Keegan whicker (instagram model)

I bought his selfie book because I thought he was gorgeous and it’d be fun to look through.

I have never regretted something so bad in my life. There’s a section of the book where he puts his “ private thoughts and musings” and it is literally the worst crap I’ve ever read. I packed the book away because of it. It basically says he knows he’s a solid 10/10 and that he struggles with hookups because no one is on on his level of hotness. But also he wonders if maybe he should just throw the ugly guys a bone because then they’ll know what perfection is like. Or some bullshit like that. I’m sure he’ll try to pass it off as satire but we all know it’s not. It’s a terrible book and he is kind of a terrible person.
Hes not ugly he has a good body but his face does nothing to me. Guys like him are not my type anyway pretty boy type. I love guys who are bit thick with no abs and pecs not fat though. If you scroll down and look af his older pics he wasnt all that! Lol
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10/10? Maybe a 10/10 body but a 5/10 in the face.

I mean every example you provided is the left side of his face. We all got angles better than others. And there's no way even in those examples is he a 5/10. He's still handsome and attractive and 5/10s are not.
To those of you saying he's not all that, y'all just be jealous. He is truly a hot man, face, body, and all. Y'all are just trying to rationalize the fact that you weren't blessed by God and born with his looks..

Nah. I don’t believe in god so your entire comment was pointles. I’m 100% sure I ain’t jealous of this little ugly white boy. He’s just ugly (too me). I guess it’s true, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Or maybe some of y’all gays are just pathetic and leech on anything since y’all get no real action ... Oop