Is It Wrong?.....

where are the fuken responsible prents

50/60 years ago/parents without meddling govts,looked afyer usd
now,parents are often drug/alcohol ridden,incl uncariung fuckwit poiliticans,,going along wityh idocy
there only role in livres,shoukld be a countries infrastructure,and heralth
ur err ffs
on thye side of caution ffs2
really going nuts,this sat am nzt
to think,there was av thing called sat am sport,to look fwd too
geee,we are downrigtht losers now

was,a thing called sat am sport
replaced byu adult shit called lockdowns
poor kids
@ lifes ignoramus,and stupidity
compounded by our existence

of course no one/perfectionists especially
no understandee,or so they will say

need,some renewable energy folks
not to mention daily trauma/lack of food,for many
now can a truth,dissapear,at anothers will
makes me bloody angry
in our so called loving community/not
hg channell ncontinues to tell us how to make caskes,cvookiews usa,confectionary,ice dream etc
all that unhealthy food,tempting us gullible
oh,to be rude,wuithout even trying


who shoyt/abusded the gferrymmsan/wikw woman
not i,eye,sayeth the blind man/aged

wondering if,washing away sins,is really worth it,theae days
nz,thinking of changing votinjg age f5rom 18 to 16how fn ridiculous

why put adult irr5esponsibility shit,on kidrs/immature @ that
to make it worse
nzs highest court in the land,is sayingh yes,go ahead,ruling out//there bill of rights crap,is being compromiised

said all along,humanitys fucked itdself with fn la3wsw,covering laws,all bulshit
harry sand meeghan,not open for replies
ridiculous,i think
why should they have a chasnce to express there thoughts,asnd not us

censoreship,can be a bugger,sometimes