Kit Connor

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He is gorgeous,the reason because I wanted to watch the show is because of Joe,Kit is OK,I've heard he is straight,is that true,then could the producers find a hotter guy,just sayin ‍♂️
Bitch STFU!!!! Joe and Kit can get it ok? You are a heater, your mouth is fkg restless, you're full of it ..
I read on some Heartstopper blog that filming for season two will start in September or October this year so hoping that at least Kit will have a shirtless scene although I don't think so because in the comics Nick doesn't go shirtless until volume three... but they must make the most of this Adonis. :heart_eyes:
I read on some Heartstopper blog that filming for season two will start in September or October this year so hoping that at least Kit will have a shirtless scene although I don't think so because in the comics Nick doesn't go shirtless until volume three... but they must make the most of this Adonis. :heart_eyes:
Actually there’s some makeout scenes in a hotel room in paris where Nick is fresh out of the shower.
Looking through volume three yes, there is indeed the kissing scene after Nick takes a shower and if you watch volume 3 it is quite 'sexy' Nick and Charlie kiss more and make some rather risqué (but not vulgar) comments about being together (sexually) and the hickey that Nick gives Charlie hahaha my god this is going to be an interesting season.
I don't care if they are a couple or not really but which best friends travel together to PARIS , one of the most romantic city in the world as a duo ???? Common, and it wasn't even me who saw them, it was someone else on this point it is quite obvious but I won't talk about it anymore since many people are so angry and butt hurt about it
Ok i’ll bite. Who said it? Where’d you see it? Friend of a friend of a twitter follower?
I still don't understand what the problem is with the fact that Kit Connor is possibly straight, straight actors have been playing gay *, in this case, bisexual* roles for a long time, a clear example of that is the always beautiful Darren Criss who from the beginning of Glee said he was straight and that didn't hurt his career at all, and that was years ago so I don't understand why Kit doesn't just say ''Hey, yeah, I'm straight, this is my girlfriend, and that's it''. Still, the fans are going to love him, still, the fans are going to support him, it's who he is not going to continue with this stupid narrative that ''she's my friend'' it's obvious she's not just his friend.
I still don't understand what the problem is with the fact that Kit Connor is possibly straight, straight actors have been playing gay *, in this case, bisexual* roles for a long time, a clear example of that is the always beautiful Darren Criss who from the beginning of Glee said he was straight and that didn't hurt his career at all, and that was years ago so I don't understand why Kit doesn't just say ''Hey, yeah, I'm straight, this is my girlfriend, and that's it''. Still, the fans are going to love him, still, the fans are going to support him, it's who he is not going to continue with this stupid narrative that ''she's my friend'' it's obvious she's not just his friend.
agreed and it's not like it'll make him any less hot and no matter what his sexuality is none of us have a chance with him anyway so I don't even know why it's so obsessed over! Just enjoy his work, talent and good looks and call it a day!
Right but im talking about them supposedly “making out”. Nobody’s denying she’s there with her friend
They're more than likely trolling remember they talked about kit having a south Asian fetish
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