How do you prefer your pubic hair?

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I've had mine from a full unkept bush to completely shaved and everywhere in between. I don't have much body hair other than pubes so I think I look better naked with a neat bush. I shave around the base and balls and let it go. Recently I've even started dying black to make them stand out. Got pics of all if anyone wants to see. Give me a shout.
I regret the day I shaved my full bush. It's never returned to the thickness it once was. My dick and balls MUST have hair on them. My ass needs to be absolutely smooth.
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I shaved a couple of times when I was a young buck and it itched like a mf growing back so I never shaved it again. Besides I like the way it looks on me and other guys having a full bush. Just a preference.
I choose natural, even though I trim with semi-regularity, mostly my balls, the edges in the thigh crease and the stomach trail which maybe or maybe not could be considered part of the bush.

Though I've done more extensive trimming as well as complete removal from time to time, but the vast majority of the time, natural is the default and how the wife and I prefer it. She only likes me to keep the nutsack smooth because she thinks it feels better in her hand when doing a BJ and I admit I feel the same way when masturbating.
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