Klwhick (keegan whicker)

I meant.. Stop the face or career shaming. He has such a good dick / body. BUT It's a big disappointment for the price he charges with the shitty content he gives. if he wasn't a high-end scammer, I would keep supporting his OF hustle.
People like whining. He's a goddamn sexy dude and he can get it!
Lovely username btw, I see you Marina fan :rolleyes:
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Who the literal fuck cares. This is a thread about his nudes, not his academic life and career. DM him and get left on read if you’re that interested in his life

Excellent point. This forum should ban comments it should only allow videos and pics. People do not know how to not be messy like women but in the same breath demand respect from society. It amazes me how half this guy’s thread is people bashing him like they know him personally. Yikes.