Kit Connor

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I can't keep up with what's going on anymore. Last time I checked people were arguing about his sexuality then people calling others names and people asking others to stop sexualizing him on a Large Penis Support forum. Now people dragging other celebs into this mess
I can't keep up with what's going on anymore. Last time I checked people were arguing about his sexuality then people calling others names and people asking others to stop sexualizing him on a Large Penis Support forum. Now people dragging other celebs into this mess

You forgot the drama about his unusually large feet. It was messy.
Yeah okay I’ve figured it out. He’s 100% straight. But since his new acclaimed fan base is a bunch of gay people he is not going to say he is straight cause it will ruin the image of nick nelson. Seems similar to Demi Lovato. She was straight af but then turned bisexual when the gay community became more popular now she’s riding the bi-they/them train since all of her fan base is gay. We all need to realize Nick Nelson is not real. Kit is a great actor who portrayed every gay man’s fantasy guy. He’s a straight 18 year old who probably doesn’t give a fuck about gay people he just saw a leading role and took it regardless of what it was about.
"every gay man's fantasy"

He just looks like a regular degular [bassoon in german] to me.
That's savage... you got to admit he has sturdy, muscular physique and a baby face. That does not sound regular delugar to me
it's extremely common for gay men to be muscular. more common than straight guys since they're more vain... most straight guys of the world look like mark Zuckerberg, bill gates, and incel school shooters
He’s a fairskinned ginger. Any body hair will likely be super light and almost invisible to the naked eye, you’d have to be real close to see it
Ok fine! I’ll take one for the team guys and be the one who has to be real close
So two things…

1) People who say anyone is 100% straight because a guy has a GF sound silly. Grow up and get with the times.

2) I know this is a dumb thing to say but… who cares who is gay or straight or bi? Why are y’all trying to be orientation detectives?
I guess people have always enjoyed a good mystery. But yeah, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
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i don't think i've seen him smile with his teeth. his teeth are perfect, tho. he should smile more often
You can't really tell, but he's missing a tooth (or a couple?). I only noticed because I thought it was weird that he kept covering his mouth when he'd laugh in interviews. It's really not noticeable so it's sad that he's so insecure about it.
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