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He is not disgusting, but this pornstache is... weird. Generally he dresses weird out of set
He seems to me like a very simple, laid back guy who doesn't care much about how he looks and how fancy his clothes are. I find that very charming and attractive about him. He looks attractive to me regardless.
Being on set means having every inch of you from your face, each hair follicle, every piece of clothing and even tattoos manipulated and chosen by someone else, especially Archie since his hair is such an important factor. I could see when he’s off set wanting to rebel against that in the extreme, not shave, not manscape, let his hair be wild even if he can’t always recolor it, wear wild crazy clothes, even not bathe (which seems a horror to many here, but has recently become a big Hollywood topic as of late). It’s one way to get away from all the primping and fuss that occurs at work and reclaim oneself and one’s soul a little bit. Even the incessant selfies and photos are probably about reclaiming something of oneself and control over your image after surrendering to others all the time. Let’s face it, none of them like making that show anymore, they are basically actor hostages, being off set is like a get out of jail free card and trying to get 180 degrees away from that must be a relief.
Being on set means having every inch of you from your face, each hair follicle, every piece of clothing and even tattoos manipulated and chosen by someone else, especially Archie since his hair is such an important factor. I could see when he’s off set wanting to rebel against that in the extreme, not shave, not manscape, let his hair be wild even if he can’t always recolor it, wear wild crazy clothes, even not bathe (which seems a horror to many here, but has recently become a big Hollywood topic as of late). It’s one way to get away from all the primping and fuss that occurs at work and reclaim oneself and one’s soul a little bit. Even the incessant selfies and photos are probably about reclaiming something of oneself and control over your image after surrendering to others all the time. Let’s face it, none of them like making that show anymore, they are basically actor hostages, being off set is like a get out of jail free card and trying to get 180 degrees away from that must be a relief.
I think this is exactly what this is for him. Also, people assuming he doesn't shower or is dirty just because he doesn't manscape and he doesn't wear fancy clothes on his own time... I find this ridiculous.