Yes...I've noticed that attitude starting to become prevalent in France as well.It still is very free and it's far from people not visiting nudist beaches anymore but I also see people in changing rooms and in the sauna of my gym trying to hide everything and even visit the sauna in swimming trunks.
In Germany several factors play a role in this (as people have pointed out for other parts of the world already):
1. The possibility of being recorded because of smartphones everywhere.
2. Cultural and religious backgrounds, especially with a rising number of Muslims although there are also many who are not afraid to be naked.
3. The rising consume of pornography in everyday life and already in early ages where teens or kids can't differentiate that porn is not showing the reality and real bodies.
4. Connected to that is the shift to a much more visual world where people see perfect bodies on social media and on big displays and hence are afraid of showing their "imperfect" body.
5. Being born into a smaller families where you don't need to share space and be naked around others.
6. The rising fear that you could be seen as gay hanging out with other naked men (I don't know where this is coming from though, it's like social pressure grew).
That being said it's very important that we protect spaces where you can be naked. I talked to a french guy some time ago who told me that some places like nudist beaches are being closed in France because of a prudish or religious mindset.
I'm also wondering if the whole issue of "privacy" has become just too ubiquitous, worldwide. Here in the US, "privacy" has been used as the cudgel and legal remedy for so many things over the past 30 years...enough so that it has had a great deal to do with the fact that there isn't much "community" anymore. Hence, also, our fragmenting politics. It could be getting into the same state elsewhere as well.
It was the sole reason, basically, for the removal of communal showers in so many locations---schools, gyms, country clubs. And pretty much closed down single-sex nude swimming anywhere. Sad...