Anyway, it just goes to show how hand lengths are anything but scientific and can be misleading
Hand size has been widely studied in Medicine.
Hand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ISPUB - Determination Of Sex By Hand Dimensions
The whole assertion that dude makes about mandingo being a "two hand dick" just illustrates the variance in hand size more than anything.
The whole assertion of usearilpsg about Mandingo being a "two hand dick" illustrates the
fact that the biggest dicks out there are two hander dicks.
Apart from Mandingo, Matt Hughes (the biggest white dick in porn) also has a two hander
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
Look at this huge black cock.
Big, thick, black did. Foot long black dong!!! -
This huge black dick is a two hander dick.
Look at this huge white dick:
Monstercockland - Home of the biggest monster cock videos and pictures - Login
This huge white dick is a two hander dick
Look at this huge white dick.
A huge greek cock on webcam. - XVIDEOS.COM
This huge dick also is a two hander dick.
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
Look at this huge white dick
Huge dick requires doublehands - XVIDEOS.COM
This huge dick also is a two hander dick.
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
Also, let's talk about Quercusone (the biggest dick at LPSG or so they say).
quercusone - Smuggler - XTube - Porn Video
Quercusone's dick (the biggest at LPSG) also is a two hander dick (like Mandingo's dick)
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
I just watched some clip with Rico strong, and the girl he was with would not have been
able to hypothetically get 3 whole hand lengths on him. By her hand size, it would have
been about 2 and 2/3 hands
Then I saw another clip with 2 girls stroking Rico, and they both had both of their hands
on him so that it was 4 hands AND they were stroking him which meant they had room left over.
This is Rico Strong with Rebeca Linares
Rebecca Linares Poolside Interracial
Rebeca Linares is a very small and short girl. She is just 5 feet, 3 inches.
rebeca linares - porn star and director - dvd and videos and more - filmography - - internet adult film database
She is almost as short as Zueleidy (who is just 4 feet, 11 inches).
When Rebeca Linares grab Rico Strong's dick, we can see he has a two hander dick.
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
And believe it or not some women have big hands as well.
FALSE. Those small tiny girls in porn videos don't have big hands.
All it proved was that RFJ very well may have small hands while Mandingo has very big hands.
It don't preved that RFJ may have small hands.
It don't proved that Mandingo has "very big hands".
You don't have measured RFJ hands. You don't have measured Mandingo's hands.