Joey Birlem

If you're gonna lie, atleast be good at it, there's a literal photo of him in his underwear in that post.
In Black briefs where you can't see anything. When I first saw the pic I thought he had black pants/sweats on. But zooming in he might not. And He has a shirt on in two of the pics. Not sure why anyone would lie about that
Those complaining about the lack of nudes: give it some damn time, he just started. It makes perfect sense that he wouldn't post nudes in the first few days. Of course if he doesn't post in like a month or two, you'll be totally right to complain - until then, keep it to yourselves.

What is egregious however, is the prices he's set. Maybe stop paying and he'll get the memo, bring the prices back to earth...
His buddy Brandon got 22 people to pay the VIP price of $200. So far Joey is at 3. I think he’ll beat Brandon within the week.
Those complaining about the lack of nudes: give it some damn time, he just started. It makes perfect sense that he wouldn't post nudes in the first few days. Of course if he doesn't post in like a month or two, you'll be totally right to complain - until then, keep it to yourselves.

What is egregious however, is the prices he's set. Maybe stop paying and he'll get the memo, bring the prices back to earth...
Exactly he even posted a video saying he will make better content as he goes along
yes for $16 it might be eh. but it's great for a start I guess?
no it's not. it's $16 for shit people literally post on ig and stories all the time. drop the towel or that price tag ain't worth it