Keegan whicker (instagram model)

I’m sorry but how does this narcacistic twat waffle have a job?

Did I miss something? DWI.. his posts.. his book..

Yeah, he’s above average looking. But talking to him is probably exhausting - I’d rather talk to the inside of a can of pineapples.
Still no one answers if he is willing to date a 4’9 ft tall and 300 lbs nice-in-the-inside person
I almost burnt my head trying to figure out how your question is relevent, but since you won't let it go

People in this thread is making the argument that:
> hot NOT EQUAL attractive
(cuz personality flaws)

And you're asking people making the above statement to also agree that:
> ugly EQUAL un-attractive
(since personality can be good)

Can you see how the statement you're trying to make, validity notwithstanding, can in no way either prove or disprove the point others are making?
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Oh sorry but I’m shallow, good looking for me is attractive and ugly for me is unattractive no matter how hol the person is. As I’ve mention, most of us here will not date someone who is 4’9 feet tall and 300 lbs, especially if you are using the gay dating apps. All of us here will ask for pics first and not do you go to church regularly and give alms to the poor.
I almost burnt my head trying to figure out how your question is relevent, but since you won't let it go

People in this thread is making the argument that:
> hot NOT EQUAL attractive
(cuz personality flaws)

And you're asking people making the above statement to also agree that:
> ugly EQUAL un-attractive
(since personality can be good)

Can you see how the statement you're trying to make, validity notwithstanding, can in no way either prove or disprove the point others are making?[/QUOTE
Oh sorry but I’m shallow, good looking for me is attractive and ugly for me is unattractive no matter how hol the person is. As I’ve mention, most of us here will not date someone who is 4’9 feet tall and 300 lbs, especially if you are using the gay dating apps. All of us here will ask for pics first and not do you go to church regularly and give alms to the poor.
Well I'm actually not arguing with you, since my point is that most people on the thread (ignoring hypocrites) would agree with you. But that does not take away the legitimate criticism of his personality flaws, which can (and did) make him unattractive to a lot of us. We're simply saying that if someone is good-looking and likable, that would be even more of a whole-package.
Oh sorry but I’m shallow, good looking for me is attractive and ugly for me is unattractive no matter how hol the person is. As I’ve mention, most of us here will not date someone who is 4’9 feet tall and 300 lbs, especially if you are using the gay dating apps. All of us here will ask for pics first and not do you go to church regularly and give alms to the poor.

Why are you talking about church girl not the place
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Yup you guys started attacking his personality and when your hypocrisy is targeted, you cried!

omg you are exhausting... no one here cares if he would date a fatty or not we are not discussing his interests in men just his appearance and the personality he appears to have (or lack). some men are attracted to large men (chasers) so I don’t know what you’re on about.
omg you are exhausting... no one here cares if he would date a fatty or not we are not discussing his interests in men just his appearance and the personality he appears to have (or lack). some men are attracted to large men (chasers) so I don’t know what you’re on about.
I’m about the hypocrites here,
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Yes I’m over this guy and his inner trans. That’s so unattractive, also his photos are ridiculously photoshopped, I looked into it and they are so ew. Nice dick but not into the trans thing, he claims he’s just messing around but too many instances equals what he really feels.
Oh and to the guy with the fat coment, stfu you’re annoying. Maybe there are people who will date a short fat guy, but most will not. I know I wouldn’t.
At least you’re not a hypocrite in terms of what you like physically, and may i suggest that you unwatch this thread so you don’t see any trans thing from him
Yes I’m over this guy and his inner trans. That’s so unattractive, also his photos are ridiculously photoshopped, I looked into it and they are so ew. Nice dick but not into the trans thing, he claims he’s just messing around but too many instances equals what he really feels.

he's dressing up in drag, not being a "trans". Sit your ass down.