I thought I'd contribute with my favorite videos. I'm not sure if they count, but sauna vids were posted earlier, so.

So, I sadly learned this guy recently deleted all his porn profiles, along with all his videos. Thankfully, Pornhub keeps the videos even if the profile is deleted, so his stuff is still findable there. (Search "Erection in public bath house" for all 4 parts, plus he has some beach stuff) Here's my second favorite of his:

Before he deleted his xtube account, I managed to save, imo, the hottest video he's done. In which he gets hard and cums next to a guy in the sauna:
Exquisite bath house - wishing we had one close by.
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My first year in high school I was too self conscience to show any sort of male swagger. I was the quiet shy guy that hardly said a word for fear of being thought as stupid. Well on the very first day of gym class we had to 'dress out' which means into gym uniforms-- shirts and shorts; our choice as to underwear or jocks. Well, at the end of class we had to join the gang shower and quickly finish and dry before the next class period began.
I had to leave the shower and quickly get to my locker for my towel; I had popped my HBE (Hardest Boner Ever) I couldn't dare allow ANY of my classmates to know. They wood have made a big production of the matter and laughed their asses off and wood have spread the matter throughout the entire student body...I wood have faced ridicule the entire length of my 4 high school years. I felt sexual stimulation seeing so many guys naked and in our Physical Education classes there was a mix of freshman sophomores, Jr and Seniors together and so the older more developed guys fancied my imaginations more and it 'showed'.
It’s normal to get hard in the locker room. I have seen many men fluffed up to full on boner. Same has happened to me and I made no attempt at hiding it.

We gotta start normalising this again...because it’s normal. Enough with the towel dancing bullshit of the 2000s.
Everyone says that its normal. It always happens to me but I have never seen it happen to another guy.
What guy has not had a boner in a locker room, shower or gym!
OMG... just getting undressed and dropping my briefs with other men near brings on an instant erection.
That is why I like Skype so much. Love to play there with men that like mutual pleasure!
In reality don't you think a very small % of men haven't chubbed up , had a semi or full bone in the locker room?
It's just a uncontrollable situation, but it's easy to figure out who's doing it on purpose. That's when some guys get annoyed. Otherwise guys will just pass it off , think it's funny or don't even notice. I've seen all the reasons and had it happen to myself. The sauna/steam room is a totally different situation.
I’ve only ever seen two boners in the open shower in the 30+ years that I’ve been using them. In both cases, the guys were doing nothing to encourage it. I just ignored it as did they. We are all guys, so we know that it happens spontaneously and uncontrollably. It’s all part of being a healthy guy with a healthy sex drive. I always say that I’ll be more worried about when I can’t get an erection rather than when I can. I’m 53 years old, and still get hard every day for which I am extremely thankful.