Kit Connor

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1. it's kinda sad how some people here things that couples can't refer to each other as (best) friends, that once you refer to the other person as friends that means that they definitely aren't a couple

2. I'm not saying you can't discuss his sexuality (though I'm probably siding more with the you shouldn't camp), but at some point, doesn't it just get.... boring?

Not just an artist lol, the artist who created Heartstopper drew it (if we're thinking the same pic)
It's not that they can't, but both Kit and this girl have said they're nothing more than friends.
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Anyone who really listens closely to what the dude ACTUALLY SAYS in this "Making of" video you provide will note he specifically says they cast the main parts to capture "the essence" and "authenticity" of the characters > which hardly means that all 6 cast members are all gay, bi, trans! This is how you've chosen to selectively interpret the remarks made > BUT no director, producer, creator would break one of the most sacred taboo Show Biz rules by publicly "outing" their cast of actors when several Heartstopper actors have invoked their right not to comment on the PRIVATE subject of their specific sexuality!
Anyone who really listens closely to what the dude ACTUALLY SAYS in this "Making of" video you provide will note he specifically says they cast the main parts to capture "the essence" and "authenticity" of the characters > which hardly means that all 6 cast members are all gay, bi, trans! This is how you've chosen to selectively interpret the remarks made > BUT no director, producer, creator would break one of the most sacred taboo Show Biz rules by publicly "outing" their cast of actors when several Heartstopper actors have invoked their right not to comment on the PRIVATE subject of their specific sexuality!
I mean they're making it as obvious as they can without being insensitive to the people that aren't publicly out - but some people are waiting for a coming out post from Kit that isn't gonna happen.


I mean they're making it as obvious as they can without being insensitive to the people that aren't publicly out - but some people are waiting for a coming out post from Kit that isn't gonna happen.
This does not mean with 100% confirmation by the Director that ALL SIX main cast members are gay, straight or bi > for a few key reasons previously discussed

IF he was actually saying this, do you not think the rabid TABLOID MEDIA would be blaring this major scoop, especially given the massive global popularity of this series and its lead actors???

Waaaay too much is being read into his words "authenticity" and "capturing the essence of the characters" in the casting process! Do some homework regarding the casting of straight dudes Heath Ledger and Jake Gylenhall in 2005's "Brokeback Mountain" and you'll hear the exact same verbiage being used!
This does not mean with 100% confirmation by the Director that ALL SIX main cast members are gay, straight or bi > for a few key reasons previously discussed

IF he was actually saying this, do you not think the rabid TABLOID MEDIA would be blaring this major scoop, especially given the massive global popularity of this series and its lead actors???

Waaaay too much is being read into his words "authenticity" and "capturing the essence of the characters" in the casting process! Do some homework regarding the casting of straight dudes Heath Ledger and Jake Gylenhall in 2005's "Brokeback Mountain" and you'll hear the exact same verbiage being used!
You may or may not be right, but let's not compare this casting to one done almost 20 years ago.
You may or may not be right, but let's not compare this casting to one done almost 20 years ago.
LOL > I could quote you much more recent LBGTQ movies and tv shows where these exact same casting terms are used, but was kinda using this famous "gay" flick from 17 years to clue you in for just HOW LONG now these same terms have actually been used!:)
However, if you seriously believe that a highly experienced Director would publicly "out" all his leading TEEN cast members in this series, without most of them being open to discuss their sexuality publicly > AND the rabid global tabloid press would ALL totally avoid this major headline story, then there's little chance of persuading you otherwise!:)
LOL > I could quote you much more recent LBGTQ movies and tv shows where these exact same casting terms are used, but was kinda using this famous "gay" flick from 17 years to clue you in for just HOW LONG now these same terms have actually been used!:)
However, if you seriously believe that a highly experienced Director would publicly "out" all his leading TEEN cast members in this series, without most of them being open to discuss their sexuality publicly > AND the rabid global tabloid press would ALL totally avoid this major headline story, then there's little chance of persuading you otherwise!:)
You ever take naps, bro
LOL > I could quote you much more recent LBGTQ movies and tv shows where these exact same casting terms are used, but was kinda using this famous "gay" flick from 17 years to clue you in for just HOW LONG now these same terms have actually been used!:)
However, if you seriously believe that a highly experienced Director would publicly "out" all his leading TEEN cast members in this series, without most of them being open to discuss their sexuality publicly > AND the rabid global tabloid press would ALL totally avoid this major headline story, then there's little chance of persuading you otherwise!:)
Just to make it clear, because apparently it wasn't clear to you, I was just replying to the part about the "out of date" comparison. I could care less what his sexuality is or if he's dating or not. But you sound really invested in the topic, cheers!
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