Measured porn stars??

How do we want pornstars to be measured? It`s only entertainment, so do we care if they lie and cheat? Everytime someone measures over 9, it is always a little scetchy, like a blury photo of bigfoot:p Why don`t they just make fake rulers or something instead?:p...

The issue would be trivial in any kind of normal world,I agree. However it is absolutely incontrovertible that size myths have a very real effect on the well-being - and sometimes even the mental health - of a significant number of men who are made to feel anxious about their own size and whose sexual and romantic lives can be quite seriously affected as result. Porn is often cited as one of the worst culprits in propagating these pernicious myths. Of course you are absolutely right to pin otu that's only entertainment, but unfortunately many people find it hard to take it on board - you only have to look at those on LPSG who insist the stars are nine, ten and eleven inches plus to see how fantasy and reality are often confused.

It's a bit like the promotion of anorexic models in the fashion industry. Of course any well-adjusted woman know this is fantasy, but unfortunately a great many people are impressionable and not at all well-adjusted. Some women who take the fashion industry ideals af face value will starve themselves because they don't match up to extreme body shapes and some men who take porn and the tall tales of women and gay men about giant penises at face value, will have unhappy sex lives and subject themselves to risky surgery in order to match up to the penis size myths.
Karonte... RFJ? Same shitty usage of emoticons, same beat ass hand width comparisons, and saying in his/her first post "You know, people here simply LOOOOOOVE photoshopped jpegs!" when it's his/her first month here. Suspicious. Suspicious indeed.

More importantly how long is that ruler?

Maby it`s a regular sized one and we have all been watching midget porn without even knowing it... But women in porn, especially in the big cock genre, are short and petite. He looks about their height! He even looks as skinny (petite if you will:p)..
Jack Napier is huge and one of the biggest in the business...However, as previously established in this thread as well as many others, he is not a "double-digit" man.

This recent topic got me thinking and not to de-rail/hijack the thread I would like to bring up the topic of "comparison photos" as they relate to measurements and due to the number of photos will have to make multiple posts. I think this will be interesting though.

Take a look at the photos below (which were previosuly posted here) showing Mandingo (who is widely considered possibly the longest in the business) as well as Jack Napier. Notice that he appears to be shorter in length, but not by a whole lot...

Then look at the comparison photo of jack Napier and Shane Diesel...Again, one seems just a bit longer, but this time its Jack.


Now, Shane Diesel is also huge (see photo below) and with that in mind take a look at the mass of comparison photos including Shane as well as Sledgehammer and Shorty Mac....

Incidentally, I learned that Sledge died this year (and how he died) when i was searching for photos. Messed up. RIP


Finally, please consider some "measurement" pics of Sledge & Shorty. None of these are "proper measurements" but they do give rough estimates. (and please don't argue with me about tenths of will be ignored)

Notice that Sledge's photos never surpass 8" even when pressed along the side/bottom and halfway into his ballsack/kidney. The other photo shows roughly 7"

Shorty's only "measuring" photo is a comparison with a VHS tape, which is exactly 7.5" long. Notice that it too is situated along the side and appears to be pressed into his body.

I don't think any exact measurements can be derived from photos but I do think comparison shots are interesting and do help in figuring out what different porn stars measure (roughly).




Thanks Bob Ross for the work!

This stuff really is fascinating (or maybe something's wrong with me :wink:). What surprises me most isn't so much that many of them may not be quite as big as they appear (penis-wise), as the idea that the overall range between many of the monster dick guys is so much tighter than one might guess. Many of these pictures suggest that there may not be much more than a half inch or so between a lot of them in length, and going by individual scenes of theirs, you would swear some of them were miles apart.

I guess sometimes it really does come down to body type, costars, camera work and all the usual stuff, but I'm guessing girth and penis shape is playing a decent part as well.

Take Care
If I were to guess:

Sledge = 7x7
Shorty = 8x8
Shane = 9x8

I'd go, at maximum hardness and erect length:

Sledge = 7x6
Shorty = 7x7
Shane = 8x7*

*-length/girth varies with ability to get hard.
Now, Shane Diesel is also huge (see photo below) and with that in mind take a look at the mass of comparison photos including Shane as well as Sledgehammer and Shorty Mac....
That girl in the third photo has a lot on her plate. Haw haw haw.
Allow me to present another theory regarding to Mandingo.

As you can see in this picture, Jennifer Dark is comparing her forearm with his cock... As you may also know, the forearm is roughly the same lenght as your feet. According to her bio in, her shoe size is 8, which is equivalent to 24,8 centimeters or 9,8 inches. However I think its safe to assume there can be some error margin and we can say his cock is 10 inches long, which is impressive.

Also, regarding to his height, we can see in the second picture from the same scene that he is about 1 ou 2 inches (tops) higher than her, which is listed has 5,7. So this helps to create the ilusion that his cock is really monstruous.


I'd go, at maximum hardness and erect length:

Sledge = 7x6
Shorty = 7x7
Shane = 8x7*

*-length/girth varies with ability to get hard.

I would agree that your estimates are very close although if I had to guess I would say:

Sledge: 7.25 X 6.25
Shorty: 7 X 7
Shane: 7.5 X 6.75

Keep in mind with all of these that they are my estimate if I had to guess within the nearest 1/4". Im sure I'm off a bit, but its the "how many gumballs in this jar" exercise: just making a best-guess for fun.

Two other points for shits and giggles:

1.) I agree with Crunch...Its funny how slight differences in size appear greater than they really are. You would think it was the other way around (that slight changes would be minimalized by various factors: height, weight, build, etc.) but it seems the other way around. I think it is due to the tendency to compare two objects, notice one is bigger than the other and then assume a small but noticeable measure of difference...When you think about it, its natural to add 1" or 2" because 1" or 2" is really a small difference and barely noticeable in most aspects of life...When it comes to dicks though it can make a huge difference in terms of "common-ness" as the probability of an average length decreases exponentially and, in reality, even a difference of 1/2" can be significant (in that sense).

2.) I find any claim of nearly 8" girth a bit crazy...A beer/soda can is about 8.25" in circumference. I look at how much my hand can wrap around a can (from my thumb to the rest of my fingers) and look at the same distance in the hands of the women in porn scenes who have their hands firmly wrapped around the male star's cock and it doesn't look anywhere near the same. I'm 6' tall...I won't claim to have huge hands, I don't, but they are "large" in glove size...I can't see why these women in porn (who are generally shorter and more petite than average) would have a substantially greater grip circumference than me. :confused: