Just Curious, Black Guys Always Have Bigger Cock?

BBC is a well perpetuated myth. Studies that have used racial demographics have shown that there is no significant difference in erect penis length percentages. Black males tend to be extreme showers. However they tend not to grow much when erect. I have also been told by women who have been with both black and white men that white men tend to be a lot harder than black men.

The porn industry has done a great job of perpetuating this myth. I don't think I need to get into how they do it. There are several theories of how this got started back in olden times. If you are curious, google it for yourself. This area can get quite controversial, so I am not personally going to bring all that up. Because I am well read and written. actually use spelling and punctuation, while having a wide range of personal experiences to draw from, many here who do not know me yet, unjustly accuse me of lifting off the internet and making things up. People who have known me for years on SF, respect me for my knowledge, experience and use of the English language.

BBC is a well perpetuated myth. Studies that have used racial demographics have shown that there is no significant difference in erect penis length percentages. Black males tend to be extreme showers. However they tend not to grow much when erect. I have also been told by women who have been with both black and white men that white men tend to be a lot harder than black men.

That's odd...one of my friends, who is a white woman, told me that I have one of the hardest dicks that she's ever felt. I must be an outlier?

Either way, I don't like to get into discussions about "BBC" and all of that because it becomes ignorant and racist, but sir, I will say that the above quote is 100% conjecture.

Everyone is different, human ethnicities are not monoliths.
That's odd...one of my friends, who is a white woman, told me that I have one of the hardest dicks that she's ever felt. I must be an outlier?

Either way, I don't like to get into discussions about "BBC" and all of that because it becomes ignorant and racist, but sir, I will say that the above quote is 100% conjecture.

Everyone is different, human ethnicities are not monoliths.

Please note the hardness part was not touted as any kind of fact. What "I have been told by several women", is a tiny cross section of information, that I have received, one human, from another. I'm sure you could ask a bunch of others who would answer as your friend has. To put any kind of fact basis on this would require a study of a large group of women. There is a big difference between facts based on studies and an opinion based on "so I've been told". That's why it was written as it was.

Ive been with two women of color in my life, and they basically said what cappy said. As a matter of fact both said i was bigger that any black guy that they ever had sex with
Black men in Africa do. They have huge dicks on average. Black Americans are about the same as White Americans. Some have smaller dicks and others have bigger dicks. Just depends really.
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I would be cautious of any so-called studies on penis size, because the vast majority of them require self-reporting, and let's be honest: How many men will accurately state the size of their manhood? Case in point: There are many men on this very site who claim to have a penis of such and such size, but don’t have any verified photos to support their claims. I would be suspicious of any “study” that doesn’t clearly state it’s methodology, and again, let's be honest: The likelihood of men with average and small penis sizes undertaking a penis size survey is small, so the results will almost inevitably be skewed towards men with larger sizes.

Similarly, unless the women (and men) who have claim to speak with authority on which ethnicity is bigger, harder, etc., have slept with at least 500 men of each ethnic group, their anecdotal experiences can’t be taken for anything. These kinds of things require large population/sample sizes, not 5 guys here or 10 guys there. Another case in point: I’ve been with 2 white guys and about 25 black guys. I’d say the 2 white guys were bigger than all but maybe 5 of the black guys. Can we confidently draw conclusions based off those numbers?

To sum up: The "BBC" myth continues to prevail today because of the Black men who we see naked, many of them do indeed have larger penis sizes than men of other races. Black American men tend to be more conservative with their bodies, outwardly speaking, than White American men. In the spirit of "research", I cannot say definitively but my anecdotal experiences, conversations, and observations have been that black men in general are less likely to use communal showers, change openly in the locker room. Again, it's not enough "data" to draw a conclusion, but between my 2 gym memberships (which both still have communal showers), I'd say about 40% of the male clientele are Black, and of that 40%, I'd say may 15% of them use the shower. The rest shower in their underwear or leggings, do the "towel dance", etc, even those who have amazingly sculpted bodies. The ones who do shower have been men with larger-than-average penis sizes. So there is a level of confidence, and probably cockiness (no pun intended) in showing off, because we know most people do have a fascination with penis size, and at least among this demographic, they fit the stereotype assigned to them.
I would be cautious of any so-called studies on penis size, because the vast majority of them require self-reporting, and let's be honest: How many men will accurately state the size of their manhood? Case in point: There are many men on this very site who claim to have a penis of such and such size, but don’t have any verified photos to support their claims. I would be suspicious of any “study” that doesn’t clearly state it’s methodology, and again, let's be honest: The likelihood of men with average and small penis sizes undertaking a penis size survey is small, so the results will almost inevitably be skewed towards men with larger sizes.

Similarly, unless the women (and men) who have claim to speak with authority on which ethnicity is bigger, harder, etc., have slept with at least 500 men of each ethnic group, their anecdotal experiences can’t be taken for anything. These kinds of things require large population/sample sizes, not 5 guys here or 10 guys there. Another case in point: I’ve been with 2 white guys and about 25 black guys. I’d say the 2 white guys were bigger than all but maybe 5 of the black guys. Can we confidently draw conclusions based off those numbers?

To sum up: The "BBC" myth continues to prevail today because of the Black men who we see naked, many of them do indeed have larger penis sizes than men of other races. Black American men tend to be more conservative with their bodies, outwardly speaking, than White American men. In the spirit of "research", I cannot say definitively but my anecdotal experiences, conversations, and observations have been that black men in general are less likely to use communal showers, change openly in the locker room. Again, it's not enough "data" to draw a conclusion, but between my 2 gym memberships (which both still have communal showers), I'd say about 40% of the male clientele are Black, and of that 40%, I'd say may 15% of them use the shower. The rest shower in their underwear or leggings, do the "towel dance", etc, even those who have amazingly sculpted bodies. The ones who do shower have been men with larger-than-average penis sizes. So there is a level of confidence, and probably cockiness (no pun intended) in showing off, because we know most people do have a fascination with penis size, and at least among this demographic, they fit the stereotype assigned to them.
I've seen this as well in my gym adventures over the years. Black men tend to be more modest in locker rooms.
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Black men in Africa do. They have huge dicks on average. Black Americans are about the same as White Americans. Some have smaller dicks and others have bigger dicks. Just depends really.
Interesting, because there are studies that gathered data on penis size in several african countries. Guess what. Same average penis size as in Europe or USA.

Always means one hundred percent of us are hung

I’d say the percentage increases with Congolese
Nigerian or Caribbean blacks because they’re less mixed
Scientific study done in Nigera has shown the same average size as in other countries in Europe / USA
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Interesting, because there are studies that gathered data on penis size in several african countries. Guess what. Same average penis size as in Europe or USA.

Scientific study done in Nigera has shown the same average size as in other countries in Europe / USA

Yes, some African and South American countries are average but clearly there are a few that are well above the average penis size compared to both Europe and America and many other places... The global penis size is around 5 inches.


Yes, some African and South American countries are average but clearly there are a few that are well above the average penis size compared to both Europe and America and many other places... The global penis size is around 5 inches.

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I am talking about real scientific studies. Not the world map which is known to be fake or some other made up shit.
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I am talking about real scientific studies. Not the world map which is known to be fake or some other made up shit.
You're talking about "real studies" but you haven't posted any links. And even after looking over the results...The Congo still has the highest penis size on average over other places.
Yes, some African and South American countries are average but clearly there are a few that are well above the average penis size compared to both Europe and America and many other places... The global penis size is around 5 inches.

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The "charts", maps and graphics like these are SO bogus!... Only fools believe them.

They, and all those ridiculous "scientific studies" are always skewed to be racist against Asians and Indigenous people, world-wide, to the point of being all but libelous.

They only exist to prop-up the insecurities of the, mostly, Caucasian "scientists" that conduct or have completely concocted them.

Men LIE about the size of their erections!

That is the only "truth" you will learn from those ongoing, idiotic, prejudiced "studies"... Period!

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I've seen this as well in my gym adventures over the years. Black men tend to be more modest in locker rooms.
I think this might be more because of a pervasive homophobia in many black communities, where even the sight of another nude male or being seen nude by another male is conflated with “gay”. It’s an unfortunate social attitude.
The ex wife left me for a black guy and contrary to the popular stereotype he is a good bit smaller than I.
She always complained about me being too big and probably figured that I would make a comment so
she told me this as we were leaving our divorce hearing!