I'm Undergoing Adult Circumcision For Religious Reasons In Possibly A Year Or Two, I Have A Dilemma

J Zychon

Experimental Member
Dec 19, 2017
Birmingham (England)
80% Gay, 20% Straight
As the above explains, I am getting circumcised next year (2020) or the year after that for religious reasons as part of becoming a Jew.

I'm totally cool with it (never used to be), however, I don't know how to explain this in a few words but I think my main fear is standing out too much. Of course, one should be proud of who they are (or who they will be), however, I feel like being circumcised will make me stand out too much especially when in the UK the majority of men aren't circumcised.

If anyone can give me some reassuring words or just generally talk about what it is liked to be a circumcised guy in the UK I'd appreciate it.
Typically, people convert to Judaism (sp?) because they have entered into a relationship with a Jew and plan to marry.

If that is the case, why are you worried about standing out since, presumably, you won't be going around showing your cock to strangers any longer.
Logically, if you are in the minority in the UK (once you are circumcised) then you would likely be of more of an interest to those who aren't circumcised or who have never been with a circumcised man. I say, enjoy the extra attention that you are about to receive ... but just remember that you are more than just a cock, cut or uncut.
I've known several Jewish men who were not circumcised. Though, they were born into Judaism and did not convert. Whether or not it is actually required probably depends on the specific sect.

If you're worried about standing out, don't you think you'll stand out in general because of other things you must do as a member of the religion. For example, wearing a yarmulke will be apparent to everyone, rather than just people you get naked in front of, and will probably stand out more.

It sounds to me like you are actually nervous about the circumcision and being circumcised rather than standing out. If I were in your situation I would spend a lot time reflecting on what is making me nervous or concerned to make sure its what I actually think it is.
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I see you're from Birmingham. I got cut at the birmingham circumcision clinic. I highly recommend it. I also recommend getting done tight with a frenulum removal. High vs low is a more complicated issue though.

My experience of various sources: Cosmopolitan forums, mumsnet, naked attraction tv show, various polls, is that even in the UK where only like 16% of guys are cut, when women have been able to experience both types they tend to prefer cut to uncut. I don't know about gay men though. Seems like you would be a curiousity and maybe even more popular as a result of being cut.

You're a grown up right? This isn't going to be like being picked on by the other kids at school for looking different. I think you're worrying about something that will only make you more interesting to the average person.

As others have said, whether or not you SHOULD get cut is a more important question than whether it will make you the odd one out. I like being cut so I say go for it but it's not something you should enter into lightly. Try keeping your foreskin permanently retracted first. That's kind of like a way of sampling circumcision without commiting to it. See how you like it.
As the above explains, I am getting circumcised next year (2020) or the year after that for religious reasons as part of becoming a Jew.

I'm totally cool with it (never used to be), however, I don't know how to explain this in a few words but I think my main fear is standing out too much. Of course, one should be proud of who they are (or who they will be), however, I feel like being circumcised will make me stand out too much especially when in the UK the majority of men aren't circumcised.

If anyone can give me some reassuring words or just generally talk about what it is liked to be a circumcised guy in the UK I'd appreciate it.

Congratulations, do what you want and whatever makes you happy!
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I'm in the UK and chose to get circumcised. I find most people like it, some are intrigued to find out more about it and many others are completely indifferent of course. Most of the time no-one has any idea I'm circumcised, as I'm not wandering around naked!
Sometimes I do keep it retracted for long periods, then I lose all sensation in the head so probably another reason why I'm cautious. But I definitely prefer the look, just not the feel.
Sometimes I do keep it retracted for long periods, then I lose all sensation in the head so probably another reason why I'm cautious. But I definitely prefer the look, just not the feel.

So what is more important look or feeling? I would say feeling all the way so leave it alone. I suppose you have to decide which is more important, your sex life or following religion to the letter.

Out of interest does Orthodox Judaism also forbid Homosexuality?
I'm in the UK and chose to get circumcised. I find most people like it, some are intrigued to find out more about it and many others are completely indifferent of course. Most of the time no-one has any idea I'm circumcised, as I'm not wandering around naked!

I've looked at loads of polls and forum posts by women on this subject and the number of women who say they aren't even sure what the difference is is like 30%.
I think there are a few women (mostly in the US) who say they would categorically refuse to sleep with an uncut man but obviously they are not what you would call "good people" and definitely a minority. Beyond those types, for 90% of people, what type of dick they receive is a total non-issue. I guess it ought to be clean but beyond that no-one really cares.
So what is more important look or feeling? I would say feeling all the way so leave it alone. I suppose you have to decide which is more important, your sex life or following religion to the letter.

Out of interest does Orthodox Judaism also forbid Homosexuality?

Yeah I gotta go with this guy^ on this one. I'll be the first one to encourage guys to get cut but not if they're already confident that they won't like it. Seems kinda silly. Heh. Can't you just tell people you're cut? Just retract it when you need to and say "oh yeah this was a pretty loose cut".

If you're set on following the letter of the law but don't want to get cut then you should go for high and loose. That way you'd be technically circumcised but could potentially still have enough skin to keep your glans covered. The whole exercise seems a little pointless to me though. I have read that the proper traditional jewish style is low and tight which you definitely won't like if you don't want to lose sensitivity.

Maybe you should examine the exact scriptural passages that demand your circumcision. My understanding of orthodox jews is that they're very good at wriggling through the rules in order technically follow them but make them fit their own needs. You could theoretically conclude that just keeping retracted fulfills the scriptural requirements.

Also I'd heard about Judaism and homosexuality. Like there are orthodox jews who have gay friends but won't attend their weddings and such.
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"This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. He that is eight days old among you shall be circumcised; every male throughout your generations, whether born in your house, or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring."

"Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."

My interpretation is that you can literally just get the very tip of your foreskin removed and you'd be technically keeping the covenant. Also if you're planning on buying any slaves you really ought to get them circumcised too.
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Joe Pro Circumcision here. In the States, it is very unusual for the entire foreskin to be removed from an uncircumcised guy who is converting, unless he specifically requests it to be done. I don't know what the Chabad or Orthodox stances are, but generally speaking, you go to the Mikvah, and afterwards, a lancet is used to draw a drop of blood from the glans, the brachot are brached, and that's it. At least that's the case with both Reform and Conservative here in the States. There is indeed much anxiety among circumcised guys choosing to convert - i.e. there's nothing left to chop off. As for the question above about Orthodox "forbidding" homosexuality, we are mincing words and splitting hairs. There is no proper word in Hebrew for "sin". A "chet" is more of an abomination. Eating shrimp is a "chet". Not keeping kosher and eating non kosher food is a "chet". Working on Shabbat is a "chet". Not having heterosexual intercourse with your WIFE on Shabbat is a "chet". Not circumcising on the 8th day is a "chet" (but it is 100% allowable if there is anything wrong with the child healthwise.) So no, homosexuality is not "forbidden". Of course it is good reason for your mother to put her head in a lit oven when she learns that you are a feygallah. I hope this helps. Yasha koach, and baruch ha-bah, b'shem adonai!
I was circumcised when I was a baby.

As an adult, I'd never chop someone's dick to make a magic man in the sky happy. That's just silly. But at least as a baby, it's less traumatic.

I expect this will be a matter for debate with my SO at some point. But for right now, no genital mutilation is against my beliefs. If God didn't want you to have a foreskin, then why would he have created you that way? IDK about Judiasm but in Christianity they teach that we are created in the perfect image of God. So, what's the problem with my dick?

If this is something that you want to do any you're not being pressured in to it, then do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks? It's your body....
I was circumcised when I was a baby.

As an adult, I'd never chop someone's dick to make a magic man in the sky happy. That's just silly. But at least as a baby, it's less traumatic.

I expect this will be a matter for debate with my SO at some point. But for right now, no genital mutilation is against my beliefs. If God didn't want you to have a foreskin, then why would he have created you that way? IDK about Judiasm but in Christianity they teach that we are created in the perfect image of God. So, what's the problem with my dick?

If this is something that you want to do any you're not being pressured in to it, then do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks? It's your body....
The only real god is a ball of gas in the center of the solar system...
also giver and taker of life...
you know it's a real god when it can turn WATER into Fire!
Once you ave been circumcised for a few years, you no longer think of it in terms of been circumcised, you think of it in terms of being circumcised. Not what changed, but rga5ther this is how you are.
Sort of like you are a greyhound and other guys are bulldogs with lots of extra skin.

I am in Québec, and while I grew up minorioty Uncut (about 40% were uncut at school in large city), Prior to deciding on a full circ, when I saw cut guys, I wondered if I shoudl become like them.

With the circ trend reversed, majority are now uncut with long foreksins, and when I am the only cut guy in pool showers, I do not feel bad, feel porud of my penis, and instead of wondering if I should have kept my foreksin like them, I think of it in terms that they should be like me.

Even in England, I suspec there are enough cut makes that you won' stand out. There are also uncuts who will keep foreskin retracted in locker rooms
As the above explains, I am getting circumcised next year (2020) or the year after that for religious reasons as part of becoming a Jew.

I'm totally cool with it (never used to be), however, I don't know how to explain this in a few words but I think my main fear is standing out too much. Of course, one should be proud of who they are (or who they will be), however, I feel like being circumcised will make me stand out too much especially when in the UK the majority of men aren't circumcised.

If anyone can give me some reassuring words or just generally talk about what it is liked to be a circumcised guy in the UK I'd appreciate it.

I am cut and live in Scotland, where the incidence of circumcision is most likely much lower than Birmingham due to there being fewer ethic minorities in general. I never worried about standing out in any way. I don’t feel like anyone cares to be honest. Cock is cock, foreskin or no foreskin.

The only comment I ever received was from an older lady who told me I had a really neat circumcision. The only more unusual experience was with a Polish girl in uni who gripped my shaft skin quite tightly and was trying to move it up and down over the head and failing while pulling my sack up as I am a grower and have essentially zero skin movement when hard. It was a bit uncomfortable and she looked a bit surprised, so I took her hand, asked her to loosen up her grip and showed her how to give me a better handjob, with a loose grip over my bare head. She quickly got the hang of it and we ended up enjoying some really good sex over the next few months, but otherwise never brought up the topic of my penis being slightly different. Likely I was her first circumcised one, but it never stood out as something for either of us after that first handjob.
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