I Will Admit...

I will admit, the smell of the city absolutely disgusts me and I truly don't know how people live in it. Just, generally.

Fuckin PEW :emoji_mask:

Sorry if I'm being an asshole. I know there are people who love their city. I just can't. I feel like I can't breath
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get utterly pissed offwhen gullible people allow themslves to be scammed

grow up

get a loyal friend behind you ffs

we asll know nigeria has the most successful crooks

if your mh ill
stay offthe internet


admit / imagin cat stevensdregreyyed ghhhhhhhheasos rermhisformer younger lifer

esp as he drasticaslly,foun/chasnged religion
no songsd,initially then nasme changemm lpsg has
singing agasin yesd

Hi Graham,
Buckle up as we dive into the secrets of living longer, staying safe on the roads, and keeping young (at least at

pwace and serenity
a raraity
aged,missing on,very deeply sigh
several fteds,whie on oe/overseas travel experience

friedships formered,a real natural thing

a south african guymy age then,about 23
we worked voluntarily,in londn,for several months
on a 3 ton truck/lorry
collect from wealthy english tuesdaydrop off whiteware etc to poor/destitute on thursday
sawe entire london,for no cost

plus derector kindly gave us 122 pound a week wow

was an american in uolland/who jumpred ionto the iseelmer and saved me from drowning/w had hired cyclebikes,i fell intpo the water

dumb kiwi huh/grrrrr

very proud of this indigenous nz maori reggae band
song is very descriptive f any ww warmonger/mongrel cretinsww

like our anti french,in particular nuclear tests in our acifid grrrrr

bloody history huh