Kit Connor

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Where the hell did you guys get that Kit hates his co-stars? Obviously they each have different personalities and he's a bit more reserved that doesn't mean he hates them, the pride photos and videos and Tobi's Vlog proves that they get along just fine!
Other users are being facetious and sarcastic, they're making fun of 1 or 2 users that like a month ago were saying that Kit doesn't like the cast. We all know they're all good friends.
Where the hell did you guys get that Kit hates his co-stars? Obviously they each have different personalities and he's a bit more reserved that doesn't mean he hates them, the pride photos and videos and Tobi's Vlog proves that they get along just fine!
And! Also... Kit is getting his best rugby body for season two :emoji_heart:
I was joking. There are like 50 posts on this thread saying things like Kit isn’t actually friends with the cast. People creating drama for no reason because they live boring lives.
There are literal accounts whose sole purpose is to spend the day calling them a couple and to say kit is queer baiting. Maybe being one of them is why people aren't enjoying you there

Also, if I was 18 and could take any of my friends to Paris fashion week for free you're ridiculous if you think I or any other would. And for sure I'd take my best friend. I'm sorry, have you ever had any friends?
Thus proving my point perfectly, thank you.
If he came out as “straight” or even as a strong ally then that would definitely alienate a large portion of the impressionable teen audience that the show appeals to and would definitely hurt viewership for upcoming seasons.
That's the problem.
It's odd that being in a successful programme about being yourself has put him in exactly the opposite situation.
But you can guarantee his agent and the production company want him to keep it vague.
People can't seem to tell the difference between the actor and the character any more.
Him being a young straight guy out with his girlfriend will get a horrible backlash. He already gets accused of queerbaiting, plus he's getting the pin up treatment, those young girls and gays will be put off if he publicly has a girlfriend.
They do it to all the young lads on X Factor too. As soon as they're signed, they don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend any more, because it damages the marketability.
Some people just really can't accept that.
It's got to be worse when you're now the poster boy for a whole generation of queer's... and you're not queer.
I really feel for him.
I think it's entirely likely Kit is bi. I also think a lot of folks on LPSG get off on the whole 'they're str8 and will never touch you queens' crap with a lot of guys on here.
Really???? Because I always see it as the complete opposite on this site where the queens want every straight or unlabeled guy to be gay lol
Really???? Because I always see it as the complete opposite on this site where the queens want every straight or unlabeled guy to be gay lol
It depends on your area tbh. Celeb/actor/model threads tend to attract the "he's hot so he must be gay crowd" lol and threads for porn stars tend to attract the more "str8 worshipping" types. At least in my experience. :joy: but there is certainly overlap sometimes.
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That's the problem.
It's odd that being in a successful programme about being yourself has put him in exactly the opposite situation.
But you can guarantee his agent and the production company want him to keep it vague.
People can't seem to tell the difference between the actor and the character any more.
Him being a young straight guy out with his girlfriend will get a horrible backlash. He already gets accused of queerbaiting, plus he's getting the pin up treatment, those young girls and gays will be put off if he publicly has a girlfriend.
They do it to all the young lads on X Factor too. As soon as they're signed, they don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend any more, because it damages the marketability.
Some people just really can't accept that.
It's got to be worse when you're now the poster boy for a whole generation of queer's... and you're not queer.
I really feel for him.
In truth, since the beginning of Hollywood there have always been rabid fans unable or unwilling to accept the reality that actors aren't actually the characters they portray on screen > and this will never change!:(

Actors keeping their sexuality, politics, romantic dating life etc...PRIVATE... is also a smart career decision since the less is known about them, the more diverse range of roles they'll be able to audition for and portray effectively on screen > Studios, producers, directors, writers would also largely agree because it keeps the marketing / promo interviews focus on the on-screen MATERIAL and not the actor's off-screen personal life!

Kit's sexuality is entirely his own business > he owes the public zero answers > but people are still entitled to ask their questions and voice their opinions and this will never change, despite how many of us believe they should just keep their mouths shut and mind their own business!:(

Here's the major challenge for Kit though > he's playing a beloved bi/gay character in a global smash-hit LGBTQ series at a time when the whole "casting gay actors to play gay roles" continues to heat up! And he'll be playing this role for at least the next few years > so media/fan questions about his sexuality definitely won't be going away, and likely only intensifying when each new Heartstopper season drops. So while Kit can stick to his guns and keep his sexuality strictly private, which is his absolute right, the answer will likely become obvious at some point as the tabloid media and obtrusive fans armed with camera phones follow him around in his everyday off-set public life. And not eventually confirming his sexuality also means that his family, friends, co-workers, and romantic dating partners will ALL have to follow the same no-comment posture, which is rather unrealistic and frankly exhausting from a longer-term view!:(
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I mean if Richard Madden can do it I can't see why Kit can't.
LOL > is Richard Madden playing a bi/gay teen on a smash-hit global LBGTQ series for the next 2+ years minimum in the midst of an increasingly vocal debate over casting gay actors in gay roles?
It really ain't the same situation and doesn't involve the same level of rabid fan / tabloid media interest in Kit's undeclared sexuality which will hardly be going away during the upcoming multi-year run of Heartstopper!:)
Good luck to Kit in today's all-pervasive social media age trying to somehow realistically keep his sexuality and romantic life "private" > with tabloid media and idiot fans with camera phones everywhere filming his public life 24-7!:(
He has every right to keep his sexuality private > but my key point remains how challenging this will actually be in practice over the next few seasons with the global media and rabid fan spotlight on him big-time!:(
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