Measured porn stars??

Erik did an interview where he said he "felt he was in the wrong business" initially when he saw Lex's dick. I think he was shortchanging himself because his girth is so much more (more important if the length is at least decent, women seem to prefer thickness) but there's no doubting Lex is way longer.

I always thought Lex was a good guy to think about how much you value length over girth. His girth is still "decent" even by porn standards so you're not talking about a legit pencil dick like Wesley Pipes, and the length just makes it look cool and epic (lol) so it's kind of hard to decide would you rather have an 8.25-8.5x5.5 dick or a 7x6.5 type of dick (Billy Glide, if you think he smaller save it thats not the point lol) Id have to pick Glide as I said before, the girth would probably just seem so much bigger inside a girl and 6.5 girth is enough that it would also visually look huge, but in general the length does tend to seem more impressive and '"cool" so I would be conflicted in choosing if I had the choice, even though I know the girth would have the greater impact in sex.

Lex has always had that right ratio to just look huge (as well as being huge in fact) super long with less girth than proportional so it looks even longer, but not so thin that it isn't respectable and doesn't look like a pencil dick. When the guy's dick is really skinny for his length it takes away from the look of size as well imo.
If his dick is 9 then his hands are 4.5 inches wide.

Okay so are you saying he's 7 inches then? The average hand width is 3.3 or 3.4 for men, so if his hands were 3.5 (above average), then he'd be 7 inches according to you. Lmao
close to 8.5x5.5 in shape around 8.25x5.5 nbp when a bit fat
Have you seen Lex with Tana Lea?
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downplaying a pornstars size is certainly not cool but what's worse than downplaying their size is downplaying actual concrete proof. In this case it would be the measurement pic of prince. It really doesn't get any more clear than that pic that he is 7 inches on the dot. yet some of you always come up with the conspiracy theory that "he wasn't fully erect" and then proceed to give him an extra 0.5 inch and claim he is 7.5. Based on the pic it's obvious that he was fully erect or extremely close. Him getting a little harder is not going to magically add another 0.5 inch. Trust me, when I'm 0.5 inch less than my fully erect state my dick is floppy and pointing down. Not rigid and standing up like his was in the pic. His dick was rigid with veins popping out in that pic. Same thing with Johnny sins. The guy had 3 photos showing him to be 7 inches if we were to consider the fact that it was soft tape being used and two of them were side measurements yet you guys somehow still want to claim he is 7.5 inches. I think there needs to be a balance between the downplaying and the building of dick heros and that balance is to just take the data for what it is. If the measurement pic shows 7 inches then hes 7 inches, dont give him 7.5 until you see an actual pic of him measuring 7.5. The only one that is being objective and totally unbiased in this thread is strivingforperfection.
downplaying a pornstars size is certainly not cool but what's worse than downplaying their size is downplaying actual concrete proof. In this case it would be the measurement pic of prince. It really doesn't get any more clear than that pic that he is 7 inches on the dot. yet some of you always come up with the conspiracy theory that "he wasn't fully erect" and then proceed to give him an extra 0.5 inch and claim he is 7.5. Based on the pic it's obvious that he was fully erect or extremely close. Him getting a little harder is not going to magically add another 0.5 inch. Trust me, when I'm 0.5 inch less than my fully erect state my dick is floppy and pointing down. Not rigid and standing up like his was in the pic. His dick was rigid with veins popping out in that pic. Same thing with Johnny sins. The guy had 3 photos showing him to be 7 inches if we were to consider the fact that it was soft tape being used and two of them were side measurements yet you guys somehow still want to claim he is 7.5 inches. I think there needs to be a balance between the downplaying and the building of dick heros and that balance is to just take the data for what it is. If the measurement pic shows 7 inches then hes 7 inches, dont give him 7.5 until you see an actual pic of him measuring 7.5. The only one that is being objective and totally unbiased in this thread is strivingforperfection.

Well there are people trying to give him 6.5
downplaying a pornstars size is certainly not cool but what's worse than downplaying their size is downplaying actual concrete proof. In this case it would be the measurement pic of prince. It really doesn't get any more clear than that pic that he is 7 inches on the dot. yet some of you always come up with the conspiracy theory that "he wasn't fully erect" and then proceed to give him an extra 0.5 inch and claim he is 7.5. Based on the pic it's obvious that he was fully erect or extremely close. Him getting a little harder is not going to magically add another 0.5 inch. Trust me, when I'm 0.5 inch less than my fully erect state my dick is floppy and pointing down. Not rigid and standing up like his was in the pic. His dick was rigid with veins popping out in that pic. Same thing with Johnny sins. The guy had 3 photos showing him to be 7 inches if we were to consider the fact that it was soft tape being used and two of them were side measurements yet you guys somehow still want to claim he is 7.5 inches. I think there needs to be a balance between the downplaying and the building of dick heros and that balance is to just take the data for what it is. If the measurement pic shows 7 inches then hes 7 inches, dont give him 7.5 until you see an actual pic of him measuring 7.5. The only one that is being objective and totally unbiased in this thread is strivingforperfection.

I agree that is as clear proof as you can get to it's concerning to see people not accept it. It makes you wonder what is even the point of arguing when you DONT have the proof, when it's clear even with the proof, people won't accept it. In that case many tried to claim 6.5, I thought that was the more egregious element there---obvious downplaying like with Chris Strokes or Manuel...just taking the lowest possible looking angle or whatever.

But then to be fair , you are right there are cases where people chave this weird agenda to make Danny D 9 inches or Mandingo 10 or whatever or will argue Chris Strokes is over 8 and it's just like WTF.

I think we are both reasonable that we realize whether these guys are bigger or smaller, it won't affect our lives or change our dicks, so we just try to be accurate and honest. Can't stand people on either side being obviously biased and refusing evidence. It's like politics, I often get sick of SJW's and super liberal types BUT I also cant stand obvious racist hateful right wing creepy guys too. Sick of the bias wherever it comes from.