Yes of course, Duncan "Mr 18 Inch" is certainly closer to half that title than actually 18. 18 Is absurd. That goes without saying. Also Lex is associated with the number 11, which naturally implies he is "supposed" to have 11 inches, and while that's not as absurd as Mr 18 Inch, it's certainly false as well.
I actually learned recently Lex explain on his radio show where the "11" came from and he said it's to do with something unrelated to what they use in marketing. But they ran with it, as producers are wont to do.
My guess is Duncan is 9.5 minimum, and that still sounds too low. And since he has that flaccidity issue like Napier, if he actually did a stretched length it could be 10 or bigger than Mandingo. I think Duncan is bigger than Napier, but Duncan has even worse flaccidity issue than Napier.
Its just hysterical that skeptics say Lexington Steele is 8 inches or no more than 8.5. Steele has got a legit 9 and he says Mandingo and Napier are on a whole 'nother level from him. So that cannot be a mere half inch difference to openly admit the next dude is on a "whole higher level" in size. Lex readily admits this and has no pretense about being bigger than he really is.
Listen to his radio show when they discuss size and he's very modest in his own assessment. He says he definitely doesn't measure up to Mandingo or Napier or Shane, and meanwhile.
I would also eat my hat if Lex was less than an inch and a half bigger than me. That's silly.
If Mandingo is not a legit 10, then he's definitely close, like 9.75. But after seeing that image of Napier measuring about 10, I couldn't act surprised if Mandingo was also. Keeping it all in perspective, I'm not one of those fools claiming any of these guys have foot long dongs. But the skeptics seem to use voodoo measurements to whittle these giants down, chipping a quarter inch here, half an inch there, then using non scientific relativism to deduce things like "therefore none of these guys are 9 inches."
I would eat my hat if Lex was under 9 inches at his biggest. To be honest, I think he might actually have lost a little in size, as weird as that sounds, as he got heavier. Compared to when he was really lean over 10 years ago. I dont know if thats possible but they say something like adding xx amount of pounds reduces your size by half an inch or something. I think that's probably overstating it, but I will let you be the judge.
Try and compare a good shot of Lex from early 2000s to a good shot of him in one of his recent flicks. He doesn't seem as big anymore.
So for a recap, I'd say Lex is 9, Manding and Napier and Duncan are all about 10, more or less. And I think Rico Strong may even be longer than Lex, just narrower.