Minor injury to head of penis



Bongermann: Ok, so I zipped myself up the other day, no big deal it hurt but Ive done it before and it healed up and didnt have a problem. Well, this time it scabbed over and it reopens whenever I urinate. Is this something that will heal itself or do I need to see a doctor? And is it still OK to have sex before it heals? Any advice is greatly appreciated...
First off, I wouldn't have sex if you want it to heal. Sex tends to involve a lot of friction, and thats never good for healing wounds that can't absorb large amounts of stress.

Second, is the scab near your tip, or is it off a bit? I'm guessing its near the tip since it reopens when you pee. I'd give it a day or so, maybe put some lotion on it or something, and try to keep yourself as soft as possible and see how it does. If it doesn't improve, then you should definately see a doctor.
Bongermann: It's actually right around the hole of the head. It's been there since saturday so I think I'm going to have my mom make an appointment tomorrow. Thanks man.
I wouldn't have sex or jerk off for a bit brah. If you jerk off or have sex, and the scab falls off, you are at risk for an infection. And like, I totally doubt you want an infection of yer tool, yah? I know it'll be difficult and junk, but like, it's the best thing to do. Besides, you get to enjoy the wonderful world of wet dreams again ;)
I´m not a doctor, but have certain knowledge.
1) As Nix says, avoid sex and masturbation.
2) Try to keep it clean and dry.
3) Some cream or powder with A vitamin will definitely help to heal faster.
Yah, I too am so not a doc. But like, wouldn't some neosporin help to keep it from getting infected? I mean, the cock is in a warm place, plus a lot of guys get sweaty down there.
Originally posted by surferboy@Feb 8 2005, 08:13 PM
Yah, I too am so not a doc. But like, wouldn't some neosporin help to keep it from getting infected? I mean, the cock is in a warm place, plus a lot of guys get sweaty down there.
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Totally agree with you Nixxy. Some Neosporin would definitely help. Just keep it clean and dry as possible. I would even recommend cleaning it after urinating as well due to the placement of the cut. You may even wish to try that liquid Band-Aid stuff too. Best of luck and be careful!
Don´t know the whole composition of neosporin. Check that it doesn´t have "betametasone" or similar, since it will not accelerate skin healing.
If you wanna clean it after urinating, soap and water wil be OK. DO NOT USE ANY PRODUCT WILL ALCOHOL!!!!,
Bongermann: Well, Ive been patting it dry with kleenex after I urinate, and occasionally going to the bathroom to whipe it dry. It seems to be getting better... Lets hope it doesnt scar :unsure: Anyways, thanks for the advice, it seems to be working.
Being one of the last to respond (as i tend to be) Ill agree with everyone, dont ahve sex or jerk off at all, and just keep it clean and dry. Antiseptics dont hurt either like neosporin and whatnot, just stick to what you've been doing, you said it seems to be helping.
I'd say tio be mor concerned about infections rather than scarring. I mean, a scar can be bad and junk, but I'd take a scared cock over an infected one. Oh wait...I already have a scar from when I was circumsized :p
Originally posted by Bongermann@Feb 8 2005, 06:02 AM
Ok, so I zipped myself up the other day, no big deal it hurt but Ive done it before and it healed up and didnt have a problem. Well, this time it scabbed over and it reopens whenever I urinate. Is this something that will heal itself or do I need to see a doctor? And is it still OK to have sex before it heals? Any advice is greatly appreciated...
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Well, the advice portion of my post will just be don't do anything to exacerbate it.

Now a quick question; Why, on the first time you noticed it, the scabbing, didn't you call the doctor?

Get off your ass now, don't look back and hightail it over to your urologist. Don't bother to turn off the PC, we'll all be here waiting for the news, now MOVE IT!!
See a doctor NOW! I'd be worried about infections. As a rule, cuts and abrasions can become infected. On something like the penis, this infection can spread rapidly.
Bongermann: Eh, it cleared itself up. I woke up today to find the scab fell off by itself and it appears to just have a slight mark where it was. All is good on my penis!
Originally posted by Bongermann@Feb 13 2005, 12:35 AM
Eh, it cleared itself up. I woke up today to find the scab fell off by itself and it appears to just have a slight mark where it was. All is good on my penis!
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Glad yer cock is fine brah. I'm shure the mark will clear itself up as well.