Keegan whicker (instagram model)

No, it’s not that he’s not attractive, it’s that he photoshops his face. It’s like night and day between unedited and edited. Stop supporting his artificial self.
I’m not supporting his artificial self. I’m simply stating that responding to an unedited photo of him or other guys with “ew” just contributes to body image issues. No wonder they edit and filter their pics if people are going to respond that way to their unedited pics. And if someone as good looking as him feels the need to edit and filter his pics, and gets comments like that if he doesn’t, then there isn’t any hope for the rest of us.

You and a few others who have responded to me really need to work on your reading comprehension. I wasn’t criticizing the user who posted the unedited screenshot of him. I was criticizing the user who responded to that unedited pic of him with “ew.” If people are going to respond that way to unedited pics of guys who are above-average-looking, then we all better be editing and filtering our pics.
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I’m not supporting his artificial self. I’m simply stating that responding to an unedited photo of him or other guys with “ew” just contributes to body image issues. No wonder they edit and filter their pics if people are going to respond that way to their unedited pics. And if someone as good looking as him feels the need to edit and filter his pics, and gets comments like that if he doesn’t, then there isn’t any hope for the rest of us.

You and a few others who have responded to me really need to work on your reading comprehension. I wasn’t criticizing the user who posted the unedited screenshot of him. I was criticizing the user who responded to that unedited pic of him with “ew.” If people are going to respond that way to unedited pics of guys who are above-average-looking, then we all better be editing and filtering our pics.

You need to work on relaxing. Chill. We get the point, stop stressing over it.
You need to work on relaxing. Chill. We get the point, stop stressing over it.
If you guys had gotten the point, then you would have said that earlier rather than criticizing me and making fun of my posts. But thanks for trying to convince me it was about me and my reaction.
Comments like this just contribute to the body image issues that are so prevalent in the gay community. If he is considered unattractive, then there isn’t any hope for those of us who are less attractive than him.

Have you seen his own instagram? He himself is contributing more to body image issues in gay community than a few people ragging on him here.
He’s hot, I’d fuck him into next Tuesday, but he’s not “a god” ... you homos do realize that if you give all these good looking dudes “god” status they turn into kunts right? My ex was hotter and I never once treated him like “a god.” His new boyfriend did and now he is the most annoying kunt in the world.
He definitely looks different when he smiles (which he rarely does). But so do a lot of people, your whole face shape can change including nose.

Are people familiar with the effect of focal length? Phone cameras are not good with this, especially if you're up close to them!

View attachment 3400161

So which is the truer image?