Kit Connor

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This is complete nonsense, of course. Also, as the cherry on top of your fantasy suite post, the fictional character's name is Nick, Kit is Kit.
Oh oops, totally used the wrong name lol. I was very obviously exaggerating on them having to absolutely be a couple if Kit were gay/bi, but it would be understandable seeing how close the two claim to be. Don't have to be so nasty man, it's just an opinion, and one that's a lot less thirsty and realistic than those (like you) praying for him to be gay/bi. Just went through your past posts and all you seem to contribute to the forums is bitterness. Cheer up lad.
So what!! what is the big deal if he is gay, bi, or straight? he is comfortable not disclosing his sexuality means he doesn't want to tell the public. rather than assuming that he is bi or straight why don't we appreciate the fact that he is fucking hot 18 years old boy and that is it.

I never watched the series before but from what I see from the trailer and what I have read so far in this thread, the character he plays is Bi but does it necessary that he has to be Bi? I mean he may be Bisexual but the character is a Bisexual boy who is straight acting which means a straight man can play this character too. however, even if he is Bi, so what? you guys just want him to say that he is bi even if he doesn't want to. I mean what is wrong with that. He doesn't want to means he doesn't want to, so leave him alone. All I can read from this thread after the front pages are what you guys said about his sexuality.
I want to come to this thread to check if anyone posts his pic or not but nope all I see is about his sexuality.
Oh oops, totally used the wrong name lol. I was very obviously exaggerating on them having to absolutely be a couple if Kit were gay/bi, but it would be understandable seeing how close the two claim to be. Don't have to be so nasty man, it's just an opinion, and one that's a lot less thirsty and realistic than those (like you) praying for him to be gay/bi.
Your brilliant rationale is that he can't be queer because otherwise he'd be with the boy he is romancing on a TV show you enjoy. That's not realistic, it's str8 tween fanfic. Fuck off.
with the amount of commenters i’ve muted, i might as well be texting myself.

you’re doing Kit a disservice by actually assuming his sexuality. y’all can’t really be this stupid.

It’s a shame we gays act like this the ONE TIME we get some genuine piece of representation that doesn’t revolve around some kind of immediate trauma.
Many people in this thread are LGBTQI and can you remember how embarrassing anything to do with your sexuality was when you were a teenager? I'd want to curl up and die seeing thousands of people speculate about it, articles about it in significant publications etc.. poor guy.
A person's sexuality is theirs and that's that.
He will talk about her when he feels comfortable and at peace with her.
Kit is a fantastic actor and I'm sure he will go far and I'm obviously looking forward to the second season of HS.
Oh oops, totally used the wrong name lol. I was very obviously exaggerating on them having to absolutely be a couple if Kit were gay/bi, but it would be understandable seeing how close the two claim to be. Don't have to be so nasty man, it's just an opinion, and one that's a lot less thirsty and realistic than those (like you) praying for him to be gay/bi. Just went through your past posts and all you seem to contribute to the forums is bitterness. Cheer up lad.
That’s not how attraction works though. I’m gay and I’m not attracted to every guy. On set romances can happen sure but they’re not necessarily the norm.
He said in an interview he's "comfortable and confident" with his sexuality and prefers to keep it private. He does seem straight to me and I'm going to assume so until proven otherwise lol. If he's not at least bi, it'll definitely take a little bit away from the magical fairy-tale like appeal of the show. I get why it may be in his best interest to not identify one way or another, but then what's the point of the tweet which is now being read as some kind of a tacit coming out lol
Straight guys never say comfortable and confident
Theres something about Kit I really like. TBH I think it's just his character is just like someone I wanna be with and he played it so well. For all I know he could be a straight ass hole in person lmao but after watching that show I just cant stop thinking about Nick Nelson
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