Is It Wrong?.....

What are those empty tissue rolls?
There were questions and photos of guys using tissue rolls as penis props back then for photo ops. So me being me, I felt sorry for the tissue rolls and decided to gather a few out of the recycling bin, drew varying faces on them being angry, perplexed and happy about their being used for other reason outside their intend purpose :)

Placed them on my desk and snapped a photo....A mixed crowd, a couple of Mr Happy's, Mr Grumpy's, Mr Angry's.......and one or two with WTF faces :)

The taller are paper towel rolls, shorter, toilet rolls.
There were questions and photos of guys using tissue rolls as penis props back then for photo ops. So me being me, I felt sorry for the tissue rolls and decided to gather a few out of the recycling bin, drew varying faces on them being angry, perplexed and happy about their being used for other reason outside their intend purpose :)

Placed them on my desk and snapped a photo....A mixed crowd, a couple of Mr Happy's, Mr Grumpy's, Mr Angry's.......and one or two with WTF faces :)

The taller are paper towel rolls, shorter, toilet rolls.

How very creative you are Mr. Seventiesdemon!!.... Great imagination you have!
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is it wrong
your god,made little green apples,apparently
nope that hjelps

so much for the infamous ;free trade
in NZ avocados,are 2-50 each
Australia,a a glut
theyre dumping tons,daily
fact,not political
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estimated wait time 45 minutes ffs
as bad as Canada not having free viewing access to thev urovision song quest ffs2
what is wrong with our fucked up world
is it wrong
to desire a sexcapade with Nicholas p.....
considering mark read,refuses to give it up
must be one of those furtive/pseudo str dudres
is it wrong,in loving on the occasional Americana huh
like love rural,and the way they tend to say 'manure
then,theres the one we seldom hear here

'yikes' hahja
love it
simplicity i know
but just sayin
laugh talk back
keeping meh amused/occupied

he pulled over,to use his phon,e after dropping his pie,and making a ballsup with his morning shave

stupid nz/150-00 dollar fine
Aussie clever 1000-00 bucks,no fuvcking around

the fucking,is mine
no diusclaimer applys

watching a horse race,on his phone
is it wrong

@ a global frequent 'keep on loving' notice
figurin,it mebeee,with some
confused frown
as if,there whole world has crashed down,at the thought
lpsg poll required,imagine there w/could be minimal honesty duh

shut up arbie
worry re your own twisted fate
go,back to sleep,i say
so your a woman
less power,to you ha

no,was thinking afain
a proposed bussiness project
chinese welcome,and/or corrupt affilliates

why not imort heaps of ev scooters,to beat that darn border patrol
can imagine
big mamas scooting axross that texan dessert,with 3 plus kifs attatched
love the thought,of beating them,yet again

getting messages,from the devil himself ha
obnoxious critter duh
old style pommie/uk/english,evident aged prejudice
when he/it mutters
doing it for 'you people'
no wonder,modern day indigenous radicals,object strongly,to such
meh,quietly put him in place,over days
will regret,he said that
old style verbal,not physical
oh poopoo
when i went to school,no handouts,freebie food required
altho daily free milk,and occasional surplus fruit,ytes
everyone just got on with life
parent nsrurally looked aftrer there own/others
we got smacked for misbehaviour
and never turned into violent criminals,intent on murder
now,we deserve what we have
sick socirtyy,sick humanity