Measured porn stars??

Mick Blue was measured in a recent scene he did. Unfortunately we cannot see the numbers on the tape. :rolleyes:

See attached photo. I doubt he is anymore than 7".

There is so much shopping done to that photo. U couldn't trust a measurmwnt anyway.
There is so much shopping done to that photo. U couldn't trust a measurmwnt anyway.

I agree, it's a real shame Brazzers have had to resort to editing their photographs to make the dicks look bigger. The lighting is also heavily edited. BangBros also do this on their monsters of cock series.
Can anyone work out who this is? I found this on the web. They worked out he is close to 8" but they were pretending he was 13".


See attached images of Chris Diamond. We have no measurement photographs so we can only go by estimation. He is over 7 inches because he was in a scene with Nacho Vidal and he was longer but I doubt he is longer than 7.5". Any thoughts?

I would say 7.5-8 for Diamond. I'm a touch under 7 and so I can usually tell if another cock is over or under 7 by estimating if it looks bigger or smaller than mine. Like most pornstars, Diamond definitely looks bigger than me so I'm saying he's over 7.

Here's my measured cock, a touch under 7


In the first attached photograph you can see that Nacho's moulded dildo is a lot larger than his real dick. In the second attached photograph you can see what his dick looks like without all the camera trickery.
Actually, you can see it in the right hand shot of the first picture as well. That's a prime example of the power of the dick lens. Nothing more than the length from around mid-forearm to his palm can make the difference between those two frames. Look at the contrast between his own dick and the dildo in that righthand shot. On the left, they're almost identical.

Another example, in the attached jpg, you can see that the ankles are almost the exact same distance from the camera in both frames, but the pelvis is pushed forward in the righthand one. Once again, this is easily less than a one foot difference in actual distance (probably not more than a few inches).

I'm still wondering if there's a filter or plug which can do it "after the fact" for stills or video. Might be fun to play with, especially if it could be inverted and used to reverse the effect in something.


You guys are loony. You can't know the size of a dick from a photo. It has to be measured at full erection, near bone pressed, but not quite. Photos have good and bad angles. Putting a girls hand on a dick, two or three times does nothing. I really don't think there is any way tony Duncan is only 9". I'm 7.5" legit and I took a Viagra the other day and was HUGE! My girlfriend was shocked. It looked to be 8". But there is no way Duncan is only 1 or 1.5" bigger than I am. That's just stupid.
I concur from a similar viewpoint. There's some gross underestimation around here. True there is the opposite on the other end with gross overestimation, but most of us can discern which exaggerated estimations are even worth taking seriously. I would eat my hat of Duncan was only 9".

The more critical thing about Duncan is he can't get fully hard. He may even be bigger than Mandingo, but what's the point. I'd rather be Mandingo than Duncan.
No sorry those websites don't work either as the file is too big. I have split them up. I will upload them here bit by bit. Please see attached files for the first three collections. This works perfectly, just click and it zooms in to full size.
What scene is the Jack Napier one from on collection #3? Anyone know the movie or the chick's name?
I concur from a similar viewpoint. There's some gross underestimation around here. True there is the opposite on the other end with gross overestimation, but most of us can discern which exaggerated estimations are even worth taking seriously.

Firstly thin7 claimed to be a legit 7.5" but there is no evidence for this as he has no measurement photographs. But what gross underestimation? A few pages back I collected pretty much every measured pornstar photograph in existence and going by your other comment you obviously have looked at those measurements. So estimation was not needed because we could see their real sizes from the measurements. None of them were over 9".

I would eat my hat of Duncan was only 9".

Just out of interest how big do you think he is then?
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There are no measurement photographs for Tony Duncan but see attached for some photographs. You can work out from hand size that the actresses he was with could get three hands or three hands and a bit on him at the most. He is not a 4 hander. Duncan himself could get 3 entire hands on it. He is nowhere near 18 inches like he claims but he is the only pornstar who could claim to be a genuine 10". Based on those photographs and the videos I watched I would definitely put him somewhere between 9.5" and 10 inches and yes going by those photographs he is longer than Mandingo.


Yes of course, Duncan "Mr 18 Inch" is certainly closer to half that title than actually 18. 18 Is absurd. That goes without saying. Also Lex is associated with the number 11, which naturally implies he is "supposed" to have 11 inches, and while that's not as absurd as Mr 18 Inch, it's certainly false as well.

I actually learned recently Lex explain on his radio show where the "11" came from and he said it's to do with something unrelated to what they use in marketing. But they ran with it, as producers are wont to do.

My guess is Duncan is 9.5 minimum, and that still sounds too low. And since he has that flaccidity issue like Napier, if he actually did a stretched length it could be 10 or bigger than Mandingo. I think Duncan is bigger than Napier, but Duncan has even worse flaccidity issue than Napier.

Its just hysterical that skeptics say Lexington Steele is 8 inches or no more than 8.5. Steele has got a legit 9 and he says Mandingo and Napier are on a whole 'nother level from him. So that cannot be a mere half inch difference to openly admit the next dude is on a "whole higher level" in size. Lex readily admits this and has no pretense about being bigger than he really is.

Listen to his radio show when they discuss size and he's very modest in his own assessment. He says he definitely doesn't measure up to Mandingo or Napier or Shane, and meanwhile.

I would also eat my hat if Lex was less than an inch and a half bigger than me. That's silly.

If Mandingo is not a legit 10, then he's definitely close, like 9.75. But after seeing that image of Napier measuring about 10, I couldn't act surprised if Mandingo was also. Keeping it all in perspective, I'm not one of those fools claiming any of these guys have foot long dongs. But the skeptics seem to use voodoo measurements to whittle these giants down, chipping a quarter inch here, half an inch there, then using non scientific relativism to deduce things like "therefore none of these guys are 9 inches."

I would eat my hat if Lex was under 9 inches at his biggest. To be honest, I think he might actually have lost a little in size, as weird as that sounds, as he got heavier. Compared to when he was really lean over 10 years ago. I dont know if thats possible but they say something like adding xx amount of pounds reduces your size by half an inch or something. I think that's probably overstating it, but I will let you be the judge.

Try and compare a good shot of Lex from early 2000s to a good shot of him in one of his recent flicks. He doesn't seem as big anymore.

So for a recap, I'd say Lex is 9, Manding and Napier and Duncan are all about 10, more or less. And I think Rico Strong may even be longer than Lex, just narrower.
Its just hysterical that skeptics say Lexington Steele is 8 inches or no more than 8.5. Steele has got a legit 9 and he says Mandingo and Napier are on a whole 'nother level from him. So that cannot be a mere half inch difference to openly admit the next dude is on a "whole higher level" in size. Lex readily admits this and has no pretense about being bigger than he really is.
You may not have been through all the pages on this thread (there are many) but there is enough evidence putting Lexington Steele at 8.5" and many users have come to that consensus. Nobody is doing this to undermine him, it is was the evidence indicates. I don't think some people realise how big a legit 8.5" really is. But I do agree with you on Lex not being at his best anymore. These days he probably is an 8", in fact when you look at his recent stuff on Jules Jordan he looks the same size as Clover.

See the attachment for the Lex measurement photograph taken from an old scene, when he was at his best. He can just get 9" from the side this means that properly measured on top he is not a legit 9". He really is not 9 inches what ever way you look at it. He can not get 3 hands on his dick. I could cite a lot more evidence, but this has already been done. For a start Steve Holmes who is just over 7 inches has done a joint scene and Lex was an inch bigger than him at the most (see attachment). Also Wesley Pipes who was measured at 8.5 inches has done early scenes with Lex and they were the same length.

Lex claims on his personal twitter to be 11 inches. All pornstars lie. If he is on interviews claiming Mandingo is on another level this is just typical porn propaganda to sell more movies. They are told to say stuff like this. If you watch the early Lex/Dingo movies there is only an inch in it.

I would eat my hat if Lex was under 9 inches at his biggest.
Well tell me what you think from the attachments?

You may need more than one hat to eat :smile:


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But after seeing that image of Napier measuring about 10, I couldn't act surprised if Mandingo was also.
The measurement is controversial. Most users on this thread came to the conclusion the ruler is fake but see the attachment. He is not measured at 10". It is also a side measurement and look where the ruler starts at his leg. He is 8.5" tops. Looks a similar size to White Pony.


So for a recap, I'd say Lex is 9, Manding and Napier and Duncan are all about 10, more or less. And I think Rico Strong may even be longer than Lex, just narrower.

This was already discussed on the previous page with attached images including the measurement. Lex is 8.5 at his best.

We do not have any ruler/tape measurements for Rico Strong but he has appeared in one scene with Lex, it was on the Jules Jordan website. Strong was shorter. We have already discussed Rico Strong, he is around 8 inches, no longer. His dick looks similar size to Clover. I did a comparison pic on this thread between Scott Nails and Rico Strong and he was not much bigger.

Yes he does have a big dick but the reason people are fooled into believing Strong is bigger is because he always does weird cuckold scenes with small dick men who are like 4 or 5 inches. If you put an 8 incher and have some 5 inch dude in the back, of course it will look huge. He also has a curved dick so when he sits down it looks longer, Criss Strokes is famous for this. In the gangbang scenes you can see that Strong is not longer than many of the other guys i.e. Wesley Pipes is longer than him and he was measured at 8.5" and Sean Michaels was longer than him etc so no Strong in my opinion is not bigger than Lex.

See the attachment. You can roughly work out from average hand width that the hand covers 3 inches. In total he is 7.5-8".
