Measured porn stars??

see what happened when you used an accurate method instead of just guessing based on how big he looks, congratulation you joined the realistic group ;) i agree he is around 6.75"

You are really too much this thread is now a joke. He is clearly 7 by the picture. Chrissakes.
You are really too much this thread is now a joke. He is clearly 7 by the picture. Chrissakes.
fine believe what you want but just fyi
the distance between the 3rd and 4th inch is 87 pix while the distance between the 5th and 6th inch is 79 pix and the distance between the 1st and 2nd inch is 95 pix and between the 8th and 9th is 71 pix
the problem is that people copy and paste the tape on top while it is still angled the inches near the base are much bigger
if i started at the red line that cielostrong draw his dick would be 596 pix now if used the 2nd inch as a reference his dick would be 6.27"
if i used the 9th pix his dick would be 8.39"
fine believe what you want but just fyi
the distance between the 3rd and 4th inch is 87 pix while the distance between the 5th and 6th inch is 79 pix and the distance between the 1st and 2nd inch is 95 pix and between the 8th and 9th is 71 pix
the problem is that people copy and paste the tape on top while it is still angled the inches near the base are much bigger
if i started at the red line that cielostrong draw his dick would be 596 pix now if used the 2nd inch as a reference his dick would be 6.27"
if i used the 9th pix his dick would be 8.39"

What does that have to do with you guys starting nbp 0.2 inch from where it should start? LMFAO
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What does that have to do with you guys starting nbp 0.2 inch from where it should start? LMFAO
dude you make a foul out of yourself why do you laugh at something you don't understand ??
the tape is angled so the pic is useless it doesn't matter where you start i just showed you even if i start at the red line i get different readings based upon which inch i used as a reference
dude you make a foul out of yourself why do you laugh at something you don't understand ??
the tape is angled so the pic is useless it doesn't matter where you start i just showed you even if i start at the red line i get different readings based upon which inch i used as a reference

OMG no lol NO NO NO!!!!

We are pointing out you ALWAYS start at the wrong place, can you PLEASE address that and not change the subject?
I know it's hilarious he actually put them in the "between 5.25 and 5.5" category LOL
To me it is impossible to believe that Nacho is 5.75'' girth, Manuel is 5.5'' girth, and especially Ian Scott is 5-5.2'' girth. Those numbers beggar belief to be honest. It would be nice and confidence boosting for many men to believe, but those guys listed above are simply too thick for me to believe those numbers.[/QUOTE]
I took a look at Ian. He seems to be similar to Manuel at his midshaft. So I'd say he is 5.5 , maybe 5.75 closer to his base.
To me it is impossible to believe that Nacho is 5.75'' girth, Manuel is 5.5'' girth, and especially Ian Scott is 5-5.2'' girth. Those numbers beggar belief to be honest. It would be nice and confidence boosting for many men to believe, but those guys listed above are simply too thick for me to believe those numbers.
I took a look at Ian. He seems to be similar to Manuel at his midshaft. So I'd say he is 5.5 , maybe 5.75 closer to his base.[/QUOTE]

Yes and you are 5.6

OMG no lol NO NO NO!!!!

We are pointing out you ALWAYS start at the wrong place, can you PLEASE address that and not change the subject?
the better question is why you know better where nbp should start? cause I have never seen you to post any pic analyse.
Its sometimes hard to se penis base especialy if someone have not correct angle between pubic bone and penis like for example in any curved up penis that is pulled slightly down so correctly line should not be vertical but aslant
55a4e92a0bf7b — kopia.jpg
the better question is why you know better where nbp should start? cause I have never seen you to post any pic analyse.
Its sometimes hard to se penis base especialy if someone have not correct angle between pubic bone and penis like for example in any curved up penis that is pulled slightly down so correctly line should not be vertical but aslant
View attachment 937087

What the hell is wrong with the 1st pic?
What the hell is wrong with the 1st pic?
what do you dont understand?
if penis is pointed up then to make it parallel to ground you have to pull it down but if you pull penis down then penis base changes a bit and isnt as clear as when its 90 degree angle
same with criss strokes alegedly measured 8", he pulled penis down during peasurd and pressed his base with thumb

if his shaft was straight the he would point down with his dick, and base works the same not matter if you are curved or not
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what do you dont understand?
if penis is pointed up then to make it parallel to ground you have to pull it down but if you pull penis down then penis base changes a bit and isnt as clear as when its 90 degree angle
same with criss strokes alegedly measured 8", he pulled penis down during peasurd and pressed his base with thumb

if his shaft was straight the he would point down with his dick, and base works the same not matter if you are curved or not

What does that have to do with you starting NBP too far up shaft? LMFAO. Is English yours and unknownuserx first language? Christ.
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What does that have to do with you starting NBP too far up shaft?
you forget to add in your opinion cause you aint judge, if you pull dick down you can measure longer and also corner whet nbp starts fade away and become more round. you can drive line where in your opinion nbp starts then I will LMFAO
Is English yours and unknownuserx first language?
of course not and you can read my location in profile, I didnt even learn english for over 5-8 years and im 23 but I understand english, maybe I will start learn to improve my sentences
The first pic is where you should start to measure.
The second pic is where unknownuserx and Rokid start to measure.



Notice the second pic where Rokid and unknownuserx start measuring a lot of their pics is up the shaft robbing Prince Yahshua length like a lot of other pornstars they rob length from.
To me it is impossible to believe that Nacho is 5.75'' girth, Manuel is 5.5'' girth, and especially Ian Scott is 5-5.2'' girth. Those numbers beggar belief to be honest. It would be nice and confidence boosting for many men to believe, but those guys listed above are simply too thick for me to believe those numbers.
I took a look at Ian. He seems to be similar to Manuel at his midshaft. So I'd say he is 5.5 , maybe 5.75 closer to his base.[/QUOTE]
To be honest I wasn't very persuaded by your evidence, most of your screenshot attachments Manuel did not look at full erection, and the two screenshots that were passable Riley Reid was squeezing Manuel's cock hard compressing it a lot and Lola Reve had long nails and it was not known how long after he shot his load that screenshot was taken. A video accompanying a screenshot and what time the screenshot was taken might help your case, without that your going to have a very hard time convincing anyone Manuel and Ian Scott, two guys in the upper echelon for girth in porn are only 5.5'' girth mid shaft to be frank.

You suggest Ian Scott and Manuel are both 5.5'' girth midshaft, and I think strivingforperfection has a point that you happening to be 5.6'' girth midshaft might be influencing your judgement.
The first pic is where you should start to measure.
that? you 'd really start measurment here? seriously? and maybe prince is over 7" too?
55a4e92a0bf7b — kopia (2).jpg

this bottle is 6.8" to the side and he is about same lenght or even girth but still the bottle is probably 0.2" from his leg?
I am not sure if some guys know how penis base and dick angle works and where nbp starts
upward erection and downward erection isnt the same thats why some pornstars make some weird poses like mandingo do
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that? you 'd really start measurment here? seriously? and maybe prince is over 7" too?
View attachment 937197

this bottle is 6.8" to the side and he is about same lenght or even girth but still the bottle is probably 0.2" from his leg?
I am not sure if some guys know how penis base and dick angle works and where nbp starts
upward erection and downward erection isnt the same thats why some pornstars make some weird poses like mandingo do
I would have started it around the 1'' mark.
I took a look at Ian. He seems to be similar to Manuel at his midshaft. So I'd say he is 5.5 , maybe 5.75 closer to his base.
To be honest I wasn't very persuaded by your evidence, most of your screenshot attachments Manuel did not look at full erection, and the two screenshots that were passable Riley Reid was squeezing Manuel's cock hard compressing it a lot and Lola Reve had long nails and it was not known how long after he shot his load that screenshot was taken. A video accompanying a screenshot and what time the screenshot was taken might help your case, without that your going to have a very hard time convincing anyone Manuel and Ian Scott, two guys in the upper echelon for girth in porn are only 5.5'' girth mid shaft to be frank.

You suggest Ian Scott and Manuel are both 5.5'' girth midshaft, and I think strivingforperfection has a point that you happening to be 5.6'' girth midshaft might be influencing your judgement.[/QUOTE]

I provided plenty of examples of petite women being able/having potential to connect past their middle finger nail to back up what I'm saying. If you do the math and research with the average woman's hand length, it makes sense on where they would be able to connect with a full grip, keeping in mind these are more petite women. And no, they are not dramatically squeezing his dick, even if they did it wouldn't make a huge difference on a fully erect dick. I'm not trying to downplay their size for an ego boost. If I was I would just declare that was their size without showing anything like certain people here. Being 5.5-.6 girth I know most girls are not going to have an easy time giving head, it doesn't matter how experienced a girl is, she can only suck so much due to anatomy and size of her mouth. It's rare for guys like me to get deepthroated, especially if you're big at the glans too. Guys who are really 6" girth like Dredd don't get much of their dick sucked past uppershaft (he tapers, also has a flattish shape making it a bit easier) most of the time. How hard a dick is to suck for a girl comes down to these things: glans/upper/mid girth, hardness, and cylindrical vs flattish shape. Trust me, being 5.5 at the glans, 5.5-.6 at the shaft, rock hard erection, cylindrical shape (well defined cs) I would know. That at 6" girth is damn near unsuckable for most women.