Measured porn stars??

look at his scene with Liv Wylder jackass, you can clearly see the measurement
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Look at the ruler, how in the fuck could it be fake?

Dudes dick is near the 10 inch mark and doesn't even look 100% hard

Sorry UGB, but that ruler is so obviously faked for the photo. How? Easy, take a photo, shrink in photoshop, print out and stick to a strip of card.

But here's the thing, using the ruler in the pic, the girl's thumb measures 5" from tip to second joint. Find youself a tape and check that for thumb length. Most unlikely. I have very large hands and long fingers, with a 10" span, but my thumbs from tip to second joint are only 3". I doubt there are many men with 5" thumbs, and far fewer women.'s faked
That doesn't look like a properly sizes ruler. Look at the size of the girls hands. Those would be fucking giant hands for a girl. I'd call a 2 minute minor penalty for illegal use of a ruler :)

"Uncocksman-like conduct"...We can't make him spend it "in the box" though 'cause that seems like it would be a reward in the world of porn

Brillig hit the nail on the head...Also, if you watch that scene on video it becomes even more obvious that it is a fake ruler. I believe this was established in a few earlier pages of this thread, I think by Calboner (I was too lazy to double-check).

Switching gears a bit, I have no idea of the authenticity of this interview but Brandon Iron described himself as "average" (see link below, a few questions in)
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Sorry UGB, but that ruler is so obviously faked for the photo. How? Easy, take a photo, shrink in photoshop, print out and stick to a strip of card.

But here's the thing, using the ruler in the pic, the girl's thumb measures 5" from tip to second joint. Find youself a tape and check that for thumb length. Most unlikely. I have very large hands and long fingers, with a 10" span, but my thumbs from tip to second joint are only 3". I doubt there are many men with 5" thumbs, and far fewer women.'s faked

LOL are you fucking kidding me?

I took that screenshot from the movie itself.

Conclusion. Jack's dick is 10 inches
Bob Ross, first let me say I'm a HUGE fan! Secondly, I'd let it go, the man is obviously delusional.

First let me say: thanks alot, I appreciate that, sincerely...Second, you're right but I have always had a "No Arguments" policy on here and I don't intend to break it now and certainly am not trying to instigate. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I would never question that.

However, I do want to point out a very thoughtful post on the specific subject made by a respected member here which I think is difficult to refute.
Sorry UGB, but that ruler is so obviously faked for the photo. How? Easy, take a photo, shrink in photoshop, print out and stick to a strip of card.

But here's the thing, using the ruler in the pic, the girl's thumb measures 5" from tip to second joint. Find youself a tape and check that for thumb length. Most unlikely. I have very large hands and long fingers, with a 10" span, but my thumbs from tip to second joint are only 3". I doubt there are many men with 5" thumbs, and far fewer women.'s faked
I'm with this guy. My thumb is only a bit over 3" long, my fist is 3.5" wide, and my hands are gigantic. A quick glance shows this woman's thumb as being 4.5" to 5" long.

However, the prop (which is exactly what the ruler is) was most certainly made in a slightly less tacky manner than printing a strip to stick to a portion of card. :p

Attached is a picture of my hand span on an actual ruler for an idea of how gigantic someone's hands would be if they had fingers that were over 50% longer than mine. To avoid even more spidery finger appearance than I possess, the width of their palm would also need to be increased. My hands look fairly large even at my height (6'3"). Hands that large on a woman less than my height would look utterly outlandish.

This is not a huge amount of math, or work, or pixel counting. This is what you should be able to see at a glance if you have human-like hands.


IMHO, this thread is mistitled, as the discussion is not around the measurement of size of pornstars cocks, it's only about our desire to think that some superheroes with 12" dicks may exist.
Some of us wish to believe in the footlong cock, and some some consider that 9" are already far above average ;)