Measured porn stars??

I mean if ya got it, you can sort of tell in proportion to the man's hand and forearm. Ramon is that guy in the bang bros series and he quotes 8inches when the female director was talking hyperbole like he was a foot long, he admits sheepishly that he is 8" so going on that here is my judgements:

Ramon - 8
preston - 8
shane diesel - 8.5/9
billy glide - 7.5
shorty mac - 7
ben english - 8.5/9
castro - 7.5/8
John Holmes - 9
lex steele - 9.5
mr. 18 - 9.5/10
mandingo - 9.5/10 (over 60 years still the largest i've seen on porno screen)
I mean if ya got it, you can sort of tell in proportion to the man's hand and forearm. Ramon is that guy in the bang bros series and he quotes 8inches when the female director was talking hyperbole like he was a foot long, he admits sheepishly that he is 8" so going on that here is my judgements:

Ramon - 8
preston - 8
shane diesel - 8.5/9
billy glide - 7.5
shorty mac - 7
ben english - 8.5/9
castro - 7.5/8
John Holmes - 9
lex steele - 9.5
mr. 18 - 9.5/10
mandingo - 9.5/10 (over 60 years still the largest i've seen on porno screen)

If you actually think that Ramon and Preston are the same size you are crazy. And Ben English is nowhere near 9. Preston was measured at 8 from the side, and there is a Brandi Belle video of Ramon measuring 9 from the side.
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its hard to tell sometimes. especially those actors who are 120 pounds like that Ramon dude. or mandingo who is 5'6". Point is there has never been anyone above 10" in porn history, unless they were using a prosthetic.
This will probably start a shit storm but oh well...

Mandingo compared to a doll from the newest "Monsters of Cock" episode:
Amateur porn videos from Bang Bros

The doll (which lists the dimensions): Barbie Basics Black Label Collection Doll with Short Brown Hair: Dolls & Dollhouses

Now I'll sit back and watch the show...

Well, there is a problem here: Barbie dolls aren't rigid objects. They can be flexed making their length become a lot shorter.

And that is what the girl is doing with the Barbie in that scene. She is flexing Barbie's legs. This way she shortens the doll's length to make it match the length of Mandingo's penis.

This is just as stupid and pointless as to measure an object with a curved ruler.

Anyway, that video shows that Mandingo's penis is clearly shorter than the length of the Barbie.
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IMHO, this thread is mistitled, as the discussion is not around the measurement of size of pornstars cocks, it's only about our desire to think that some superheroes with 12" dicks may exist.
Some of us wish to believe in the footlong cock, and some some consider that 9" are already far above average ;)

Very clever thought.

I agree with you.

Let's be serious: using faked rulers, silly tape measuring positioning and playing with tricky camera angles isn't "measuring" at all. This is just plain bullshit.

Want to know how big are the biggest cocks in porn industry?.

Then, juist watch these screenshots taken from porn videos.

Mandingo's dick is a two-hander dick:

Let's talk about another huge (white) cock: Matt Hughes aka Danny Dong.

How big is his dick?.

His dick is a two hander dick.

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

Another example:

Take a huge super large black cock like this one (they call it "foot long black dong":

Big, thick, black did. Foot long black dong!!! -

How big is that "foot long black dong"?. It is a two hander dick.

So instead of endless discussions about stupid "penis measurements" done with fake rulers, Barbie dolls and bad positioned measuring tapes, let's talk about what is actually shown in porn videos:

The biggest cocks in porn videos (like Mandingo or Matt Hughes) are two hander cocks.
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His point is utter bullshit anyway. If I want I can fit 3 hands on my dick and I am not even close to the size of mandingo. Hands are no proper way of measurement.
His point is utter bullshit anyway. If I want I can fit 3 hands on my dick and I am not even close to the size of mandingo. Hands are no proper way of measurement.

No. My point is not bullshit at all.

Mandingo has the biggest black dick in porn. It is a two hander dick.

Matt Hughes has the biggest white dick in porn. It is a two hander dick.

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

If you "SAY" you can fit 3 hands on your dick, then your dick is around 3" larger than Mandingo's dick.

Average hand breadth on adult males: 84 mms (3.3 inches).

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Time to fire up the ignore feature.

IMHO, this thread is mistitled, as the discussion is not around the measurement of size of pornstars cocks, it's only about our desire to think that some superheroes with 12" dicks may exist.

Of course. The kind of people who, when faced with the truth about those silly porn "measurements" and overinflated size claims, fire up the ignore feature.

Some people simply don't want to see the truth.
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Hands are no proper way of measurement.


Think about this:

Mandingo's dick wasn't measured in video.

Because of this, nobody knows how many inches long Mandingo's dick is.

BUT people can see Mandingo has a huge dick.


Because most men have average sized penis.

And an average penis is a ONE HANDER penis.

And Mandingo has a huge TWO HANDER penis.

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

Matt Hughes' dick wasn't measured in video.

Because of this, nobody knows how many inches long Matt Hughes' dick is.

BUT people can see Matt Hughes has a huge dick.


Because most men have average sized penis.

And an average penis is a ONE HANDER penis.

And Matt Hughes has a huge TWO HANDER penis.

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

Since all those "porn measurements" mentioned here are nothing but silly jokes, I'd say hands are a proper way of measurement when compared to those stupid and hilarious "measurements" featured in some porn videos.
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Look at his posts - that's RFJ... 100%

Time for ignore - waiting for the ban...

What's wrong with you?.

It seems you are seriously obsessed with that RFJ yoy constantly mention.

prove I am that RFJ you say.. How can you know I am that RFJ you say?

And why banned?.

Just because I've expressed my opinions on this subject?.

Just because I show the biggest dicks in porn are two handers?.

Are you saying people here is banned just for express opinions?

let me know.
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Look at his posts - that's RFJ... 100%

Time for ignore - waiting for the ban...

Look. This is the second thread in wich you say I'm some "RFJ"

I've sent your posts to administrators asking them to warn you about your paranoic behaviour.

I warn you: I don't want to argue with anybody here.

I'm here to make comments like everybody else and you have no rigth to constantly disturb me.

I hope you understand what I'm saying. OK?
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Usariolpsg can't be rfj.

rfj was an overbearing ass but when he threw doubt on pornstar size claims at least he (rfj) had actual scientific data to present to the forum. That PLUS rfj showed us picture comparisons of himself with these "supposedly" HUGE pornstars.

This guy (usariolpsg) is just a hack with a chip on his shoulder over the size of these pornstars because he himself has a tiny cock