Lorenzo blue/bold/william roepstroff

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And I also think it's all Alex's influence. Previously, William seemed to be more gentle and refined. And it seems he was smarter. And now, he even takes photos exactly like Alex. Looks like Alex is directing the photo shoot. Both have the same poses, angles, and interiors. And apparently he manages not only the shooting, but also life. Before meeting Alex, William didn't try to post dick, ass, or sex. He promoted himself on Instagram and really liked it.
OK. I'm not a judge. Everyone jerks off as he wants.
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Have we actually seen his face in any videos? Is it possible he's been photoshopped in every picture?
Oh he definitely facetunes (and ‘bodytunes’). That’s - apparently - the reason for the odd angles in his videos. He’s comfortable with showing his back/bum, but neither his face, torso nor cock, unedited (and I get the impression, feet too)
…. And there’s the third :laughing: Yet another member who exclusively posts about this subject and whose first post was an attack on another member…

Not entirely sure what you think your point is, but you do know that ‘nowadays’ :laughing:, faces and bodies can be transformed not just in photographs, but videos, too?

That’s a scary clip, incidentally - almost on the wrong side of the uncanny valley… o_O
Sorry about the scary clip, did not realize you wouldn’t get it, maybe a generational or cultural gaap?
…. And there’s the third :laughing: Yet another member who exclusively posts about this subject and whose first post was an attack on another member…

Not entirely sure what you think your point is, but you do know that ‘nowadays’ :laughing:, faces and bodies can be transformed not just in photographs, but videos, too?

That’s a scary clip, incidentally - almost on the wrong side of the uncanny valley… o_O
Well I feel the same as them are my posts diversified enough for you
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Well I feel the same as them are my posts diversified enough for you
Can’t see your posts, mate. And I certainly hope not all posts are about this bloke.
Mind you, no one is disputing anyone’s attraction nor taste.
The point is merely that a) his posts are stupendously edited and vehemently denying such is more than a bit ridiculous, and b) the guy seems to have some major issues with his face, shoulders, torso, waist, cock, and feet, and therefore attempts to keep them out of the frame unless he can extensively filter them.

Oh, and it’s fairly obvious that he doesn’t enjoy bottoming :joy:

My personal interest in the subject is merely a morbid fascination with all the responses. I don’t care for him one way or the other.
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