Measured porn stars??

Shane is not 7.5 inches, why do you keep saying this?


If Shane was 7.5 inches long, the tape would start at 2.5 inches. It doesn't. You can clearly see the 2" mark on the tape, there is still shaft there, the tape does not start at 2 or 2.5!! Impossible. You will admit this right? Anyone can see this!! It's there in the measurement. :)

The downplaying on here by certain users :rolleyes:

You can see the shadow on his penis between the 2 and 3 mark, that mean she dont even start on the base but on his belly

you can better see here: (with zooming)

That create an angle and add more lenght, do you remember the little triangle i used for show you the Lex pics ? btw u didnt even answered to it... maybe because I was right and you was wrong ?

and then the end of the tape follow the curve of the glands, when a ruler cant do that, if she wasnt pushing the tape on her gland for follow it, if you imagine the ruler go totaly straight it wuldnt hit the 10 mark
Shane Diesel's dildo is not 7.5 inches long lol.

I direct you to user bustedm's post on the Shane Diesel thread that debunked that idea:

In response to this

No fantasy at all, I am just saying what his measurement shows from the picture directly above. He is longer than 7.5 inches erect. In that measurement he is about 8.25 inches long, which most rational people peg him at.

I think someone posted a picture of shane comparing with his own dildo and there was same size
If they are the same size its impossible hes 8.25 like you claim, since the dildo is not 8.25, its 7.5 if you dont count the balls, or 10 if you count them (they are adding for women can handle better the dildo)

So choose between 7.5 or 10 :D
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I think someone posted a picture of shane comparing with his own dildo and there was same size
If they are the same size its impossible hes 8.25 like you claim, since the dildo is not 8.25, its 7.5 if you dont count the balls, or 10 if you count them (they are adding for women can handle better the dildo)

So choose between 7.5 or 10 :D
There was even a long movie posted in that thread with Shane, his dildo and two women, showing that his cock and the dildo are a perfect match.

It seems odd that Shane Diesel apparently have no problems showing his cock is "only" 7.5 inches - but a few guys here have.

I mean it's his cock - and his cock is easily in the top 1℅ of cocks in porn and in real life. I bet 99℅ of the members here wished they had his cock - I know the women wished they had. If Shane is OK being honest about the size of his massive cock, why not simply accept it. Why the continued trolling and inability to accept reality.
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I think someone posted a picture of shane comparing with his own dildo and there was same size
If they are the same size its impossible hes 8.25 like you claim, since the dildo is not 8.25, its 7.5 if you dont count the balls, or 10 if you count them (they are adding for women can handle better the dildo)

So choose between 7.5 or 10 :D

This is wrong. Anyone can see, Shane Diesel's dildo is longer than his own dick:





Are you claiming the dildo is the same size as his dick? :rolleyes: It is clearly longer.

His dildo is 10 inches long (this includes a suction cup). His own penis is around 8.25 inches, as he was measured in the above picture with a tape.

The tape does not start at the 2 or 2.5 mark, so he over 7.5 inches long in the above photograph.

You can see the shadow on his penis between the 2 and 3 mark, that mean she dont even start on the base but on his belly.

Get real please that microscopic tiny lift of the tape does not mean it starts at his belly that high, lol. Just face it he is over 7.5 inches long in that photograph. Most rational people I have spoken to put Shane at 8.25 inches. Not only does the measurement show that but also the pics above with his dildo. Shane Diesel under 8 inches, the claim is hilarious. Apart from you extreme downplayers -including yourself, the banned guy who keeps turning up on this thread, TinyPrincess and sdp nobody else takes this claim seriously. The majority of users at LPSG don't even get involved in these debates because they know your claims are so silly.

If Shane is OK being honest about the size of his massive cock, why not simply accept it.

Because Shane is not being honest about his dick size. His dildo is 10" long, which is clearly longer than his own dick (screenshots above) which is in the 8" range.


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There was even a long movie posted in that thread with Shane, his dildo and two women, showing that his cock and the dildo are a perfect match.


See above, the dildo is significantly longer than his own dick. It is hard to take your claims seriously. At least I back mine up with evidence (see photos above for clarity). Are you willing to admit you are wrong? :)
This is wrong. Anyone can see, Shane Diesel's dildo is longer than his own dick:

View attachment 597863

View attachment 597864

View attachment 597865

View attachment 597866

Are you claiming the dildo is the same size as his dick? :rolleyes: It is clearly longer.

His dildo is 10 inches long (this includes a suction cup). His own penis is around 8.25 inches, as he was measured in the above picture with a tape.

The tape does not start at the 2 or 2.5 mark, so he over 7.5 inches long in the above photograph.

Get real please that microscopic tiny lift of the tape does not mean it starts at his belly that high, lol. Just face it he is over 7.5 inches long in that photograph. Most rational people I have spoken to put Shane at 8.25 inches. Not only does the measurement show that but also the pics above with his dildo. Shane Diesel under 8 inches, the claim is hilarious. Apart from you extreme downplayers -including yourself, the banned guy who keeps turning up on this thread, TinyPrincess and sdp nobody else takes this claim seriously. The majority of users at LPSG don't even get involved in these debates because they know your claims are so silly.

Because Shane is not being honest about his dick size. His dildo is 10" long, which is clearly longer than his own dick (screenshots above) which is in the 8" range.

Its longer because like we said the balls are MADE they are not from his cock, they add them... hes cleary around 7.5
Look at the pics you linked, the balls are made ok ? they are like 2.5 inch long since hes insertable lenght is 7.5 right ?
10 - 2.5 = 7.5 and not 8.25
That why his dildo is bigger, without the balls hes propably around 7.5

The measuring tape not starting at the base, not starting at 0 and ending following the curve of his gland.

Its not a microscopic tiny lift like you said, the same photo with my link show cleary its bigger than you think , you are again lured by some camera angle, as I said exactly like the measuring picture of Lex.... you are wrong again.

Do I have to make another picture starting upside the base and following the curve for proove you its easy to make an object bigger because of that ?.... really

He also did some scene with Ramon, Ramon is longer, do you have any picture of Ramon measured at 8.5 ? no ? all the measured pics of Ramon are around 7.5, and he have more than only one measuring pict

Get over it ;)

See above, the dildo is significantly longer than his own dick. It is hard to take your claims seriously. At least I back mine up with evidence (see photos above for clarity). Are you willing to admit you are wrong? :)
Instead of posting pictures where the cock and dildo aren't aligned you could have chosen to post a picture of his cock and dildo aligned.

You could even have chosen to post a picture of the sequence where he sits so you can see the perfect alignment of the undersize of his cock and dildo - showing the complete identical size of cock and dildo.

You chose not to. Cherry picking much??? ;)

If you had, it would be evident that the size of cock and dildo are exactly the same. Insertable length of both being 7.5 inches.

However making absurd claims and trolling seems more to your liking.
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I've told my wife the same thing about my cock. It's probably bigger than most guys in "monster cock" porn.

She's not as impressed as I am.

We choose our men on other parameters than cock size alone, however having a cock like Shane is extremely rare in real life.
You could even have chosen to post a picture of the sequence where he sits so you can see the perfect alignment of the undersize of his cock and dildo - showing the complete identical size of cock and dildo.

You chose not to. Cherry picking much??? ;)

Wrong. No such picture or video exists, you have not shown it. In the video you are talking about with Amy Brooke and Ashli Orion there is a few seconds where he places the dildo under his penis. This proves nothing, all of the dildo must me visible like I posted above. At no time is his dildo directly adjacent next to his cock in full. Putting a dildo under your cock and behind your arse, is not evidence the dildo is the same size as his dick. You moan repeatedly about legit measurements with a ruler, but you are pushed into a corner now claiming such a ridiculous dildo measurement that you have not even posted is genuine. It seems you will do anything to stick to the claim Shane Diesel is 7.5 inches long.

However making absurd claims and trolling seems more to your liking.

Nope, it's trolling to make absurd claims and not back them up with evidence. Unlike yourself I back up my claims with visual evidence. Please show me the pictures that prove Shane Diesel is 7.5 inches long.
Wrong. No such picture or video exists, you have not shown it.
In the video you grabbed above images from you could have used a screen dump of 32:30 - balls to balls and tip to tip.

But if course it doesn't exist when it doesn't fit your purpose.
In the video you grabbed above images from you could have used a screen dump of 32:30 - balls to balls and tip to tip.

But if course it doesn't exist when it doesn't fit your purpose.

If you are making this claim then it is up to you to prove it, not me. The burden of proof is the claimant. You are being incredablity lazy, you leave all the hard work to others. You have not posted a single photograph measurement on this thread.

Shane Diesel's dildo is 10" long with 7.5 insertable. You say he directly compares it to his own dick and it is the same size. Show me his dildo compared to his own cock with the dildo in full view and then I would accept what you are saying.

You will find that no such thing happened in that video, this is because the dildo is longer than his own dick.

We are at the stage now where it is put up or shut up. I am tired of seeing claims without evidence. Either paste in these photographs or don't bother replying back. Take care.
guys why do we even bother with Shane.. his entire career is a sham.. he was and still is pumping since day one.. he has pumped so much that he has yet to have a quality boner for more than 10 years.. Shane is a loser with a limp dick. yeah , considering the fact that he pumps , he has a dig dick. but the whole world knows that it's actually useless at this point i bet most girls crave his plastic dildo than the actual thing...
guys why do we even bother with Shane.. his entire career is a sham.. he was and still is pumping since day one.. he has pumped so much that he has yet to have a quality boner for more than 10 years.. Shane is a loser with a limp dick. yeah , considering the fact that he pumps , he has a dig dick. but the whole world knows that it's actually useless at this point i bet most girls crave his plastic dildo than the actual thing...
Definitely doesn't look like a dick looks after pumping.
used a screen dump of 32:30

Considering you can't be bothered.

May I present to you the screenshots at and around 32:30




Now let's all have an honest vote.

Who thinks those pictures above demonstrate Shane Diesel is the same size as his dildo like TinyPrincess claims :rolleyes:

The dildo is clearly longer than his dick, even the hands prove that. She places it underneath his penis on his leg. This is about as far away as an honest measurement as you can get. The dildo is clearly longer than his dick.

So you believe Shane Diesel is the same size as his dildo. Wrong. He is shorter than his dildo.

Here is the video if anyone else wants to examine it:
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Who thinks those pictures above demonstrate Shane Diesel is the same size as his dildo like TinyPrincess claims :rolleyes:

The dildo is clearly longer than his dick, even the hands prove that. She places it underneath his penis on his leg. This is about as far away as an honest measurement as you can get. The dildo is clearly longer than his dick.

So you believe Shane Diesel is the same size as his dildo. Wrong. He is shorter than his dildo.
  • First of all, keep the arguments honest. No need to change my arguments ;)
  • Secondly, my argument is (in lack of better measurement) that the underside of Shane's dildo is the most precise measurement of his size. The underside is 7.5 inches. In the video the dildo is aligned with his cock at the before mentioned time. The tips and balls are aligned and therefore my argument is that Shane has an insertable length of 7.5 inches. No hocus-pocus...
  • I'm glad we now agree on Shane's dildo being longer than his cock. Nice to see you have changed your opinion on this point. I hope you have moved on from your earlier belief that Shane's 10" and Lex is 11" as you have posted earlier - e.g. on November 23rd in the thread on Shane Diesel.
  • In the thread on Diesel I several times explained to you how dildos are made. Not quite sure if you have understood it yet. Verdict to come I guess.
  • As I understand your current argument in this thread he's 8.25 inches. (Not going to comment on your earlier claims of 8.5" or 10").
  • Your argument I understand it being a picture of Shane being measured with a tape following his cock from the base (or close to it) to the tip of his cock. Is this correct?
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