Is pubic hair trendy again?


Legendary Member
Dec 28, 2014
New York
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Recently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I am not complaining about this new pubic hair era. After all, I came of age during the full bush era of the 90s.

Until just recently, most younger guys were going for the trimmed or shaved pubes look. But now it seems that more often guys, and younger ones, are back to having pubic hair and sometimes full bushes. I've seen it at my gym, but also in porn and in the OnlyFans and Camshows (Chaturbate) space as well.

It is trendy to have pubes again? Why do you think now young guys are not trimming or shaving as they were doing it a few years ago?
Recently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I am not complaining about this new pubic hair era. After all, I came of age during the full bush era of the 90s.

Until just recently, most younger guys were going for the trimmed or shaved pubes look. But now it seems that more often guys, and younger ones, are back to having pubic hair and sometimes full bushes. I've seen it at my gym, but also in porn and in the OnlyFans and Camshows (Chaturbate) space as well.

It is trendy to have pubes again? Why do you think now young guys are not trimming or shaving as they were doing it a few years ago?
well im
not sure if it also is a matter of Geographic origen … I don’t see many full bush guys here in Southern California .. must of my sexual partners, even the ones in the military are trim or shave, and those at the gym and fir me my preference is: shaved or very well trim on me and someone i’m going to have sex with, I don’t like pibes cought out between my teeth .. and looks more attractive to me . bRecently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I am not complaining about this new pubic hair era. After all, I came of age during the full bush era of the 90s.

Until just recently, most younger guys were going for the trimmed or shaved pubes look. But now it seems that more often guys, and younger ones, are back to having pubic hair and sometimes full bushes. I've seen it at my gym, but also in porn and in the OnlyFans and Camshows (Chaturbate) space as well.

It is trendy to have pubes again? Why do you think now young guys are not trimming or shaving as they were doing it a few years ago?
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Well I have attended a number of events which are clothing optional in NZ. At Kiwiburn my opinion would be that most males are not shaved, but more females are. At rainbow gatherings very few of either sex are. In the sun club scene very few are not shaved, making me the exception. The average age for those at Kiwiburn is 35-40. At the rainbow 20-25. In the sun club scene 60-75.
well im
not sure if it also is a matter of Geographic origen … I don’t see many full bush guys here in Southern California .. must of my sexual partners, even the ones in the military are trim or shave, and those at the gym and fir me my preference is: shaved or very well trim on me and someone i’m going to have sex with, I don’t like pibes cought out between my teeth .. and looks more attractive to me . bRecently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I agree with you on geographic origin or even culture being the predominant factor.

Interestingly, I have memberships at two university gyms that have communal showers: One is an HBCU and the other is a PWI. At the HBCU, I can count on one hand how many of the African American guys have shaved/ trimmed pubes. They overwhelmingly sport natural bushes. At the PWI, it's the complete opposite: I can count on one hand how many of the White guys have bushes; overwhelmingly they are either shaved bald or heavily trimmed.

I've found that Asian guys overwhelmingly sport bushes as well, while Latino (Black, White, and mixed) guys tend to shave. I have many Japanese and Korean friends who have told me it's seen as being extremely weird and child-like to shave.

I don't watch much professional porn so I can't really speak to how those trends are there, but I do follow a lot of content by college/recently-graduated guys and they tend to correlate with my anecdotal experiences in terms of race/ethnic background.
I agree with you on geographic origin or even culture being the predominant factor.

Interestingly, I have memberships at two university gyms that have communal showers: One is an HBCU and the other is a PWI. At the HBCU, I can count on one hand how many of the African American guys have shaved/ trimmed pubes. They overwhelmingly sport natural bushes. At the PWI, it's the complete opposite: I can count on one hand how many of the White guys have bushes; overwhelmingly they are either shaved bald or heavily trimmed.

I've found that Asian guys overwhelmingly sport bushes as well, while Latino (Black, White, and mixed) guys tend to shave. I have many Japanese and Korean friends who have told me it's seen as being extremely weird and child-like to shave.

I don't watch much professional porn so I can't really speak to how those trends are there, but I do follow a lot of content by college/recently-graduated guys and they tend to correlate with my anecdotal experiences in terms of race/ethnic background.
I agree with your comment on Asian and African American guys. Most of the black guys I've seen at my gym are not shaved or heavily trimmed. On the other hand, with Latinos my experience is different. It all depends on their background and country of origin. I am originally from Puerto Rico, and most guys there tend to trim or shave. The same with Dominicans. Most Colombians and Venezuelans I've seen tend to trim or shave as well. However, Mexicans tend to keep their pubes to some degree. I went to Mexico City four years ago, I went to a locker room, and most guys had full bushes. Same in Argentina, some guys trimmed, but pubic hair is still strong on most of them.
That is interesting Jay… my experience is completely difference as Mexican man is concern, I’m American with Italian and Mexican parents, and interested enough wen I visit mexico city witch is at list 2 times a year as I do Italy.. but wen in CDMX I go to Men’s Salon/Clinic manscape is big there I go there for facials, massage nails pedis, and intimate waxing (balls and ass crack) and my aesthetician is very busy with intimate waxing, and the majority of their clientele are professional upper class younger man from las lomas de chapultepec. Santa Fe, and La Condesa I can’t speak to public places we’re I can see other man being naked, but one of the gyms I go to there I’ve seeing sone man with very trim manicured bushes.
I agree with your comment on Asian and African American guys. Most of the black guys I've seen at my gym are not shaved or heavily trimmed. On the other hand, with Latinos my experience is different. It all depends on their background and country of origin. I am originally from Puerto Rico, and most guys there tend to trim or shave. The same with Dominicans. Most Colombians and Venezuelans I've seen tend to trim or shave as well. However, Mexicans tend to keep their pubes to some degree. I went to Mexico City four years ago, I went to a locker room, and most guys had full bushes. Same in Argentina, some guys trimmed, but pubic hair is still strong on most of them.
Good point, and yes you're asbolutely right. I actually meant to specify that I was referring to Latin men from the Caribbean and Brazil. I've seen many Argentine, Bolivian Chilean, Peruvian, and Ecuadorian men naked and they all had big, natural bushes. I assume the same for many central American men as well.

At least from my anecdotal experiences the guys who are fully/predominantly Amerindian/indigenous absolutely do not shave (they tend to be pretty hairless overall, actually). But the young guys from DR, PR, Cuba, Panama, etc., who have Spanish and/or African blood definitely shave.

@BulgeGuySD True, I think a lot of the middle class men trim/shave and maybe even get it done professionally. But generally speaking, I think the majority of Mexican men are au naturale.
I’m growing mine out again. It won’t be crazy and unruly but it will cover a larger area and be thicker than it was. I’ll still shave the balls though. When my pubes started going grey I decided to thin it out but went a little overboard.
It seems like women are growing theirs out in porn so maybe it’s happening all over.
Recently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I am not complaining about this new pubic hair era. After all, I came of age during the full bush era of the 90s.

Until just recently, most younger guys were going for the trimmed or shaved pubes look. But now it seems that more often guys, and younger ones, are back to having pubic hair and sometimes full bushes. I've seen it at my gym, but also in porn and in the OnlyFans and Camshows (Chaturbate) space as well.

It is trendy to have pubes again? Why do you think now young guys are not trimming or shaving as they were doing it a few years ago?

Recently, I have noticed that guys are letting their pubic hair grow natural or just slightly trimmed. It surprised me because, a few years ago, manscaping was all the rage and almost everyone I met sexually or in the locker rooms at the gym was either very trimmed or fully shaved. It became trendy in the early 2000s when the whole metrosexual men era came up.
I am not complaining about this new pubic hair era. After all, I came of age during the full bush era of the 90s.

Until just recently, most younger guys were going for the trimmed or shaved pubes look. But now it seems that more often guys, and younger ones, are back to having pubic hair and sometimes full bushes. I've seen it at my gym, but also in porn and in the OnlyFans and Camshows (Chaturbate) space as well.

It is trendy to have pubes again? Why do you think now young guys are not trimming or shaving as they were doing it a few years ago?
Manscaping succeeded in feminizing at least one generation of men in this country. This form of voluntary feminization conditioned men to develop neurotic self-loathing about their body hair. Compared to Baby Boomers or Gen Xers, Millennials seemed more likely to take a razor to their privates because this marketing trend all but guaranteed them the possibility of frequent oral sex and the dubious “optical inch.”

Is it any coincidence that Millennials stopped using communal male showers in high schools and colleges due to "modesty concerns"? Yet, paradoxically, and disturbingly, they had no difficulty posting images of their prepubescent-looking genitals online for the world to see. Social media helped the Millennials take the first steps toward feminization and later sold the practice to Gen Zers as ‘normal’. Almost all the online "advice" about male pubic and scrotal hair grooming is laughable. The scrotum is, arguably, the body part least accommodated to a razor blade. If you doubt this, search for images of Fournier's gangrene.

Of course, everyone is free to choose whether they wish to trim or shave their genital regions. But generations of men took pride in their adolescence when they began to grow pubic and scrotal hair. It signified their coming of age. Body hair separated the men from the boys. Men with body hair were proud to be seen by other men naked in showers, locker rooms, and dormitories.

As for the myth that shaved crotches are more hygienic, a daily shower with the use of soap provides the necessary remedy with no threat of scrotal hemorrhaging or ingrown hairs.
I respectfully disagreed with the statement about hygiene.
a docent trim of pubes gives you much easier ways to be clean, not every one have the ability to shower every day ( not me) I shower at list ones a day, and because I, U/C I use wet ball and ass wipes every time I go urinate, and I have a bidet installed on my toilet wen I go number 2. to wash my ass. but is a lot easier to keep everything down there with a modest amount of hair, so no one here is right or wrong, every one is different and we cannot generalize one trend or another.
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I respectfully disagreed with the statement about hygiene.
a docent trim of pubes gives you much easier ways to be clean, not every one have the ability to shower every day ( not me) I shower at list ones a day, and because I, U/C I use wet ball and ass wipes every time I go urinate, and I have a bidet installed on my toilet wen I go number 2. to wash my ass. but is a lot easier to keep everything down there with a modest amount of hair, so no one here is right or wrong, every one is different and we cannot generalize one trend or another.
I note your respectful disagreement and respectfully highlight and repeat the statement I wrote: "everyone is free to choose whether they wish to trim or shave their genital regions." No generalizing or trending was implied or stated.

Some studies, while not conclusive, show correlations between pubic hair shaving and acquiring sexually transmitted infections:

Osterberg, E. C., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Truesdale, M. D., Allen, I., Sutcliffe, S., & Breyer, B. N. (2017). Correlation between pubic hair grooming and STIs: results from a nationally representative probability sample. Sexually transmitted infections, 93(3), 162-166.

Gaither, T. W., Fergus, K., Sutcliffe, S., Cedars, B., Enriquez, A., Lee, A., ... & Breyer, B. (2020). Pubic hair grooming and sexually transmitted infections: A clinic-based cross-sectional survey. Sexually transmitted diseases, 47(6), 419-425).

Vena, G. A., & Cassano, N. (2017). Molluscum contagiosum and pubic hair removal in male patients. International journal of STD & AIDS, 28(13), 1360-1360.

Certainly, men who take razors to their nether-regions are more likely to suffer "high-risk injuries" to their genitals:

Truesdale, M. D., Osterberg, E. C., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Elmer-DeWitt, M. A., Sutcliffe, S., ... & Breyer, B. N. (2017). Prevalence of pubic hair grooming–related injuries and identification of high-risk individuals in the United States. JAMA dermatology, 153(11), 1114-1121.

Glass, A. S., Bagga, H. S., Tasian, G. E., Fisher, P. B., McCulloch, C. E., Blaschko, S. D., ... & Breyer, B. N. (2012). Pubic hair grooming injuries presenting to US emergency departments. Urology, 80(6), 1187-1191.

And although this study focused on females, I don't think it's too far of a reach to apply the conclusions to males: there is no medical basis or hygienic reason for pubic hair removal:

Rowen, T. S., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Osterberg, E. C., Shindel, A. W., & Breyer, B. N. (2016). Pubic hair grooming prevalence and motivation among women in the United States. JAMA dermatology, 152(10), 1106-1113.

As I said in my original post, pubic hair trimming or removal is a personal preference.

But I am whole-heartedly in agreement with you about the necessity of butt wipes and the enhanced cleanliness of ass washing. While I don't have a bidet, I found that a hand-held shower head adjusted to the appropriate setting provides the same benefits as a bidet with perhaps a bit more pleasurable stimulation to the area (I spray a bleach cleanser to my shower after each use).
I don’t really think so. I prefer mine shaved or trimmed and short.
While I can't speak on experience with public hair when it comes to other men, but as someone who came of age when almost 100% of women were natural, I really hope and wish for a resurgence with them.
Both genders have been brainwashed by porn (and razor manufactures) for far too many years now that something that has existed since human evolution is somehow unattractive and unhygienic.
Nothing like the scent and flavoring saver qualities of a full bush as one buries their face in the softness of a woman's short & curlies :yum.
I note your respectful disagreement and respectfully highlight and repeat the statement I wrote: "everyone is free to choose whether they wish to trim or shave their genital regions." No generalizing or trending was implied or stated.

Some studies, while not conclusive, show correlations between pubic hair shaving and acquiring sexually transmitted infections:

Osterberg, E. C., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Truesdale, M. D., Allen, I., Sutcliffe, S., & Breyer, B. N. (2017). Correlation between pubic hair grooming and STIs: results from a nationally representative probability sample. Sexually transmitted infections, 93(3), 162-166.

Gaither, T. W., Fergus, K., Sutcliffe, S., Cedars, B., Enriquez, A., Lee, A., ... & Breyer, B. (2020). Pubic hair grooming and sexually transmitted infections: A clinic-based cross-sectional survey. Sexually transmitted diseases, 47(6), 419-425).

Vena, G. A., & Cassano, N. (2017). Molluscum contagiosum and pubic hair removal in male patients. International journal of STD & AIDS, 28(13), 1360-1360.

Certainly, men who take razors to their nether-regions are more likely to suffer "high-risk injuries" to their genitals:

Truesdale, M. D., Osterberg, E. C., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Elmer-DeWitt, M. A., Sutcliffe, S., ... & Breyer, B. N. (2017). Prevalence of pubic hair grooming–related injuries and identification of high-risk individuals in the United States. JAMA dermatology, 153(11), 1114-1121.

Glass, A. S., Bagga, H. S., Tasian, G. E., Fisher, P. B., McCulloch, C. E., Blaschko, S. D., ... & Breyer, B. N. (2012). Pubic hair grooming injuries presenting to US emergency departments. Urology, 80(6), 1187-1191.

And although this study focused on females, I don't think it's too far of a reach to apply the conclusions to males: there is no medical basis or hygienic reason for pubic hair removal:

Rowen, T. S., Gaither, T. W., Awad, M. A., Osterberg, E. C., Shindel, A. W., & Breyer, B. N. (2016). Pubic hair grooming prevalence and motivation among women in the United States. JAMA dermatology, 152(10), 1106-1113.

As I said in my original post, pubic hair trimming or removal is a personal preference.

But I am whole-heartedly in agreement with you about the necessity of butt wipes and the enhanced cleanliness of ass washing. While I don't have a bidet, I found that a hand-held shower head adjusted to the appropriate setting provides the same benefits as a bidet with perhaps a bit more pleasurable stimulation to the area (I spray a bleach cleanser to my shower after each use).
impressive indeed !
I have shaved complete a few years ago. Not a big fan of it. If I didn't have pubes I wouldn't have much body hair.
Shaved1 (2).jpg

I've not shaved complete since then. In 2020 during the lockdown out of boredom I trimmed real short and then let them grow the rest of the year. I even dyed to make them stand out.

What look do you all prefer?
Since I'm naturally hairless I prefer to be completely smooth. Regarding geography, I noticed A LOT of Eastern Europeans being smooth - that includes pubes and pits. They tend to trim their chests and leave their legs alone but pubes and pits seem to be smooth among many of them.