Jacob elordi

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What happened to Evan Peters?
He played so many psychotic/mentally deranged characters that it messed up his mental health for a while, and after Dahmer, he stated he only wants to play "normal" characters.
I agree, I’d understand this comment if it was about his ex girlfriend who beat him up.
For the last fucking time Emma did not “beat up” Evan. They got into a fight where they BOTH hurt each other, however Evan’s bruises were more apparent believing the cops that Emma was solely hitting him. Evan bailed her out, since, again, they BOTH bruised and hit each other. BOTH stated the fight was manual, stemming from a heated argument that got out of hand.
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How exactly does it increase the likelihood of it, cause I see zero scientific evidence of it - got any study or source you can cite? Or is this just based on your own anecdotal experience?

Either way, he's a twenty-something Australian from working class Queensland. Odds of him being cut are incredibly slim to almost non-existent.
Plus his dad is Spanish.
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