bastian. They're saying you take your clothes off all the time just to earn votes. I think Mitchell is uneasy with that much nudity around the house. It's against his values or something like that."

"Fuck them, everyone in here is way too mindful about the cameras. I'm simply living my life as I would do at home and I'm sorry but I do sleep naked. I hate being constrained when I'm in bed. It's their problem if they are intimidated by my cock, not mine."

Jin smiles. He fucking loves it. I do too!

"You do you, man. I was just saying."

"Well, people can talk behind my back, it is large enough to take it!" Carlos winks at Jin.

"It certainly is..."

They talk like this for a few seconds. At first, the camera is beating around the bush of Carlos' nude body...

Until it does not beat around the bush anymore!

Right in the middle of their conversation, as Carlos says "they won't be allowed to show that on TV anyway", the camera switches to a larger angle and proves him wrong. Yes, we have our first (intended!) full frontal of the season!

It is not a close up, yet, but Carlos's big dick and balls are fully shown on the screen, without any kind of censorship. If Jin can see it all, so can we! Even flaccid, the Latino piece of meat looks quite large and thick. I am drooling!


Let's be real, Carlos is totally acting this way to get Jin on his side and the public voting for him, he knows that a potential gay romance and being naked would earn him some screen time, but I could not care less!

I do not think that Kyle is entirely genuine or that Bastian is that provocative in real life, but they all do what they have to do to get the votes! There are one-million-dollars at stake. It is well-worth a few compromises with personal ethic. No?

The segment does not stop there as for long minutes, we follow Carlos' ritual before sleeping, showing more and more shots of his fat ass and dick. At some point, it really seems like I am watching a porn.

I mean, I am literally jerking off now and according to the #HMIA hashtag, most of the viewers are doing the same thing!

Carlos lying on top of his covers naked, his huge feet, large thighs, big pecs, and thick dick in full display is much better than any of the recent porn videos that I have watched. Millions of gay Americans’ dicks are certainly leaking right now.


While Carlos keeps on teasing Jin, who is lying shirtless on the bed next to him, Marc comes in the room, wearing another crop-top of his collection.

Marc clearly tries to catch Jin's attention with some jokes and stupid dance moves. Pretty ballsy of him to attempt to steal Carlos' thunder!

I have no idea why they are all so drawn to Jin. I mean, he is hot as fuck, there is no denying that, but I do not know why they all run towards him more than to another. It makes me think that being the single openly gay guy in the house is a great advantage! It's like they are all looking for his approval.

Marc and Jin end up joking around and I can swear that Jin is trying to make Carlos jealous. The guy knows exactly what he is doing.

The show is probably trying to build-up the love-triangle storyline.

Not sure if I am taking the bait though, as long as none of them kiss, or suck, each other, I won't get involved in their potential "love" stories.


In the diary room, Jin explains that he is confused about his feelings towards "multiple guys" in the house.

"I'm only human! But I am doing my best to remain respectful. I know why I am here and I don't want to lose myself over some guys." He says. "Who is my favourite? Hard to say... I guess my top three would be Carlos, Marc, Andy, all of them look great!"

Jin hopes that his fiancé will understand how hard it is to be locked up in the villa with nine other hunks.

Ahah! As if his fiancé would understand. Last time that I have checked, he was calling Jin an "ungrateful gold digger!" on social media.

Let me grab one of his tweets from just a few minutes ago:

"I can’t believe you have voted for the Hottest #GoldDigger in America to stay in the house. Maybe it's for the best! Let him suck all the dirty dicks there so I can kick him out when he comes crawling back. #HMIA."

Charming. Right?

I thought the segment was over but it continues with another conversation between Darrell and Kyle. It looks like an early morning talk takin place after the last eviction. Darrell and Kyle have apparently talked all night, catching-up about their respective lives.

I wonder why the production shows us this scene.

At first, I thought that the show wanted to pretend to have some sort of content which was not directly linked to just showcasing naked guys, but I was dead wrong!

As the two old friends discuss about opportunities in the model world, you can clearly spot behind them, Carlos, and then Bastian, walking towards the pool for some early tanning... in the nude!

The voice-over of David Harrison comments the scene - you can hear the delight in his voice:

"After only a few hours in the house and barely any sleep, Bastian decides to go tanning. To make sure, he does not have any tan line which could jeopardize his chances to snatch the title of Hottest Man in America, he opts for tanning in his birthday suit. Carlos follows him, visibly happy to have found another nudist amongst his new housemates."

This show is so over-the-top, I love it.

Again, the camera does not leave anything to the imagination, as it brushes over Carlos and Bastian naked bodies. Bastian's hairy and veiny cock (simply stunning) is briefly shown to the viewers.

The two of them even oil each other up!

I simply cannot believe American television has come to that. Sure, they are not hard or having sex, and the close-ups are very brief, but since when is it ok to show a bunch of cocks on national TV and have people basically vote for their favourites one?

Because clearly, this is the new purpose of this competition, right?

I mean, according to twitter, this is the only thing that matters now. Kyle can cook and be as handsome as he is, but if he does not show his dick next week, I bet he will be sent packing!

Surely, he is smart enough to get that and Kyle will quickly get on board with the new direction of the show.


"Always so interesting to learn about each other's habits and way of life." David Harrison comments to conclude the segment as we go back live.

I cannot help but laugh. As if this was about the social experiment! Literally, the veiny dick of Bastian is still visible in the screen behind him as the host starts to speak to the audience again.

"If you thought this clip was interesting, stay tune for what's coming next! We will dive deeper than ever in the intimacy of our contestants with the now notorious shower scenes! We have seen your engagement last week and we wanted to listen to your requests for longer and more in-depth clips of our boys!"

Again, I am very intrigued. My dick is throbbing in my pants.

"But for now, it is time to announce the name of the third person to get his ticket for the finale-eight!"

After the last segment, I think I talk for all America when I say that Carlos and his fat latino cock better stay in the house!

Again, it is like the show can hear my thoughts and it gives me exactly what I want.

"And this contestant saved by your votes is...


Carlos!" The host announces.


As Carlos walks in to join the others on the couch, it means that among Jared, Marc and Bastian, two of them are about to leave the house!

Fuck, am I really getting attached to those guys?

"More hunks! More exclusive and steamy footage from inside the house! The live double eviction! And another twist which is going to shake up the entire game! The Hottest Man in America is back, right after the break!" David Harrison announces.


A "coming next" teaser is shown and it is literally a few seconds video of Bastian's bare ass walking towards the bathtub. "SHOWER HOUR IS COMING NEXT"

I thought that the show would get lewd but to this point, I did not think they would dare. I guess that the big ratings and buzz that they had received following Paul's antics last week really convinced them to lean fully in in the shameless aspect of the show.


The only problem is: I do not think the contestants are aware of how much of them is actually shown live on TV! They keep on repeating that "everything is blurred out".

Guys, it is not! Please, let's make sure nobody tells them though...

More illustrations and bonus content for this story + more says in the votes and future challenges + tons of other erotic stories are available on my Patreon. Thanks for the support!



EPISODE 4 (Part 3)

The show is finally back for his third and finale part which is deemed to be the naughtiest so far.

We left the episode with a shot of Bastian, naked from the back, we come back in the same bathroom with a voice-over from David Harrison. The camera plays with us, showing us the Daddy's goods for only short seconds.

How I wished to have the job of the guy editing those "shower-hour" segments.

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In this one, we mainly follow Bastian getting into a bubbly bath until Andy comes up in the room, wearing the tiniest, and clearly unfitting for his large frame, pair of briefs.

Not that Bastian minds company, he gets up from the bathtub and brushes his teeth next to Andy. Obviously, Bastian does not bother putting anything on.

"I wanted to tell you, you do remind me of my son, Andy. I'm glad that you're here. It helps me feel like I'm home."

"Oh, that's nice to hear! Thank you, hum..." Andy seems uncomfortable for a minute. "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name."

DAMN. This guy is dumb or what?! (Spoiler alert: he is.)

"No problem, kiddo. We are ten grown men in this house. Lots of information to process."

Bastian slaps Andy's bum. Did I mention that the jock's hairy ass-crack was being exposed due to the little fabric on his blue briefs?

"I'm Bastian, but you can call me, Daddy, I'm sure it will be easier for you to remember since I'm older than the rest of you here!"

"Daddy? Would not that be weird?"

"Of course, not! And I can call you, kiddo!" He slaps his ass again. "That will be funny, right?"

I am in awe.

As Bastian and Andy seem to be on their way to recreate a "Daddy/Son" porn scene, Jin is walking in for a shower. It has been a while since we have seen his smooth ass.

Well, the Korean Adonis is back, and naked as the day he was born.

Shortly after, we have our first clear frame of Jin's dick, full frontal, proving to us how much the show has evolved since last week.

Suddenly, all of my questions about why Jin has been saved first by the public, why he was so centre in this episode, why the production seemed to like him so much, and why he had no problem finding a sugar daddy are answered: aside from having the most perfect chiselled and tight body, Jin is sporting an abnormally large dick between his legs!

The guy is hung as a horse. I don't recall seeing such a big meat on an Asian guy, ever, even in porn! Both Andy and Bastian seem surprised by the sight. Me, I am literally precumming in my underwear.

But I have not even told you about the best part of this scene! The three boys start fooling around and Bastian and Jin explain to Andy that just like them, he should take everything off.


"Andy, seriously, you are going to be criticized outside the house if you don't shower, or take a bath, fully naked."

"Really? Why?" Andy asks, now concerned.

"Yeah, people are going to say that you are lacking personal hygiene. They'll think your parents have not educated you properly!"

"Oh no! My mom taught me about personal hygiene! I swear. I know how to clean myself. But Louise told me I should be careful about the cameras. Like, they could record everything I do. I should not show my... my penis on TV."

"Ahah! Look at us!" Bastian says, grabbing his big flaccid cock.


Needless to say, I am back to fully jerking off at this point.

"Do you really think we would be naked if the cameras could actually show anything. You know how it is, they censor everything on TV. And between us, if you want to win the game, you have to tease the audience a little!" Jin adds, almost pulling off Andy's underwear himself.

At that time, the trio is joined by another contestant, Mitchell.

Although, the Catholic boy is clearly flustered and intimidated by all these muscles and dicks around him, he plays it cool and laugh it off.

Sadly, he does keep his clothes on. At least, this time around!

Jin and Bastian pull off a similar speech about hygiene and education. Just like Andy, Mitchell does not seem to want the public to think his grandparents did not teach him about proper hygiene habits back in the farm.


I thought the segment could have stopped there, but it does not. Apparently, tonight, the show just keeps on giving.

A banner on the bottom on the screen says: "the next morning" and we are back in the bathroom, except this time, Andy is the one taking the bath, relaxing.

Jin comes in the room:

"Glad, you have been following our advice, Andy. Ain't you feeling better?"

"Yes, you and Daddy were right. I have to show to the public that I am a clean boy, otherwise, who would vote for me?"

I AM DYING INSIDE. My dick is so fucking hard watching this.

"Totally, it's part of being the Hottest Man in America. It demands efforts. Exercising every day, and cleaning ourselves afterwards. Do you need help with cleaning up by the way?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you cannot reach some part of your body, you should ask for someone to help you out, making sure everything looks perfect."

Fuck, fuck, fuck! They are really about to do that?! Apparently, they are! Andy stands up, shit we cannot see his dick with this angle, and Jin grabs a bar of soap.


Sadly, as Jin's hands are about to touch Andy's back, the segment cuts and we are back live.

Ok, maybe that would have been too much for national television, even if we are now close to midnight but still, where the hell could I watch the full-scene between Jin and Andy? Some forums were mentioning an upcoming payable access to the livefeeds.

If it comes to that, I might as well say goodbye to my entire social life for the duration of the show. I do not think I would be able to get my eyes off from those feeds.

I barely pay attention to the host who announces one finale shower clip later on and builds the tension before (finally!) announcing the names of the two evictees.

I post my own tweet for the first time:

"#HMIA Best segment ever with Bastian, Jin and Andy in the bathroom!! More like this, please!"

At this point, i just want them all to stay locked down in this house for the entire year and see what happens! Seeing how comfortable those guys are getting in just a few weeks, i cannot imagine what they would do in the space of several months.

But anyway, it is time to determine our finale eight.

"Guys, you have been cut away from the world and you do now know what is happening outside of the house but we can tell you that the #HMIA hashtag is blowing up! America simply loves you. Thanks for our viewers to be so committed to our show." The host explains.


"But now it is time for some serious business. Who, from Jared, Bastian and Marc, will be the last one joining the finale eight, battling for the one-million-dollars prize?"

The suspenseful music is back on.

I do not really care about Jared to be honest (even though, he is certainly the sanest guy in the house), but I do not want to see either Bastian or Marc leave. I am really torn this time.

"And the contestant...

...Who will remain in the house for at least, one more week...

...Who has been saved from the public...




YES! Daddy is safe!

Andy and Carlos seem very happy with the news while Hunter and Mitchell look rather disappointed. Jin looks like he has mixed feelings. I guess he would have rather stayed with Marc a bit longer to test all of his options.

"Which means that Jared and Marc, you must leave the house, immediately." David Harrison states, rather abruptly to the two evictees.

In a repeat of last week episode, Bastian starts to run around the villa, removes his pants to reveal a pair of swimsuits (even more revealing and outrageous than last time, basically a thong) and dive right in the pool.

"THANKS AMERICA!" He yells to the cameras.

The voice-over of the host talks over the images of Bastian doing his strip-show:

"Before we welcome Jared and Marc on the stage, please enjoy those bonus clips from inside the house. Again, viewer discretion is advised." David Harrison says.


By the end of the episode, everything is always going so fast. But thankfully, they have not cut the following clip from the show. It might even be better than the previous one!

The banner on the bottom of the screen simply says: Darrell, Hunter and Marc shower together. Really interesting content!

It is now passed midnight and the show does not seem to give a fuck anymore.

From Bastian's wet body coming out of the pool, the new segment starts with a long close-up, more than twenty seconds, of Darrell's bubble ass before moving on to slow-motion edits of his muscular chest getting wet under the shower head.

Needless to say, my dick is fully out of my pants at this point. Darrell is soaping his hairy thighs and bum like the fate of the entire world depends on it.

The cameras spend so much time on his back, I am not sure they would show the front but eventually, they do!

Fuck, if this competition were a battle of the dicks, Darrell would probably be a serious contestant as well! His dick is thick, circumcised, and looks like the taste would be delicious. I mean, it basically is a cock's competition already. How many of these guys have gone full frontal at this point?

And if it were a competition solely based on their bodies, again, Darrell would be a serious contender for the first position.

I would say that overall, the personal trainer / underwear model has the best body of the entire house. His salty hair on his chest is just an added bonus.

But the segment's introduction did mention two other guys. As expected, Hunter, as well as his big Kardashian-like ass, is walking into the room.

The camera work is less strong for his shower-scene and we can barely see Hunter's big black cock. But his ass alone is worth all the praising in the world. Round and juicy, I dream of biting into those two ass cheeks.

I am so glad that both Darrell and Hunter will still be here next week. This competition is really turning into the best show on television!

Watching the two of them interact while being fully naked, - I even wonder if Hunter is not a bit excited -, is glorious. I mean, what can I say? I am literally about to cum as the two of them joke around in front of the sinks.

But it is not over... Not yet! A third contestant is missing for the scene to be complete!


Marc finally walks in the bathroom and... Shit... What an entrance! The stud wastes no time in peeling off his clothes.

Now, I kind of hate America for kicking the Tiktok star out of the house. Although the guy is super annoying, he is way more entertaining when he is put on mute and is fully naked!

His ass, his big dick, his foreskin... Marc is packing! Why has not he shown all of his assets earlier? Certainly, nobody would have evicted him!

Well, I guess that he will open an Onlyfans page soon enough.

The segment lasts for a couple more minutes and the more the three black guys play around, soap their bodies, incidentally touch each other, the hornier I get...

Until I cannot take it anymore...

A finale close-up is shown of Marc's big dick and my own cock explodes with volleys of thick white cum all over my tee-shirt. Oops.

As the screen stills shows images of Marc's dick (for how long has his dick been shown?! Seemed like nearly a full minute!), the social-media wannabe celebrity walks on the stage to give his exit interview with Jared.



Both Marc and Jared seem shocked by their sudden eviction, but they are even more shocked by the close up's image of Marc's dick still showing-up on the giant screen behind the host.

"Is that my... My...?"

"Welcome back on stage!" David Harrison tells them, ignoring Marc's questions.

"Is that my cock?" Marc repeats, flabbergasted.

"Oh? This? Well, it's gone now!" The host winks at the camera. "I guess you'll have to see the episode in replay to find out!"

"I... Yeah... But are we... Are we live right now? Is it shown like this?" Marc asks sitting down, completely lost.

His confused eyes share a striking resemblance with Andy's at that moment.

"We are live of course, and millions of Americans are watching! Are you surprised to be evicted, Jared? The public clearly was not a fan of yours! You have come last in the voting."

Wow. David Harrison is brutal for the exit interview!

"It's really hard to say how we are perceived outside the house... I just tried to be myself. I..." Jared replies.

"And visibly, that was not enough!" David Harrison cuts him off.

The guy is evil! Praising them when they walk inside the house and destroying them as soon as they walk out!

"What about you, Marc, surprised to be out of the competition?"

"The other competitors are very strong; it was hard to expect anything. I'm just..." He still stares sheepishly at the now black screen where his dick was exposed in every detail a few seconds before. "I'm just very happy I got to be part of this experience and I hope my community will keep on growing after this!"

"I am sure you have made quite the impact tonight, Marc! Your name is trending worldwide following our last segment!"

"Wow... Really?"

The interview is quickly cut short as time is running out and David Harrison has more stuff to share with the remaining houseguests.

"Guys, please sit down. I have some announcements to make. Gather in the living room."

Inside the villa, it seems like things were heating up between the contestants commenting about the two evictees. Bastian is still wandering around in his scandalous swimsuit. Kyle is standing up. For some reason, he seems pissed.

"Come on guys, hurry-up! I have an important news to share which is going to impact your entire game."

Finally, they all sit down on the couches. David Harrison had promised a big twist. We'll see!

"The following week will be like no other in the competition as the eight of you will be paired into four duos. For the next seven days, each contestant will have to remain, at all times, in less than seven feet away from his partner."

The guys gasp. This could be interesting.

"But that's not all, your fate in the house will be directly linked to the fate of the contestant you will be paired with as this week, America will vote to save duos of contestants! Meaning that next week, one duo will be definitely evicted from the game!"

So much drama, right?

The houseguests start to yell. Andy seems completely clueless about what is going on. I mean, he looks even more confused than usual. The rest of the guys seem really nervous.

"How will the duos be determined?" Kyle asks, a bit tense.

"As Jin has received the most votes tonight. He will pick his partner first." David Harrison explains. "Jin, can you please tell us with whom you wish to be paired-up this week?"

Marc is gone, so I guess his decision will be between Andy or Carlos. He is sitting in the middle of them both. Or maybe he will choose someone else if he thinks another contestant is more popular? He has to think about his safety first and foremost.


"I... I don't know... Oh fuck, that's tough!"

"You have to make your decision, Jin." The host presses him. "We have to end the show."

"Ok, ok, I..." He looks at Carlos on his right, and Andy on his left. His eyes linger on Andy's crotch. "I choose Andy!"

"YEAH!" Andy exclaims. He certainly thinks that he has earned something...

"Now, Andy, name the houseguest who will get to pick his partner next." David Harrison tells him.

Jin whispers in Andy's ear.

"Carlos!" Andy says, obviously repeating what Jin has just told him to say.

"Carlos, who do you wish to be paired with?"

"Hum..." He takes a few seconds to make up his mind. "I choose Kyle."

I bet this is a strategic choice, Carlos wants to win. And maybe it is smart. Kyle has been voted first in the house the first week, he was for the past couple of weeks, and he is very much appreciated among the other houseguests.

Kyle keeps up the appearance and offers a large smile to the audience but clearly, he would have picked either Mitchell or Darrell, both his closest allies.

"Kyle, who will pick next?"

"I'm not sure... I guess, Darrell, you can choose next."

Kyle probably wishes his friend will pick Mitchell so they would hopefully both be safe. But Darrell goes another route.

"I pick Hunter!"

I guess the two of them had gotten close lately, they certainly seem to have a lot of fun together in the shower segment earlier. Besides, this can also be a strategic move as Hunter was the second houseguest saved tonight after Jin.

"And that means, that the last duo will be made of Bastian and Mitchell!" The host announces.

Oh fuck! The catholic boy with the most outrageous contestant! That will be something to follow closely.

"Tune in next week on Channel 22 to find out which duo, from Jin and Andy, Carlos and Kyle, Darrell and Hunter, or Bastian and Mitchell will be evicted from the game. This week is deemed to be the most intense so far and we promise you a show like you've never been before!"

Let me clean the cum off of my clothes and I will certainly be there, David!




You know the drill. It's now up to you to vote for your favourite(s) contestant(s)! ;)

And it is time for the special duos eviction!

Four duos have been formed in the last episode and one of these duos will be evicted from the game.
  • Jin & Andy;
  • Carlos & Kyle;
  • Darrell & Hunter;
  • Mitchell & Bastian.
You can save up to THREE of the duos.

You can vote right here on LPSG by posting a message on this thread with your vote.

You can only vote once, but you can vote from one to three duos.

To be clear, you cannot vote for a single contestant this week, you have to vote for one or several of the pairs of contestants listed above.

Each vote on this thread = 5 points for the duo.

The duo with the least amount of votes by the end of the week will have his two members evicted. I know, it's tough! I personaly would not know who to vote for. Good luck! ahah

To have access to bonus content and to have more say in the voting, you can join my Patreon.

The vote here on LPSG ends next Friday night.

Who will stay in the show and be part of the top 6 ? It's up to you to decide!


It's now up to you to vote for your favourite(s) contestant(s)! ;)

Only the five with the most votes will continue the competition.

You can vote right here on LPSG by posting a message on this thread with your vote.

You can only vote once but you can vote from one to five contestants.

Each vote on this thread = 5 points for the contestant.

To have access to bonus content and to have more say in future challenges and in the voting, you can join my Patreon.

The vote on LPSG ends next Friday night. I will post episode 2 on Saturday!

Who will stay in the show ? It's up to you!

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1 Carlos - HOTTEST