Monsta X Wonho

Screw the nose job. That’s super common in with kpop idols. Does anyone here think his military enlistment is fake and this is all some sort of cover up? Idk… I just think it’s very weird that there’s no proof that he’s currently in the military. No photos, no fans saw him in intake, no videos of his head getting shaved, no fan sightings of him doing his job, and no confirmation that he actually ever completed training. It’s so weird that all of this stuff is hidden with him, but other idols who are far more popular and have done public work like him in the military had at least their military pics at graduation shown.

this is all either being saved for a YT channel or it’s a cover up for something. And if it is a cover up, I’m gonna laugh when he gets exposed by some Korean person
some idols decide to keep their service private because it's the one time in their careers they can actually get a break from their fans. I'm pretty sure he's a public service worker anyways so he's in an office all day doing a regular 9-5 job. there's no conspiracy lmao. he's been gone almost a year, if he wasn't actually enlisted he'd be in prison
some idols decide to keep their service private because it's the one time in their careers they can actually get a break from their fans. I'm pretty sure he's a public service worker anyways so he's in an office all day doing a regular 9-5 job. there's no conspiracy lmao. he's been gone almost a year, if he wasn't actually enlisted he'd be in prison
Thank you. I rolled my eyes so hard at their post lol.
I can confirm this as well. I went to a hi touch event for the 2017 MONSTA X tour and this is what happened. All the other members just did a hi five and Wonho did too for my sister. But for me (a guy), he locked fingers with me and looked right in my eyes and smiled. I was actually pretty surprised.

I can feel my heart pounding just reading that :heart_eyes:... which means I'd probably pass out if it happened to me :laughing:
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Woke up this morning missing him , I hope this next year passes by fast. Tbh I hope he leaves Starship/Highline after he finishes his military service and signs with a label which makes more use of him. I hope he releases another photobook (maybe more raunchier than the last one) or teams up with these body profile instagram accounts like STEALER etc.