Kit Connor

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i said it's the logical explanation. which means his reasoning his not logical. if it were, people would've got it
Your logical explanation was that he was using it as a new paragraph starter, but since it would in no way make any sense when you look at where they were inserted, that points at your logic being flawed. Hence why I said it fails. ;)

As others have said, it looks far more like he's using them in place of proper punctuation.
The production of the movie is filming all Kit's scenes with his co-star now as well as they are going to do all promotional photos at once because in a few weeks Kit will start filming the second season of HS or at least that's what I read on Twitter, but if you notice that Kit is a little thinner a few months ago he was more plump so most likely he has lost weight not only for the role he's doing now but for the continuity of the story in HS.... He looks adorable as ever!!!
Smoking hot picture of Kit posted on Instagram Story of his co-star Maia Reficco. I have a feeling that A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorow is going to make Kit an even bigger teen idol. Maia is very active on Instagram.
I totally agree with you, that movie will cement Kit as a young star and also give her a new career turn around. I read the book recently and I must say that the character has certain nuances to Mr. Nelson, not totally but there are certain similarities. 2023 is going to be a big year for Kitty, the second season of HS is coming, this movie and who knows what other surprises.
Umm, plenty of pictures of kit has been uploaded and comments made about him since he's an adult. What are you on about.

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They are really upset about not being able to make comments about people and/or characters who are under 18... Apparently that is the hill they've chosen to die on...
I think it's good to follow the forum policies if they recommend not to talk about a character for being underage that's fine (which I think is stupid?, Yes) but to each it's own thoughts and ideas... I think by the end of HS (the books) Nick is 18 understand that will be in the 5th book.

:neutral:PS: Is it true that his co-star in the film he is currently filming is a lesbian?
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