Is it taboo for a top to suck a bottom’s dick?

Because I remember that if a Top suck a bottom’s dick That make him less masculine

Nothing you do in the bedroom makes you less or more masculine. Period!
I find it impossible to believe that someone who calls himself 100% gay in this day and age would ascribe to such outdated stereotypes.
Because I remember that if a Top suck a bottom’s dick That make him less masculine

In the eyes of the straight men, sure... but among the gays, it's recognized as appreciation, and it's something that most want reciprocated. It's even viewed as foreplay.

Some of the confusion may come from the fact that for many bottoms, they may not need to be hard to enjoy anal, so they're ready, but the top's gotta be hard to do their part properly. This is the only point of contention that even resembles supporting the idea of tops being lesser for pleasuring the bottom's dick orally.
Because I remember that if a Top suck a bottom’s dick That make him less masculine
You must forgot labels, you must forgot rigide roles! What is important is share, give and take pleasure, no matter what! Nothing is absolutely black or white! How many times, we want to be something else?
But now a lot of masculine tops are sucking dick
Of course! And why is that? Because it is part of a complete sexuality, without filters, without barriers! I bet they are more happy, by doing that to their partners!
Anytime I come across a bottom with that sort of attitude or a "don't touch my dick" attitude, I steer clear of him with a 30 foot barge pole. If it's there, I want to play with it.
Shut the fuck up I was asking a question
Taboo...this is us who created that prejudice... or not, depending on our head, the one over our shoulders, i mean!
Seriously, what two persons (or more) do, in full agreement, for mutual pleasure only concernes to them! Stereotypes only prevent to give and receive hapiness and pleasure!
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Because I remember that if a Top suck a bottom’s dick That make him less masculine

What country are you in? In westernized (or maybe just more sexually liberal and gay friendly) countries, tops sucking a bottom's dick are not considered less masculine. However, I have heard that in some other countries that are less gay friendly and less liberal it is less masculine to suck dick or bottom, but it is fine to get your dick sucked or top.
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my 2 cents coming from.a sub. My dom dont even touch my dick nor lets me touch it during bottoming, he is my first dom and from what I am told because he's a natural dom, since dominated without words. I went to ride him but by my hips he guided me in to doggy style, and when I reached for my dick he griped my fingers and held them against me where his handles he was using at the time, until we got disrupted, jumped in the sauna and he fingered me at will. my previous top, sucked but never swllowed and he wasnt a dom cause I had to start most of the time. But i guess I dont dukly submit if he did touch me. But i know now I am a sub, because I flet vw5ry comfortable and felt like my performance was as good as his. So in this case, I beleive suckng the sub bottom, would not be allowed.
What country are you in? In westernized (or maybe just more sexually liberal and gay friendly) countries, tops sucking a bottom's dick are not considered less masculine. However, I have heard that in some other countries that are less gay friendly and less liberal it is less masculine to suck dick or bottom, but it is fine to get your dick sucked or top.
Just heard that from other gay men this used to be bad back in the day I’m just asking a fucking simple question I don’t know why you’re getting upset