Kit Connor

I know that Kit smokes, but does anyone know how heavy a smoker kit is? Does anyone think he is a regular everyday smoker?
most likely an every day thing. every smoker that i've met, and i've met a lot, like a LOT, is a daily smoker. i've never met one of those casual smokers that only smoke if they're in social situations with other smokers. it really only differs on how much they smoke in a day. there's people who can make a pack last a week, there's other who only make it last a day
Can the Christian gays who hate smoking leave already. We don’t care if you’re losing your boner over cigs!
I know it's likely that none of you on here would have met Kit in real life but I just wondered if he smells like a smoker and if you can smell cigarettes when you meet him?

There are always those people that ask the fans that've met Kit what he smells like and every fan that's answered has said he smells good.