Jackson krecioch

You know this is there job selling fantasy, if they’re straight or gay it’s really not my business. If you like them buy there stuff if you don’t shut up and move on to the next guy. So fed up with you Karen’s on here whining oh scam, oh this oh that. Crawl back under a rock that you all came out off.
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You know this is there job selling fantasy, if they’re straight or gay it’s really not my business. If you like them buy there stuff if you don’t shut up and move on to the next guy. So fed up with you Karen’s on here whining oh scam, oh this oh that. Crawl back under a rock that you all came out off.
They are not Karen's when they have a legitimate complaint. Sadly, a lot of the time the LPSG definition of a scam is not legitimate. If the description of a PPV is not what is shown in the PPV, a common complaint, that is a legitimate complaint, though people should know better by now. In calling all complainers Karens you are making the same illegitimate broad brush definition as those who scream scam all the time. Karen heal thyself
You know this is there job selling fantasy, if they’re straight or gay it’s really not my business. If you like them buy there stuff if you don’t shut up and move on to the next guy. So fed up with you Karen’s on here whining oh scam, oh this oh that. Crawl back under a rock that you all came out off.

Let's be clear, the posts you refer to are alerting people to the performer's deceptive "bait and switch" selling practices, that many consider to be fraudulent. One of the few things of value left on lpsg is the ability to see peer reviews of content prior to spending your hard earned money on what could be a rip off. As the prior poster said, your whining about people who warn about this deception makes you the Karen -- and the fact that you go to such lengths to try and shield the performer and blame the victims makes you suspect in general. To paraphrase you, crawl back under the bridge you came out from.
Snap still getting more than OF
If he put the time in to OF , he be huge. But I figure he’s comfortable with what he puts out. Guess they usually have a certain amount of subscribers that they can get bye. I figure what ever makes him happy is ok with me.
Can we please stop arguing and get to why he dm'd a $200 vid?

Because he has a few fans (probably with money to burn) who will pay outrageous prices to see any glimpse of him, even when what he shows is practically nothing.

Can any confirm whether his paid content is worth it?

Unlikely. If you read through this thread, you will see nearly all the reports are of the actual content being very lame, despite the cost. Stuff like him jerking off-camera, or rubbing it through his jeans. But maybe this is the exception that proves the rule, feel free to roll the dice and let us know!
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Can we please stop arguing and get to why he dm'd a $200 vid? This is USD, by the way. As an Aussie, that'll be $300 for me plus GST and international fees. Can any confirm whether his paid content is worth it?
Excllentt questions, but LPSG is not the place to find people who will spend $2 for content let alone $200
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