downplaying a pornstars size is certainly not cool but what's worse than downplaying their size is downplaying actual concrete proof. In this case it would be the measurement pic of prince. It really doesn't get any more clear than that pic that he is 7 inches on the dot. yet some of you always come up with the conspiracy theory that "he wasn't fully erect" and then proceed to give him an extra 0.5 inch and claim he is 7.5. Based on the pic it's obvious that he was fully erect or extremely close. Him getting a little harder is not going to magically add another 0.5 inch. Trust me, when I'm 0.5 inch less than my fully erect state my dick is floppy and pointing down. Not rigid and standing up like his was in the pic. His dick was rigid with veins popping out in that pic. Same thing with Johnny sins. The guy had 3 photos showing him to be 7 inches if we were to consider the fact that it was soft tape being used and two of them were side measurements yet you guys somehow still want to claim he is 7.5 inches. I think there needs to be a balance between the downplaying and the building of dick heros and that balance is to just take the data for what it is. If the measurement pic shows 7 inches then hes 7 inches, dont give him 7.5 until you see an actual pic of him measuring 7.5. The only one that is being objective and totally unbiased in this thread is strivingforperfection.
I gave him 7.25 inch for a bone pressed at max. Looking back yeah I say 7.0 inches flat. 7 inches of always present usable shaft a tad longer for the real length of his shaft that is not always in use.
7.25 or 7.30 max, you could measure slightly off to the side hugging your shaft just as you are and you would get the same measurement. That would account for a curve if flush down. All the penis size measurement studies I have seen often follow that measurement. For me I have never discounted the entire shaft or what is usuable penis which is why bone pressed and the entire length of the actual shaft is what matters and is how I am getting 9.5 inches for Mandingo (max) but i´d say no less than 9.25 or 9.30 at his prime. I think when he is less than stellar he is a comfortable 9.0 inches and right above but at max he gets closer to 9.3 or 9.50. To me to discount the entire shaft goes against medically what a measured penis is and atomically
Mandingo 2 hands + glans =
lol another one huh? only 8 huh? I am 5´10 with 3.6 to 3.7 inch wide hand width Mandingo is a little shorter but could have similar or larger sized width. My hands are far from big and I have always thought completely average or smaller size except my middle finger length.
This isn´t even mentioning his whole hand is being used to put it in.
I agree
But what would be there exact measurements? Or close to measurement?
That guy saying Mandingo sub 9. Others jumping in saying sub 8.0 or 8.0 flat
Hopefully this should put a dent in the Mandingo size myth. Check out this scene from a comp (around the 1:20 mark):
Mandingo Compil Grosse bite black TOP TOP TOP - XNXX.COM
A standard Barbie doll is 11.5 inches. The doll's shoulders are right at the base of his cock and his dick stretches down even to its feet. Give roughly 1.5 inches for the neck and head and Mandingo is a shade over 10 inches, at least in this vid. He's not the hardest in this scene that I've seen him and he can probably push another .5 inch.
So footlong he is not, but damn that's still one damn impressive thick stick he's swinging!
Props to the person that did the comp too - good stuff.
There are updates to that picture and measurement he was 9.5 max. I give him that length at 100% personally but think he is frequently below by a tad.
I think Ramon was listed at 7.7 on here with great girth.
And I agree there are a good number of 7 inchers in porn,but after 8 it tends to drop greatly,I think only a handful of guys are bigger than 8,and only Mandingo and Julio Gomez get into the 9 range,after that there is no one bigger.
10 inches as you said would possibly exist,but it's either a medical condition or he can't get it all the way hard. Julio Gomez for example is about the same length as Mandingo maybe a tad bit shorter but girthier and he can never get a full erection.
I think 7-8.5 inches is a pretty damn good size,anything more than that will possibly cause problems with women
I can buy that for Ramon. Yeah high 7´s seem logical given the blatant cheating of that supposed 8.5 inch measurement my personal take was 7.9 or 8. But 7.7 makes sense his huge girth helps with deception.
How long do you think Dredd is?
To me Mandingo prime is 9.30 inches at max (at the least) to 9.5 inches at max (bone pressed).
Julio Gomez I think is a 9 incher flat maybe a tad over since Mandingo at Max is a 9.3er maybe a 9.5 incher.
Dredd to me seems shorter than Mandingo by a more noticeable degree than Gomez, but I can´t imagine Dredd being shorter than Wesley Pipes and his 8.3 incher.
What did you give for Wesley Pipes again? I have said he is 8.5 inches max at bone pressed but of usable dick 8.3 I think. And FYI Bone pressed is medically and physiology usable penis and should be part of all measurements thereby the whining about top side close to shaft measurements is nonsense.