100% fit this here for me...
- Women = Sex, Love, Cuddling, the cutesy mushy stuff, partnership, the whole package.
- Men = Best you're getting out of me is... "Best Friends who happen enjoy letting me jack off and suck off their cocks". Absolutely 0.00 interest beyond Best friends level. No romance at all, never have and never will feel that. Just friendship, cock, having fun and blowing loads is the "peek" achievable level.
1... I'm very much in the closet about my sexual attraction to big hairy cock, gay porn, hung gal porn. My public image is that of a normal under the radar straight guy and I'm perfectly happy and fine with that. I dont need some sexual bombshell ruining my life or causing people to do, act, or talk anything or anyway differently around me. Im happy as is. The world may very well have become a slightly more accepting place of the gay / bi community, but there's ALWAYS going to be criminals and hardliners our there that are not and never will be for whatever reason that may be. And I don't need to become the target of those unnecessary problems or lose relationships and friendships over them. Leading me into....
2.... I want nothing to do with the drama of the gay community. I want absolutely nothing to do with "the messssage" in the words of Critical Drinker or the "the cause". My personal opinion and experience as far as the people around me, the people I know, the people I've spoken to about such topics is, and the concensus myself and they have come to is....
"I don't freaking care what someone shoves in their mouth or up their ass. Just stop shoving sexual politics in my face and live your life. The only point at which I'll care, or even NOTICE, is when that person literally Just becomes a walking billboard for their sexual identity, and appears to only identify themself as a person by what they fuck in whatever form than manifests in. The point at which their sexual politics and identity seems to HAVE to be a part of every single facet of their life and what they do is when you will hear people yell at them to stop drawing attention to yourself and leave us alone and go live your life."
3.... I've thought about the topic. And it's just not there. I don't want to cuddle with a dude. I don't want to make out with a dude unless somehow someway I'm just so ridiculously horny and it just "happens" mid-sex. I don't want to be all lovey dovey with a dude. There are simply none, 0.00 romantic feelings in me for men. I only like big hairy cock and jerking and sucking them and cum. No emotional feelings beyond lust and friendship.
4.... Ties back into being in the closet. From my experience, talks, and observations of women. Women are very unaccepting of taking Bi Men as a partner unless they themselves are also Bi. And even then.... it is hit or miss and a lower percentage.
Females are naturally drawn to the loyal male protector and lover, and the majority absolutely hate competition and will not put up with it whether they admit it or not since females by in large are the sex with "the options". Women know they're competing for their target mens' affections and "gaze" against the members of their own sex... but also throwing in having to worry about other men being fellow competition for "their man's love and affection and security".... you've just barred yourself off from an even greater percentage of potential female partners. Like it or not, the vaaaast majority of straight and even Bi women don't want a bi male as their partner is what I have seen. (This online forum's TINY... TINY... population of women is NOT representative of IRL females, and even if we ALL know... one or two bi chicks... or that "freak in bed" straight girl who likes to see her man suck cock.... again... no where near the majority. Not even in the same galaxy of being close to representative of standard majority female opinion.)
..... very very representative of women in my experience, and thats just towards their competition of their own sex. Now add... "He also fucks men..." to that situation. You've just lost the interest of a MAJOR amount of the females who WERE interested in you just because they thought / assumed you were at least straight.
Example: (JUST an example)
- Starting Point...
- Women interested sexually / physical image attraction alone before getting to know or talking to you...
= 100
- Like your personality and or trust you enough after meeting and talking to you to fuck you or attempt to date you....
= 1-20 (Typically what we see in the dating scene these days as Men... dating is the women's world not ours... numbers I've read / seen range from 1% to only as high as 10% of attempts by men to court women have any success ESPECIALLY in the online dating scene)
- Women still interested after they find out your Bi....
= 0 - 8
(if we go by the law of almost all studies done saying that 2/3 of women say they would never date a man who has or wants to have sex with other men... when combined with having to desire / want to partner with that man, and NOT JUST fuck them)
Ya... noooo interest in those odds. And I'm lucky I don't have to worry about them. I'll stay happily in the closet jacking off to big hairy cocks online and keeping that shit to myself.
So.... it's not worth it in any way shape or form for me as an in the closet bisexual guy to come out of said closet for sexual... personal... relationship... life etc. Reasons... AND... I simply have absolutely no romantic or emotional feelings towards men at all to begin with. So it's infinitely not worth changing my public image to even "Give it a try you might like it..."..... naw. I'm good right where I am.