Superior Member
The problem is @unknownuserx and others do this thing where they make some good points but ignore anything to the contrary. It is like a defense or prosecution lawyer. You are acting like it is your job to prove the lowest possible number. You stay within the facts to an extent and do a good job of debunking ridiculous 10 inch or 7+ girth claims but over time it is obvious that you are trying to get the lowest possible figure you can without obviously fabricating. So you are not as bad as @plas95 who is an idiot who just makes stuff up. But you chip off little bits here and there, start a bit past where most would etc etc and act like anyone who disagrees isnt going by facts and is like Goldzilla or ridiculous people who claim huge sizes like 10+. And then it is tedious to prove you wrong to be honest because it ends in an argument back and forth over minor points. But it really does seem you want to take the lowest possible figure you reasonably think you can. Again like the defense lawyer analogy, you are operating somewhat within facts like a lawyer but you are definitely trying to prove a conclusion! Instead of just get to the truth. You ALWAYS find a way to go with lowest possible estimate. Look how you said Manuel could be 6 to 6.25 now you say under 6 he doesnt look impressive and you cant estimate his girth. Only once it became an issue and you realized you skimmed some off his length you now want to play the "who knows he doesnt look impressive in some shows one of his dildos says 6x5.5 " game.