Measured porn stars??

Some other users in this thread have said the porn actress was holding the tape 2" away from his leg and that in total he would be 7 or 7.5" inches. This is not the case.

Wait, how does that logic follow? If you hold the tape away from his leg, you'd have to add inches to the measurement, not subtract.
You may not have been through all the pages on this thread (there are many) but there is enough evidence putting Lexington Steele at 8.5" and many users have come to that consensus. Nobody is doing this to undermine him, it is was the evidence indicates. I don't think some people realise how big a legit 8.5" really is.

But I do agree with you on Lex not being at his best anymore. These days he probably is an 8"
lol I know what 7 looks like cuz I've been personally looking at it for over 15 years. At my best I have 7 beat, and there's no way I am within 1 inch of Lex. At Lex's best I am quite confident he had 9 beat, and yes I based that on more than the evidence including what you posted.

in fact when you look at his recent stuff on Jules Jordan he looks the same size as Clover.

See the attachment for the Lex measurement photograph taken from an old scene, when he was at his best. He can just get 9" from the side this means that properly measured on top he is not a legit 9". He really is not 9 inches what ever way you look at it.
She said he is 9 and a half. Just because the tape was parallel on the side doesn't mean it's offset by a whole inch.
Look I have about 7" and if I want, I can put tension on it and measuring from the top be over 7 and a quarter. I'm not talking about pressing the ruler into the fat of my pubic mound either, as I have hardly any fat there to begin with. I am saying tension is key in getting a fully reflective measurement, and also in that attachment where she was measuring him, there was no tension.

He can not get 3 hands on his dick.
Hands don't mean much and can vary just like any other part. This is the same bs people use to say Mandingo is under 9 inches. They say "look at his hands." So what? So he has a huge dick and huge hands.

Lex claims on his personal twitter to be 11 inches. All pornstars lie.
Where does he claim to be 11 inches? I heard him say quite explicitly on his radio show that he is "not 11 inches."

If he is on interviews claiming Mandingo is on another level this is just typical porn propaganda to sell more movies. They are told to say stuff like this. If you watch the early Lex/Dingo movies there is only an inch in it.
You're saying Lex makes money selling Mandingo movies? :rolleyes:
How is it typical propaganda to be humble and honest while touting that your competitor has you beat?

If you watch the early Lex/Dingo movies there is only an inch in it.

Well tell me what you think from the attachments?

You may need more than one hat to eat :smile:
That looks very much like he has 9 inches. Don't know what you're talking about.

The measurement is controversial.
Of course it is.

Most users on this thread

came to the conclusion the ruler is fake
Oh of course it's fake. :rolleyes:

but see the attachment. He is not measured at 10".
Yeah you're right. There's no tension on him to see how large it gets in the first place.

It is also a side measurement and look where the ruler starts at his leg.
It also doesn't account for curvature. If you actually used a cloth measure and ran it over the top, it could just as easily be 10" as well if not more.

He (Jack Napier) is 8.5" tops.
LOL You're just clowning now.

Looks a similar size to White Pony.
If either Jack or White Pony was 8.5, then I'd have to be definitely under 7" and closer to 6.

You're really starting to sound just like that other vehement denier who got banned a while back. Same tired arguments.

Listen dude, we all understand why you want to deny these things. It's about your ego. It's typical self bias. Virtually every guy is sensitive about this and nobody wants to be sold short.

You're in here saying Lex is 8" and Jack Napier is "8.5 at best." This is ridiculous.

This is just looking sad for you right about now. You're saying "most people here" think this and asserting things you cannot really prove reflect how most people think.

If you made a poll right now, starting a new thread, and you wanted to find out what proportion of people here believed you, I would be willing to bet most would be against you. Start a thread asking people if they believe Lex is 8" and Jack Napier is 8.5." As prideful as many people on this board are, I still think most are honest and genuinely interested in the truth that they don't let their pride cloud their judgment.

Meanwhile I on the other hand am not so prideful or defensive of my own size. I don't have ego issues about this. Why would I be defending the idea that some other dude is that much bigger than me? What do I have to gain from this?

I am very secure with my size, which is about average, but I don't need to take others down to build myself up.

You see a woman measure Lex quite clearly at about 9", and you see Jack being measured at about 10." You want to say Lex is 8 and Jack is 8.5. Good grief.
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lol I know what 7 looks like cuz I've been personally looking at it for over 15 years. At my best I have 7 beat, and there's no way I am within 1 inch of Lex. At Lex's best I am quite confident he had 9 beat, and yes I based that on more than the evidence including what you posted.

She said he is 9 and a half. Just because the tape was parallel on the side doesn't mean it's offset by a whole inch.
Look I have about 7" and if I want, I can put tension on it and measuring from the top be over 7 and a quarter. I'm not talking about pressing the ruler into the fat of my pubic mound either, as I have hardly any fat there to begin with. I am saying tension is key in getting a fully reflective measurement, and also in that attachment where she was measuring him, there was no tension.

Hands don't mean much and can vary just like any other part. This is the same bs people use to say Mandingo is under 9 inches. They say "look at his hands." So what? So he has a huge dick and huge hands.

Where does he claim to be 11 inches? I heard him say quite explicitly on his radio show that he is "not 11 inches."

You're saying Lex makes money selling Mandingo movies? :rolleyes:
How is it typical propaganda to be humble and honest while touting that your competitor has you beat?


That looks very much like he has 9 inches. Don't know what you're talking about.

Of course it is.


Oh of course it's fake. :rolleyes:

Yeah you're right. There's no tension on him to see how large it gets in the first place.

It also doesn't account for curvature. If you actually used a cloth measure and ran it over the top, it could just as easily be 10" as well if not more.

LOL You're just clowning now.

If either Jack or White Pony was 8.5, then I'd have to be definitely under 7" and closer to 6.

You're really starting to sound just like that other vehement denier who got banned a while back. Same tired arguments.

Listen dude, we all understand why you want to deny these things. It's about your ego. It's typical self bias. Virtually every guy is sensitive about this and nobody wants to be sold short.

You're in here saying Lex is 8" and Jack Napier is "8.5 at best." This is ridiculous.

This is just looking sad for you right about now. You're saying "most people here" think this and asserting things you cannot really prove reflect how most people think.

If you made a poll right now, starting a new thread, and you wanted to find out what proportion of people here believed you, I would be willing to bet most would be against you. Start a thread asking people if they believe Lex is 8" and Jack Napier is 8.5." As prideful as many people on this board are, I still think most are honest and genuinely interested in the truth that they don't let their pride cloud their judgment.

Meanwhile I on the other hand am not so prideful or defensive of my own size. I don't have ego issues about this. Why would I be defending the idea that some other dude is that much bigger than me? What do I have to gain from this?

I am very secure with my size, which is about average, but I don't need to take others down to build myself up.

You see a woman measure Lex quite clearly at about 9", and you see Jack being measured at about 10." You want to say Lex is 8 and Jack is 8.5. Good grief.

With all due respect, I agree with you're general argument that there's much underestimation going on here, but I think you may be overestimating just a tiny, tiny bit.

Lex was measured 9-9.25 from his thigh, so it's tough to say what his bone pressed top side would be, but it would most likely be a little bit shorter than that. I'd give him 8.5-9 give or take a quarter of an inch along the top.

And while I agree Jack Napier probably isn't 8.5 inches if we're talking bone-pressed, he absolutely is not 10 inches either. The ruler is questionable in that photo as is, he's sitting down, it's taken from the side/underneath, it's pointed forward, and I believe he was measured at 9 or so from the side while standing in a different scene. I would say more than 8.5 at his best for sure, but definitely not 10 inches.

Overall, I conquer with your general point about people short changing some of these people (like the Criss Strokes being 6.5 thread...yeah right), but I think in these 2 cases (mainly Jack) you might be being a little generous.
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lol I know what 7 looks like cuz I've been personally looking at it for over 15 years. At my best I have 7 beat, and there's no way I am within 1 inch of Lex. At Lex's best I am quite confident he had 9 beat.

You are so wrong pal, he is not 9" and Jack Napier is not 10" but let's debate this :smile:

Firstly I do not think you have presented any evidence at all. It is me and a few other users who have uploaded all the measurements and done all the hard work. You come and just give an opinion.

But listen I respect your opinion and unlike some other users on this forum I don't attack people or be mean in my posts. I won't get mad over it like some other users. It's only a dick at the end of the day lol but you have no measurement photographs yourself so we do not know if you have 7" beat. I don't have any measurement photographs either so this is why I rarely talk about my own size. You say something without providing any evidence. You upload no photographs at all. You are actually arguing from your own opinion. All interesting to hear otherwise there would be no debate but it won't lead anywhere conclusive.

yes I based that on more than the evidence including what you posted.

Actually you have ignored some of the evidence that has been presented. Steve Holmes was not much shorter than lex and they did a scene together, neither was Erik Everhard who is 6.5". I have uploaded many photographs of this. If Lex was 9" inches or over that should not be happening.

She said he is 9 and a half. Just because the tape was parallel on the side doesn't mean it's offset by a whole inch.

So a porn actress says he is 9 and a half and you believe it do you? He was measured at 9 from the side. We all know you can gain inches from this. I have done this myself and I have uploaded loads of other measurements of pornstars doing this, look at Chris Charming. If Lex was a genuine 9 inch then he would not be measuring from the side.

Look I have about 7" and if I want, I can put tension on it and measuring from the top be over 7 and a quarter. I'm not talking about pressing the ruler into the fat of my pubic mound either, as I have hardly any fat there to begin with. I am saying tension is key in getting a fully reflective measurement, and also in that attachment where she was measuring him, there was no tension.

Yes you have about 7" early you said it was about 8" but you have no measurement photographs. You are arguing from opinion not evidence. I could say I am 8" it does not make it true. If you want to make a case then present empirical evidence like other users have done by uploading photographs etc.

See attached photograph for a penis that is close to 8 inches. How is Lex an entire inch or more bigger than that? Anyway maybe we can do another comparison. On a previous page Clover was measured from the side and the porn actress says it was 9 inches, so do you believe that? And if you do, do you believe then that Clover and Lex are the same size?

Hands don't mean much and can vary just like any other part. This is the same bs people use to say Mandingo is under 9 inches. They say "look at his hands." So what? So he has a huge dick and huge hands.

Actually it's an entire valid argument. If Lex was really 9", he should be able to get 3 hands on his dick but he can't. I and some other users have spent a long time uploading these photographs. And no Mandingo doesn't have huge hands lol. He is a small guy.

You're saying Lex makes money selling Mandingo movies? :rolleyes:
How is it typical propaganda to be humble and honest while touting that your competitor has you beat?

It's an old interview when Lex and Mandingo were working together for several companies. Not his competitor either, they are best friends in real life.

Rico Strong claims to be 13 inches (he's actually 8") but he claims Wesley Pipes is bigger than him, so what?! So is Pipes about 15" then? No, he's been measured at 8.5". lol.

James Deen who has done scenes with Criss Strokes has said that he is 9" himself and Strokes is 10 inches you believe that do you? Criss Strokes say he is 10" or over yet has been measured at 6.5"-7.

Charlie Macc claims to be 13 inches yet can't even get a solid 8" measurement. We could go on here all day, they all lie, even about each other! Look at Castro getting 13 inches from the side but no longer than 7.5" in a proper measurement.

Tanya Tate has said Danny D is 11 inches and Danny claims on his personal twitter he is 11 inches but some porn actresses he has been with have said he is a similar size to Keiran Lee, so that is not 11. Keiran Lee on a YouTube interview said he is over 10 inches bit he isn't according to the measurements :smile:

Jules Jordan claims Mandingo is 14 inches yet porn actresses on his very own website claim he is 11". Amy Reid on her personal twitter said both Julian Rios and Criss Strokes are the same size but they are not.

Nina Hartley claims that loads of guys in the industry are 13 inches yet there was an Asian actress cant remember her name now who said none were over 9". There are contradictions out there but in most cases it is all propaganda to sell "monster" cock movies and make people believe in the fantasy. It is no worth believing a word they say.

Remember that huge photograph collection of measurements I uploaded a while back on this thread? There were faults i.e. deliberate faults with every single one of them such as starting the tape measure at 3" etc. This is not just insecurity or paranoid talk it is the absolute truth. So no I would not trust a single word any porn actor says. They all lie.

Where does he claim to be 11 inches? I heard him say quite explicitly on his radio show that he is "not 11 inches."

I am afraid you are about as wrong as one can get. Not only do all his dvd's claim to be 11" but Lex's own twitter is called lexsteele11. He is bullshitter plain and simple.

LOL You're just clowning now.

Actually I am not. Entirely respectable users on this thread have already discussed the Jack Napier measurement. Yet you come in and say he is 10 inches. I have explained already why he is not 10". His dick doesn't even reach 10" for a start and it was a side measurement with the tape at his leg.

If either Jack or White Pony was 8.5, then I'd have to be definitely under 7" and closer to 6.

I think you have fooled yourself in believing 8.5" is small or something. Anything over 8" is not only huge but rare considering the majority of men do not have this (there is another thread on this forum where hardly anyone could show a proper 8" measurement). Chris Charming and Johnny Sins both measured at 7 inches and they are big. Why can't Jack Napier be 8.5 inches? Look at user sdp who regularly contributes to this thread, he is close to 9" but is clearly longer than Napier. How do you explain this?

Wesley Pipes has been in multiple scenes with Jack Napier and was the same size as him. We have Pipes being measured at 8.5 inches. Napier is not 10".

If Napier was 10" then Mandingo would have to be 11" but we all know this isn't true. Mandingo the biggest dick in porn is 9.5" at the most, and there is a mountain of evidence that shows this from many users already on this forum :smile:


Just a side note: I'd never take what a porn actress says to the grave with me, lol.
They're just getting paid to do the dick and get their $$$.
I highly doubt any of them give half of a horse's post-meal shit whether this guy or that guy is x number of inches or not. They're just putting it inside them, not analyzing their measurements.
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At Lex's best I am quite confident he had 9 beat

You have no idea how gigantic a true 9" NBP is. Lex has no girth, that's why he looks very long.
Here's what 9" would look like with 5.25" mid-shaft and 5.75" base girth (and big balls):


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You have no idea how gigantic a true 9" NBP is. Lex has no girth, that's why he looks very long.
Here's what 9" would look like with 5.25" mid-shaft and 5.75" base girth (and big balls):

What size would you puts these other 3 big white cocks at? All look bigger than Lex.


What size would you puts these other 3 big white cocks at? All look bigger than Lex.

Top right is the classic no-context closeup where all cocks look the same size, I'd say about 8" but could be anything from 7" to 8.5".

Bottom left is Pirapus, he looks super long under this angle, not so much otherwise, and the aspect ratio is wrong here. Definitely over 8", possibly close to 9" but wouldn't he show it in full under different angles then?

Bottom right is shopped, made from two pics, same technique as DLD in his infamous measured pic.

But seriously dude, we're off topic in this thread as well. If you really can't keep from posting random internet cock pics, why don't you start a thread dedicated to just that?
The measurement is controversial. Most users on this thread came to the conclusion the ruler is fake but see the attachment. He is not measured at 10". It is also a side measurement and look where the ruler starts at his leg. He is 8.5" tops. Looks a similar size to White Pony.
The ruler is definitely fake. Just look at the hand of the girl is measured 6" and that's not straighten plus it isn't the longest finger. If she had the hand straight she'd have a 8" or even more hand length wich is a really big hand for a woman. Everyone know female pornstars are tiny and have small hands so they can make the penises of pornstars look bigger.
Not sure if these would be of use but as we were discussing Lex, here's some more photographs which in my opinion demonstrate he is not 9" or over.

I swear is it just me or has Lex got smaller with age maybe it's the belly lol in early work he look's massive like maybe 9 as u say but recent trailer for jules jordan he look's nothing special!
I swear is it just me or has Lex got smaller with age maybe it's the belly lol in early work he look's massive like maybe 9 as u say but recent trailer for jules jordan he look's nothing special!

The Jules Jordan website has lost the plot. Jules only interested now in putting Lex or Mandingo with a white women, obviously there is an American market for this but all his other scenes are forgotten about for example Jules Jordan fans over on the adult dvd talk forum were criticising Manuel Ferrara for doing white on white scenes. They never hire any new actors over there. It's always older guys. I think lex is getting too old now for porn but Sean Michaels is absolutely ridiculous but interesting that Michaels looks longer than Lex in his recent scene by Jules Jordan with Nikki Benz. Big dick white guys like Clover or Voodoo are forgotten but Lex and Michaels are not really much bigger. Michaels at his best was probably 8.5" based on the measurement photograph with a bottle. Perhaps I will post that later, it was discussed already.
The ruler is definitely fake. Just look at the hand of the girl is measured 6" and that's not straighten plus it isn't the longest finger. If she had the hand straight she'd have a 8" or even more hand length wich is a really big hand for a woman. Everyone know female pornstars are tiny and have small hands so they can make the penises of pornstars look bigger.

Yes it could be fake. Mark Ashley used the same ruler and got like 9 inches or something, but properly measured in two other photographs he is 7". Even if it is not fake Jack Napier is 8.5" at the most. He doesn't even reach the 10" mark from that photograph so I find it weird some users claim he is a 10".


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Found this one on the web, someone has done a Danny D/Mandingo comparison. Not very reliable in my opinion but good enough to get a brief estimation.


Ok this is kind of a dumb measurement. It's Sean Michaels measured with a shoe. The girl is Marica Hase, her height 5ft 2 inches. We can only estimate her shoe size but it will be small. He is 8.5" tops, maybe just over 8" in this measurement, and yes he has no girth. Imagine the shoe being put on top of the dick, it would cover it all.

Measure Your Shoe Size |

I can't believe she is a shoe size 5. She is probably 4 at the most. That would give 8.1 inches.


The Jules Jordan website has lost the plot. Jules only interested now in putting Lex or Mandingo with a white women, obviously there is an American market for this but all his other scenes are forgotten about for example Jules Jordan fans over on the adult dvd talk forum were criticising Manuel Ferrara for doing white on white scenes. They never hire any new actors over there. It's always older guys. I think lex is getting too old now for porn but Sean Michaels is absolutely ridiculous but interesting that Michaels looks longer than Lex in his recent scene by Jules Jordan with Nikki Benz. Big dick white guys like Clover or Voodoo are forgotten but Lex and Michaels are not really much bigger. Michaels at his best was probably 8.5" based on the measurement photograph with a bottle. Perhaps I will post that later, it was discussed already.

Lex is getting a proper belly and moobs ruins scenes seeing that after the hot women. His still a legend by a mile the best black male performer ever IMO just needs to get on a diet or something maybe his status in the industry makes him very complacent. JJ is weird man what is he doing loses Mandingo last year replaces him with that Prince bloke who I can't stand not big really at all and is 5 years older then Mandingo as well! Michaels was always creepy to me look's like such a creep i think and 57 now man what are u doing you need to retire! IMO michaels is not that big clover and voodoo are defo bigger from what i can see and Clover is far younger give younger guys a chance please i like the way he shoots thou!
Lex is getting a proper belly and moobs ruins scenes seeing that after the hot women. His still a legend by a mile the best black male performer ever IMO just needs to get on a diet or something maybe his status in the industry makes him very complacent. JJ is weird man what is he doing loses Mandingo last year replaces him with that Prince bloke who I can't stand not big really at all and is 5 years older then Mandingo as well! Michaels was always creepy to me look's like such a creep i think and 57 now man what are u doing you need to retire! IMO michaels is not that big clover and voodoo are defo bigger from what i can see and Clover is far younger give younger guys a chance please i like the way he shoots thou!

Dude, I like your posts, but you need to use commas!